Mwonzora Seeks Postponement Of Polls
16 March 2023
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Mwonzora’s fear of getting zeros votes forces him to file court application to stop harmonized elections

14th March 2023

Wezhira Munya

Earlier today, MDC T president Douglas Douglas Mwonzora, has filed a Constitutional Court application seeking the deferment of the upcoming harmonized elections.

(See the attached copy of Mwonzora’s court application).

Fear to get zero votes during 2023 harmonized elections has forced MDC T Mwonzora to approach high court to stop elections.

Reports from Masvingo show that MDC T under Mwonzora is failing to get candidates to represent it in areas such as Mwenezi, Chiredzi, Masvingo West among others.

In many provinces MDC does not have members or supporters.

MDC T under Mwonzora has disintegrated after many splits. Currently, another part of MDC is being led by Mudzuri.

To avoid embarrassment, Mwonzora has decided to stop elections through courts.

In the moment of excitement last year, Mwonzora declared that he will win 2023 elections by 66%.

However, reality after by elections has proved that MDC T under Mwonzora will not win even one council seat