Grade 7 girl kills self
16 September 2023
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A 13 year old girl in Mutare, killed herself after being reprimanded by her mother.

Shylet Matanhire, a 7th grade student at Maps Primary School, consumed rat poison on Sunday evening following an argument with her mother over returning home late.

According to interviewed relatives, Shylet left her siblings alone and went away with a 15-year-old boy (name withheld) who stays nearby.

Shylet had gone out that day without informing her siblings. She did not return until 8pm, prompting concern from her mother Mai Matanhire. After being questioned about her whereabouts, Shylet went into her mother’s room. She took rat poison and consumed it.

She confessed what she had done and was rushed by neighbours to a local clinic before being transferred to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital. Despite medical treatment, Shylet succumbed to organophosphate poisoning in the early hours of Monday.

Shylet was laid to rest on Tuesday amid mourning from family and community. Her aunt Sophia Mazeya expressed shock, saying Shylet was typically well-behaved. Inspector Norbert Muzondo of the Manicaland police confirmed the case is under investigation.