Mnangagwa Blames Western Countries For Crisis
29 July 2023
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Speech by President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the Panel discussion between like-minded political parties in Russia

On behalf of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the ruling party, ZANU PF, I am grateful to be part of this platform at the Russia-Africa Summit.

Today, we acknowledge the significant role that Russia played in Africa’s liberation movements and their fight against imperialism.

This historical link between Africa and Russia serves as a moral compass for dismantling various forms of imperialism.

Zimbabwe remains committed to the cause of harmony among nations and revolutionary parties gathered here.

Excellences, comrades, and friends,

Zimbabwe is dedicated to challenging the asymmetrical global world order that exploits the Global South.

Our aim for global integration and multi-lateral cohesion is rooted in the desire for peace, unity and development.

Our support for the Russian Federation as a consistent global ally is unwavering more so that both our nations continue to be subjected to unjust and illegal imperialist sanctions.

The convening of the 2023 Russia-Africa Summit is particularly fitting as Zimbabwe will be having Harmonized Elections on 23 August 2023.

ZANU PF seeks a new mandate from the people of Zimbabwe.

We are emboldened by the fact that we fought a protracted liberation war, with the support of the progressive world, in particular the then USSR and the People’s Republic of China.

As ZANU PF we fought for the democracy, freedom and independence which were denied our people by Western colonisers for over 100 years.

We therefore reject any attempt by the same people to teach us democracy and other forms of interference in our internal affairs, under whatever guise.

The ZANU PF mass revolutionary Party remain the only Party with the interest of the Zimbabwean people at the centre of its ideology.

Zimbabwe under the ZANU PF Government will therefore never capitulate to the machinations of our detractors.

We are confident that the people of Zimbabwe have seen those advancing their development and prosperity.

The puppet pseudo opposition political parties which have instigated the suffering and hardships under illegal sanctions shall once again be rejected by the masses of Zimbabwe.

In the face of continued assault on our sovereignty socio-economic and territorial integrity, the ZANU PF Government of Zimbabwe is engaging with all nations under our foreign policy of “friend to all and enemy of none”.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Zimbabwe’s previous vulnerability to economic isolation, reinforced by illegal regime change sanctions, has led us to value the establishment of a democratic global society.

We draw inspiration from the Founding Fathers of African independence and understand the importance of political and economic liberation for our economic growth.

Colonialism tried to steal our identity; now independence and renewed resolve to be masters over our own resources and our own destiny is restoring our sense of pride, self belief and dignity.

Consequently, we take pride in our development philosophy that, “A country is built and ruled by its own people”. Nyika inovakwa, inotongwa nevene vayo. Ilizwe lakhiwa, libuswa ngabanikazi balo.

Hence, over the past five years, ZANU PF has been focused on delivering rapid economic growth and has fulfilled promises made to the people of Zimbabwe in 2018.

Under the motto of “Leaving no one and no place behind,” we have prioritized agriculture towards attaining both household and national food security.

Additionally, infrastructure development focusing on economic enablers such as energy, transport networks and dam construction as well as irrigation development to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Concurrently, our education system has evolved to emphasise science, technology and innovation to leap-frog modernisation and industrialisation of our economy.

ZANU PF has implemented pro-people sustainable development initiatives aligned with our people’s desire for prosperity and a higher quality of life. We implemented the concept of devolution, ensuring participatory governance and service delivery that reaches the ordinary citizens.

Additionally, we have seen a mining sector growth grow about three fold from a US$2.8 billion to a $12 billion mining industry, in less than 5 years, riding on our abundant geological resources. Our government aims to transform Zimbabwe into an upper-middle- income economy by 2030.

Based on the unprecedented rate of delivery of people-centred and life transforming policies, programmes and projects, we are confident of a resounding win for ZANU PF in the upcoming Harmonized General Elections.

The Government of Zimbabwe welcomes international observers and the media to witness our success.

I want to assure the international community that our Harmonized General Elections will be peaceful, free and credible. The people of Zimbabwe are a humble and peace- loving nation.

We denounce all forms of violence and strive for a united nation before, during and elections. This is what we desire for ourselves as the united people of Zimbabwe. We invite progressive
members of the international community to support us in our pursuit of peace, security, development and prosperity.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express the solidarity of ZANU PF to this noble cause.

I thank you