Khupe And Cabal Are Desperate ZANU PF Surrogates – MDC Alliance Namibia
1 July 2020
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Thokozani Khupe with members of her Mashonaland East leadership.

30 JUNE 2020

Mdc Alliance Namibia Rundu branch leadership angrily dismissed the fake constitutionalists as Zanupf surrogates aimed at causing confusion and divert the genuine fight against corruption and economic meltdown. Khupe, Komichi , Mashakada, Mudzuri and Mwonzora have joined Zanupf’s agenda to destroy the Mdc Alliance but that will never transpire.

As Social democrats who are committed to the National Democratic Revolution, we shall radicalise our confrontation to both Zanupf lite led by Thokozanu and the main one led by Ed. Mdc Alliance Rundu Branch made it categorically clear that it will never support anyone who is wining and dining with Zanupf satanists. There is no original Mdc that can be given a platform on Ztv and in Herald. Mwonzora and others must stop their hypocrisy and repent. It is clear that by being given zanupf Police, Army ,Courts and Legislature(Parliament) to destroy Mdc Alliance, you are being condomised by Zanupf.

In addition, Mdc Alliance Namibia is completely aware of the dirty politics that Mwonzora and cabal are playing trying invain to bring down the people’s project. What Khupe should know is that President Adv Nelson Chamisa epitomises Social Democracy therefore he is our ONLY VEHICLE to socio-economic transformation. The leadership pointed out that they did not join Mdc Alliance , they formed it and Nelson Chamisa is our leader currently.

Moreover, our leadership resolved that in Namibia , we shall make sure our people are not swayed by the these stomach politicians who practice politics of plunder and self-aggrandisement. Mdc Alliance Rundu Branch Youth Commander Misheck Bunga made it categorically clear that Thokozanu and others are now Zanupf people. The Youths declared Namibia a no go area to the Komichis. Our Youths shall protect the people’s project.

On the recall of our Mps, it is clear that its not Mwonzora who is removing them but Ed and Mudenda. This is a serious governance error where a government has dismally failed to implement the separation of powers as emshrined in the constitution. It is clear dictatorship and autocracy, Mwonzora is being exploited for 3pieces of silver. Mdc Alliance amassed 2.6 million according our own figures and 2.1 according to Zec. Khupe got 45 000 people behind her as Mdc T so these are two distinct parties. How can Mwonzora recall our Mps? that is total nonsense!

Mdc Alliance Namibia declared all spaces closed for rebels who masquarading as social democrats anchored on constitutionalism, we shall keep on convassing with our people. We are not answerable to rebels we are resolutely behind Nelson Chamisa our astute President.

Mdc Alliance Namibia
Rundu Branch Spokesperson
Robson Ruhanya