Jonathan Moyo And Zhuwao Tell ANC That Only ZANU PF Can Solve The Country’s Problems.
8 August 2020
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“We don’t believe that there is an alternative political formation in Zimbabwe which can address this crisis.”

Former ZANU PF top officials, Jonathan Moyo and Patrick Zhuwao have appealed to South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) to intervene to end ZANU PF’s factional fights as they believe that there is no other political party in Zimbabwe which can address the current crisis, hence the need to save ZANU PF from itself.

The duo wrote to the ANC of South Africa expressing their hearts out for the party they left in a huff when former President Robert Mugabe was kicked out in a military coup. They said they don’t believe that the main opposition MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa can be a solution.

“We don’t believe that there is an alternative political formation in Zimbabwe which can address this crisis,” they said.

The letter reads as follows:

We are requesting the ANC to positively and substantively intervene to help save the tradition, ethos and values of the liberation movement in Zimbabwe. We believe that the ANC faces a very high risk of having a rogue neighbour north of the Limpopo.

ZANU PF is no longer the liberation movement that it used to be. It is our considered view that the ANC, both as a sister liberation movement and as Africa’s oldest and most democratic liberation movement is best placed to serve Zimbabwe by saving its liberation movement.

It is instructive to note that when the military staged the November 2017 coup in Zimbabwe it presented seven demands to President Mugabe.

Out of the seven, six represented the interest of a ZANU PF faction linked to and supported by the military; and the other demand was about the tenure interests of the military commanders.

In effect, the military coup was about using the gun to dictate and entrench the interests of a ZANU PF faction. This remains the case in Zimbabwe today and explains why ZANU PF remains profoundly divided and why Zimbabwe remains mired in a crippling political and economic crisis with far-reaching implications for the country and its neighbours.

We don’t believe that there is an alternative political formation in Zimbabwe which can address this crisis. We are convinced that it is critically important to confront the elephant in the room which in our view is a liberation movement in Zimbabwe which is physically and hegemonically disintegrating.

In our assessment, while this disintegration is palpable, we believe it can be rescued, reversed and restored. More particularly we think the ANC can play a pivotal role in the rescue, reversal and restoration.

If this is in order, we avail ourselves to a process of engagement and discussion to pinpoint the threats and opportunities that are present.

For ease of reference, we attach herewith, a copy of the seven demands that defined the objectives of the November 2017 military coup in Zimbabwe whose consequences have been devastating on the liberation movement in the country.


Comrade Jonathan Moyo Former ZANU PF Politburo Member and Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development


Comrade Patrick Zhuwao Former ZANU PF Politburo Member and Minister of Labour, Public Service and Social Welfare