Mine Management Tips
4 March 2023
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By A Correspondent
Smart mining

Gold is leading economic booster of major towns and growth points in Zimbabwe .

You have to understand how the economy of gold works .

Gold itself is currency that can be exchanged many times before reaching the reserve bank . You have to pick what meets your personality inorder to cut your piece in this larger cake of natural resource tactfully inorder to save resources and avoid risks.

These opportunities range from setting up a hardware in growth points , setting up a food out in growth points and as close as possible to the mines as possible, construction company, retail shop , clothing shops in growth points and many more .In this post we will cover direct opportunities right inside the mine .

1 Transport and logistics
You buy a truck or tractor to service surrounding mines for a fee depending on local prices.

Consider the following when buying a tractor or truck

1 cheap: in order to compete well you should cut the cost of buying a tractor or truck preferably old model with parts available in the country.
2 reliable: get something that would be accessible easily; with less breakdowns, a good driver who can put up in the Bush with a functioning fone .

3 Affordable your pricing is should be reasonable or inline with local prices for innovators try pay “pay per view model ” . Charging per kilometre .

Budget between 6000usd and 10 000usd . Return on investment around 6months.
Supply of raw materials by loan.

You sell directly to miners explosives, diesel and compressor by loan
Explosives: help them to get a licence to store and use explosives then buy and sell to them at profit inside the licensed mine only .

Diesel supply diesel to miners at loan or agreed fee payment after milling.

Compressor hire : buy a compressor loan for shares and cash payments.

For the above three Budget starts from 2000usd upwards .
Cyanide plant building: Budget 5000usd upwards this cannot be covered in one post .

Selling safety clothing: one of major high income with less capital is selling safety clothing to miners for cash regardless of how many outlets have been opened .

Diesel powered windlass: this is a Chinese version of headgear but cannot be classified as one can move a tonne of ore at once versus 0;1tonne for traditional human powered windlass.
Mine compliance assistance : some people struggle to maintain and meet mining standards they could need financing.
Budget open .

NB there are investments as low as 500usd but difficult to maintain and risky recommended for those already familiar with the industry.

Compiled by Three Wingers Enterprises

For more information

Call /WhatsApp 0774028830 for more

Facebook: Gold Mining Consultancy Zimbabwe

Website: https://www.threewingersenterprises.com