Hopewell Chin’ono On Twitter Falsely Accuses Nelson Chamisa Saying He’s Never Told Anyone To Go Register
31 January 2023
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Chinono’ tweet on 1 Jan

By Farai D Hove | Film maker Hopewell Chin’ono’s comments to a suspected ZANU PF spy accusing CCC leader Nelson Chamisa of failing to tell supporters to go register to vote, were on Monday disproved as evidence emerged that Chamisa has done very opposite over a thousand times.

In a 33 minute audio which went viral, Chin’ono is heard saying, the CCC is splitting and Chamisa is incompetent because he has failed to tell people to go register to vote.

“He(Chamisa) spends time tweeting Bible verses instead of telling people go register to vote,” says Chin’ono to the man, audibly identified as Bruce.

Chin’ono then says, ” he himself (Chamisa) did not even come out to tell people to go register.”

A large database of live videos shows that in 2022, alone, Chamisa personally commissioned 964 meetings, and he is on various footage loudly urging and ordering people to go register to vote. 62 of these meetings were either disrupted of cancelled by ZANU PF authorities and some violently crushed. Many party members were killed during Chamisa’s campaigns for people to register to vote.

Chin’ono would later in January publicly announce on Twitter that the CCC and its leader, Chamisa, have not launched any voter registration campaign programs.

“The opposition hasn’t yet mounted an official voter registration campaign, yet it wants power.

“On this day, nothing has changed yet from yesterday, 2022,” he said on Twitter on 1 Jan 2023.

Chin’ono has confirmed the viral 33 minute audio as he joined his colleague Kuda Musasiwa on Twitter in saying there is no new information in the leaked audio.

“Vanopenga ava Mhofu! The level of desperation is embarrassing!,” said Chin’ono conjoining to, ” It’s absolute stupidity that someone “leaks” voice recording of @daddyhope when his free thoughts are always freely available on his personal timeline. When I want to know what Daddy Hope thinks I’ll look at his timeline. Not some clandestine “sting” with zero new information!”

To this, Musasiwa then said Chin’ono should not be afraid to speak his mind.

“Absolute madness. I have never seen you afraid to speak for yourself.

“Any(way) f*** them. Desperation,” he wrote.