The response by South Africa government to send a special envoy to assess the Zimbabwean crisis is a step in the right direction but credibility of any envoy matters.
While we appreciate that President Cyril Ramaphosa has been captured by the current Zimbabwean crisis, it important that he must not treat the current crisis as an inter party dispute.
What we need is a credible special envoy comprising of people with unquestionable mediatory credentials and moral probity.
Of course when your house is on fire you do not necessarily choose who comes to douse the flames but it is equally important to be very cautious of some knavish characters who would add petrol to the blazing house.
It is in that regard that we want to bring to the attention of Mr Ramaphosa the following:
1. Mr Sydney Mafumadi is a compromised character who is benefiting from the current corrupt system where he is a beneficiary of mining syndicates at the expense of suffering Zimbabwean citizens.
2. Miss Baleka Mbete is the very same character who hero worshipped Emmerson Mnangagwa by sanitizing the coup hence her impartiality and integrity is a cause for concern.
3. ANC envoy alone belittles the Zimbabwean crisis as an inter party dispute.
4. We suggest we better have a credible SADC and/or AU member delegation that is not compromised.
*Stephen Sarkozy Chuma*
_MDC_ _Alliance_ _Youth_ _Assembly_ _National_ _Spokesperson_