Furore As Mnangagwa Aides Throw Football Tournament Into Disarray
3 October 2021
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Own Correspondent|There was chaos at the Braille Under 16 Tournament as the organizers failed to reward participants as per their promise.

The organizers are Shonhiwa and one Eddie from the Presidential Guard barracks in Dzivarasekwa.

“N C Sports Academy qualified for the Braille Under16 Tournament vs Mountain Academy.

Surprisingly the tournament organizers did not have prizes for the tournament ā€¦

The so-called organizer Shonhiwa and one coach Eddie are from army PG Barracks in DZ Harare ,what a shame to the development of Junior Football.

People must not fraudulently take money from parents and teams in the form of tournaments.. .

Junior players must be motivated ,it was a dark day in Kuwadzana yesterday .

Football authorities must take action with against bogus agents. Tournament rules and regulations must be followed ,tough luck to future young warriors of Zimbabwe@ Zimeye Sports,” a sourced wrote to ZimEye.com