Govt Stands By And Watches As Villagers Lose Livestock To A Mysterious Creature Forcing Them To Engage Witch Hunters.
8 October 2020
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Own Correspondent

Mr Godfrey Ndlovu community leader.

Villagers of Makwe Village in Gwanda North are on the verge of tearing each other apart as they have opted to engage spirit mediums and witch hunters to hunt out a suspected witch within their community who possibly owns a mysterious creature that has to date killed over 120 goats, a pig and also claimed to have slept with some women outside their knowledge.

The villagers have been experiencing mass deaths of their goats to what they believe to be a nocturnal creature that sucks the blood out of their livestock and leaves two puncture/teeth marks on their necks.

Some villagers believe the teeth marks and the fact that the creature leaves no tracks, are sure signs that the thing is a vampire on the loose.

In an interview with a correspondent, a village head said that there were isolated incidents of a similar situation recorded in 2017 and a villager was hunted out as the owner of the mystery beast. The villager was subsequently thrown out of the village.

The palpable terror in the village has been magnified by the fact that the goverment through both the police and the veterinary services department have claimed that there is nothing that they can do to stop the killer beast.

The villagers have since agreed that they will this weekend bring in witch hunters and prophets to fish out the strange thing and find out who brought it into the community.

According to the village head who spoke to the correspondent in the video downloading below, the police, the chief, other traditional leaders and the veterinary department have cleared them to do the potentially chaotic witch hunting ceremony.

Please be patient while the video downloads.