ZANU PF Officially Tells Villagers 2023 Election All Voters Will Be Coerced To Vote Mnangagwa
10 June 2023
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By Farai Hove | Chances of the August 2023 election being free and fair have fallen to a zero following official instructions by Emmerson Mnangagwa’s party to coerce all voters to select the incumbent.

The below video follows bold instructions by the ZANU PF National Commisssar Mike Bimha copied to Vice President Constantino Chiwenga and Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri that people must cast their votes in clusters of cell structures that will land a comfortable quick win for the party and its leader on 23 August 2023.


The Invalidity of Zimbabwe’s 2023 Election: Coercion and Surveillance Undermine Democracy.

Zimbabwe’s upcoming 2023 election should serve as a pivotal moment for the country, offering an opportunity to reinforce democratic values, promote transparency, and ensure the will of the people is respected. However, disturbing reports have surfaced regarding alleged plans by the ruling party, ZANU PF, to manipulate the electoral process. If true, these actions, including coercing voters to support ZANU PF and monitoring their choices through the notorious FAZ terror group, would undermine the validity and integrity of the election, raising serious concerns about democracy in Zimbabwe.

Coercion and Forced Voting:
One of the fundamental principles of a democratic election is the freedom of choice for voters. Citizens should be able to vote according to their own convictions and preferences, without any form of coercion or intimidation. However, reports indicate that ZANU PF intends to force voters to support their party, thereby depriving citizens of their right to exercise their democratic freedom. This coerced voting not only violates democratic principles but also undermines the legitimacy of the electoral process itself.

Surveillance and the FAZ Terror Group:
In a democracy, the secrecy of the ballot is crucial to ensuring that voters can express their political preferences without fear of retribution. However, reports suggest that ZANU PF plans to employ the notorious FAZ terror group to monitor voters under a cell structure system. This surveillance mechanism strikes at the heart of democratic principles, creating an environment of fear and intimidation, which suppresses the freedom of expression and undermines the integrity of the electoral process.

The Role of Election Monitoring:
Election monitoring plays a crucial role in ensuring the transparency and fairness of an electoral process. Independent observers should be present to guarantee that elections are conducted in accordance with democratic standards. However, the alleged involvement of the FAZ terror group, known for its coercive and violent tactics, raises serious doubts about the independence and objectivity of any monitoring process. Such a scenario would render the entire election monitoring system meaningless and erode public trust in the electoral process.

International Standards and Consequences:
Zimbabwe, like many other nations, is expected to adhere to international standards of free and fair elections. The actions described in the alleged plans of ZANU PF violate the principles set forth by organizations such as the United Nations and regional bodies like the African Union. The international community must closely monitor these developments, as the undermining of democracy in one country can have far-reaching implications for the region as a whole.

The alleged plans of ZANU PF to force voters to support their party and monitor them through the FAZ terror group in the 2023 election would significantly compromise the validity and integrity of the electoral process in Zimbabwe. Coercion, intimidation, and surveillance have no place in a democracy, and their presence undermines the fundamental principles of free and fair elections. It is imperative that the international community remains vigilant and calls for transparency, accountability, and respect for democratic values in Zimbabwe’s electoral process. The future of democracy in the country depends on it.