Full Text: Mnangagwa Speech At Chiredzi North Rally
10 October 2022
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Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa’s speech at Zanu PF Rally :

We came here after having been invited by Chairman for Masvingo Province to meet you. I want yo thank you for coming here for me to see you. Cde Mavhenyengwa invited me here to Chiredzi the Constituency which had more votes. I’m happy to see the mass, l am happy to see that you are strong. Us as leaders tagutsikana kuti kuno kuChiredzi kune musvo wemusangano.

I heard that here people who were removed from their land still do not have permits. I promise you that you will be given your permits soon.

Here in Masvingo there is a history. During the war there were many land mines. In our Government we don’t forget the struggle you went through. I’m happy to see your patriotism towards your Party and Government. We are forced to do whatever you want. I urge you all to be united in everything you do with ZANU PF.
Kuno ku Chiredzi muri musvo we ZANU PF.

I heard the Minister appreciating the Mwenezi factory that l opened here in Masvingo Province. I heard that you want us to open a guava factory. You are blessed here. ZANU PF is delivering tangable results in agriculture, minning, education to mention a few. ZANU PF ishumbayamuka. Nyika inovakwa igotongwa nevene vayo. Nyika yedu ndeyedu kukapisa tozvitonga kukaita maguta tozvitonga tikaita madiridziro tinenge tichizvitonga.

Musangano we ZANU PF ndewe vanhu.
All these years of independence we were not able to grow wheat we imported wheat from Ukraine. We started to grow more wheat wen the Ukraine stated war with Russia.

Tavakukwanisa kurima gorosi rinotikwanira. Takarova zhara neshamhu
I urge you all farmers to grow more crops.

We should work very hard as a nation for us to have more yields. Let us work hard. The issue of cotton that l heard as a Government we gave cotton seeds for free to farmers now we have found a way for us government to control the Cottco. We bought 40 rigs for the drilling of boreholes in each and every village.

We are pursuing rural modern development. We were given 800million US Dollars by President Paul Kagame for the provision of electricity in the rural areas. Rwanda President Kagame pursued rural modern Development which we are also pursuing. In Mashonaland East we constructed Muchekeranwa dam.

The people who were displaced to pave way for the construction of the dam have been lifted from poverty to prosperity through irrigation schemes brought by Government. So if you are given programs here they benefit you. Agriculture lift people from poverty to prosperity. Here you have lithium in Bikita minerals which is going to bring a lot of revenue for the country.

You have gold in Renco mine, Chrome, asbestos all these despite that we have sanctions imposed on us. We are building a cyber city in Harare. Two months ago the first phase started and this will add 300 Megawatts to the national grid.

We had issues of fuel but we resolved it now people no longer need to queue for fuel. We introduced issue of devolution funds over and 50 billion is coming to provinces for devolution funds in the next budget. We have 16 languages in this country each and every language is now published and is equally important. We recognise that there is no language which is important than the other.

We used to import fertilizer but the youths managed to manufacture our own fertilizer having realised that we have all the required raw materials here. l was in Manhize on Friday for the launch of Manhize Iron and Steel plant which will employ over 6000 people. It is a billion dollar project. From the first of October vanochera gold ne platinum vakubhadhara ma royalties using their minerals isu toisa ku Reserve Bank.

We are now going to have reserves in minerals for our future generations. Brick upon brick gold upon gold lithium upon lithium silver upon silver tichichengeta.
We are rehabilitating roads and constructing dams this is done through the Second Republic. Toda runyararo kubatana nekuwirirana. We will have our general elections next year we want them to be done in peace. We want our young girls and boys to make money not to engage in violence. We came with 60 tonnes of maize 60 tonnes of AN fertilizer 60 tonnes of compound D grease 3 tonnes Knap sacks among other items.

Grateful to MP for Chiredzi North Cde Roy Bhila Biller Code for this mass mobilisation.

It’s the same flag and symbol and authority and same national anthem which we march forward with remembering those who died for this country during the war of liberation. This country is our heritage for our sons and daughter and grandkids. This is our country the Zimbabwe we live and fought for its our own. Those who want to help us should do so under our terms and not their terms.

Zimbabwe is a peace loving country the call for and support for the removal and immediate end to illegal sanctions is commendable.

Zimbabwe is an enemy to non and a friend to all we have created an environment that Zimbabwe is open for business and that nyika inovakwa nevene vayo igotongwa nevene vayo

Let us all take a collective responsibility that we remain a peaceful nation as our Harmonised general elections are next year we are saying no to violence and no to illegal sanctions.

I thank you all for coming





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