75 000 Attend Chamisa Mkoba Rally
17 July 2023
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By- Over 75 000 supporters of the opposition, Citizens Coalition for Change, thronged Mkoba stadium in Gweru on Sunday for the party’s August 23 election campaign launch rally.

This is a record number the party leader Nelson Chamisa has ever addressed since the formation of the opposition outfit in January last year.

This 4Everyone rally was kick-starting CCC elections rally campaign as the one which was initially scheduled for Bindura on July 10 2023 was aborted after police refused to grant permission for its take off.

The rally marked CCC President Advocate Nelson Chamisa-s August 23 2023 elections campaign for which the citizens have been waiting for rain, thunder.

Importantly, Citizens Coalition for Change is followed by its multitude of supporters voluntarily without any force behind their attendance. They don’t force people to close market stalls or march them to attend their rallies.

This year’s general elections are key to changing the waning fortunes of the citizens as poverty has taken precedence over once a buoyant economy which has been ravaged by bad governance by Zanu PF

All that people want is the change which comes under the belt of Adv Nelson Chamisa to rebuke the national crisis bedevilling the nation.