Mnangagwa Promotes Four Liberation War Veterans Still Serving In The Army
5 September 2020
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Emmerson Mnangagwa has promoted four colonels, who are all ex-combatants from the liberation war, to the rank of Brigadier-General, a few months before their planned retirement.

The policy, now set down in regulations, gives every ex-combatant who joined the Zimbabwe Defence Forces one jump in rank on retirement.

Commander Zimbabwe National Army Lieutenant-General Edzai Absalom Chimonyo conferred new ranks on Brigadier Generals Rufus Chigudu, Edgar Dube, Units Gangata and Alexio Tafirenyika at Army Headquarters Officers, Josiah Magama Tongogara Barracks in Harare, yesterday.

They were promoted six months prior to the date of their retirement.

Speaking at the investiture ceremony, Lt-Gen Chimonyo congratulated the senior officers for their hard work and loyalty during their service to the army from the days of the liberation struggle.

He urged them to go and fit well into civilian life and focus on enhancing the country’s agrarian reform through working the land.

“On behalf of the Commander Defence Forces, General Philip Valerio Sibanda, it is a great honour that I wish to congratulate you on your elevation to the ranks of Brigadier General,” said Lt-Gen Chimonyo.

“The ceremony was delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions, but today we witness the honour of four hard working loyal senior officers promoted to the rank of brigadier general six months prior to their dates of retirement. His Excellency, the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces has promoted you.” Giving a vote of thanks after being conferred with the rank, Brigadier General Dube thanked the Commander Zimbabwe National Army for giving him and his colleagues the recognition. He promised to remain loyal to both the force and the country through enhancing and upholding all Government initiated programmes. -state media