Married Woman Seduces Schoolboy
18 October 2022
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A MARRIED Zimunya woman (27) dazzled a 15-year-old boy with her bedroom antics, resulting in him absconding school.

However, this terribly backfired on Ruth Maenzanise who will be a guest of the State for the next 24 months after being convicted of being int!mate with a minor.

She will, however, spend 18 months behind bars after six months of the sentence were suspended for five years on condition that she does not commit a similar offence.

Maenzanise appeared before Mutare magistrate, Ms Perseverance Makala, while Ms Loice Mazvita Kadenha prosecuted.

Ms Kadenha said the two started dating last month in Chitakatira Village.

“The boy visited his friend on September 23 and his friend told him that his landlady had a crush on him.

“The boy told his friend that he was too young to date the woman.

“The following day, the boy visited his friend again and Maenzanise also arrived at the homestead. She opened up about her feelings for the young boy.

“She told him how much she loved and felt about him. The boy could not resist her advances and the two fell in love,” said Ms Kadenha.

On September 25, the two agreed to meet in the evening to consummate their relationship.

The boy’s friend provided the room and the lovebirds were intimate that night.

The boy did not return home and started cohabiting with Maenzanise.

This happened for some days and his concerned mother went to his school to check if he was attending classes.

Since he was not showing up at home, she assumed that he was doing studies with his friend.

The mother found out that her son was no longer coming to school and questioned him about his moves.

However, he did not divulge what was happening.

The boy later explained to the school head what was happening and a police report was made.

Maenzanise was arrested, while the boy was sent for medical examinations.

In court, Maenzanise admitted to sleeping with the teenager.

— Manica Post