Chamisa Must Boycott 2023 Elections Until Sikhala Is Released?
29 October 2022
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By Farai D Hove | CCC president Nelson Chamisa must boycott the upcoming 2023 polls until the day the Zengeza MP Job Sikhala is released, news readers have said.

Writing on Saturday afternoon, Robert Chinama said, there should be no participation until Sikhala is released from prison.

The family spokesperson and lawyer of the murdered CCC activist, Moreblessing Ali, Sikhala, was arrested over mythical and cultural statements he was ordered to announce by the mourning family in honour of the victim and to discourage the ongoing violence. The Ngozi statement he uttered was is a common spiritual chant commanded of communities for more than 5,

“I think as Zimbabweans and CCC suppoters kana mutongo wava Sikhala uri kuuya uyu vakanyimwa bail again let us all not go for the elections coz hazvibatsire kuno voter umwe wedu ari mukati izvozvo zvega zvinotoratidza kuti maelections haasi free and fair.”