By-Zanu PF President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the weekend humiliated his former co-Vice President, Report Phelekezela Mphoko, at the party’s election campaign rally in Nkayi.
Mphoko made a surprise public appearance at the Zanu PF Presidential Star Rally held at Nkayi Business Centre.
He was among members of the G40 group who were fired from the ruling Zanu PF party after the November 2017 military coup.
The party also fire him from the position of Vice President and Second Secretary for siding with the late President Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace.
Mphoko was fired on the day the party also displaced the militarty coup ousted President Mugabe from the position of party First Secretary and replaced him with Emmerson Mnangagwa.
Since the November 2017 coup, Mphoko has not been seen in public events, and Sunday was his first time appearing at a Zanu PF event.
Soon after taking to the podium to address the rally, Mnangagwa acknowledged Mphoko’s presence, before undressing him.
“Former Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko is here. Undoda lo sakhula sonke siyazana sasisenza izinto ezinengi kodwa angisoze ngazikhuluma. Ngiyabonga ukuthi namhla ubuye ngapha to support me. I’m am very grateful he came to support me (We grew up together with this gentleman and we did many things together, which I will not talk about. I am happy that today he came here to support me),” he said.