Zim Aligns To SA Level 3 Regulations
3 January 2021
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State Media reports that the Zimbabwe Embassy in South Africa has re-aligned its operations in line with the new Covid-19 regulations under lockdown level 3.

These were announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa this week. 

In a public notice yesterday, the consul-general to Johannesburg, Mrs Melody Chaurura said they were now limiting the number of clients to be served for the next three months. 

“The Consulate has accordingly adopted a raft of measures in adherence to pronounced Covid-19 health protocols and for the safety of our clients and members of staff,” she said. 

Mrs Chaurura said under the new order, all appointments for the period between January 2 and March 26 have been suspended with immediate effect. 

She said the Consulate has also reduced the number of clients to be assisted per day from 600 to 300 people. 

All clients who had confirmed bookings for the period January 2 and March 26 will be informed via their emails on the new appointment dates. 

“In order to extend services, to already booked clients, the booking platform has been temporally closed for new bookings.