Zimbabwe Is Not A Zanu PF Private Entity – Chibaya
10 June 2020
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Zim Is Not A Zanu PF Private Entity

Mon, 08 Jun 2020 16:30:00 GMT

By Amos Chibaya

The unprecedented military invasion of Morgan Richard Tsvangirai House, the MDC Alliance headquarters by heavily armed military and police force is a deplorable fascist act meant to negate and frustrate the people’s struggle fronting a lost cause led by misguided Zanu Pf zealots.

The arrest of the Party’s Deputy Presidents and National leadership does not deter but further motivates us to brace for the battle ahead.

Whilst we remain in solidarity with our arrested leaders, we will not allow the enemy to succeed in its attempt to intimidate us.

The struggle is real and we are ready for it.

It remains our duty to protect the People’s President Adv Nelson Chamisa and the movement against this targeted attack and we shall not back down.

No amount of Zanu Pf interference will deter us and we shall never take or obey such orders.

We remain resolute and guided by the National Council resolutions of the 3rd of June 2020, we remain the MDC Alliance with a constitutionally elected leadership.

We are therefore encouraging all our Provincial Executive Committees, CCCs and all branch structures to gear up and start Party work in full force. Calendarised meetings, programs and mobilisation activities should go ahead as communicated before in observance of the COVID-19 regulations of social distancing and wearing of masks.

We will not be cowed or intimidated into submission to unjust laws, no leader can ever be imposed on us. We remain guided by the wishes and aspirations of the people. The goal remains to fight for a people’s government led by Adv Nelson Chamisa.

We are entering a phase that requires vigilance and unity. No backing down, forward we shall march until we liberate Zimbabwe.

The unfortunate events leading to the capture of our HQ shall be challenged accordingly, victory is certain.

Zimbabwe is not a Zanu Pf Pvt Ltd entity, it is for all Zimbabweans where every one has a right to political choice and unqualified freedoms.

Hon A Chibaya MDC Alliance National Organising Secretary

Amos Chibaya