President Chamisa Exposes Mnangagwa Glaring Errors
15 September 2022
Tinashe Sambiri|CCC leader President Nelson Chamisa has scoffed at Zanu-PF’s success story mantra, arguing real progress is measured by how people survive in the society.
Addressing thousands of CCC supporters in Chinhoyi on Sunday, President Chamisa said :
“Hurumende hamuudzwi kuti irikugona, unoiona muhomwe mako, unoiona muhembe dzaunopfeka, unoiona mumigwagwa mamunofamba, uniona pamutengo wezvinhu muchitoro, unoiona mu mushonga muzvipatara.
Ndipo panokuudza kuti hurumende yaita.”
On agriculture, President Chamisa said his government will introduce SMART AGRICULTURE to increase yield per hectare.
According the CCC leader, farmers should realize profits from their produce not the losses they are currently experiencing.