Mnangagwa To Be Humiliated At UN
18 September 2023
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By James Gwati- President Emmerson Mnangagwa will likely face humiliation at the 78th United National General Assembly conference in New York, United States of America, starting today.

Monday, his Zanu PF party national spokesman, Christopher Mutsvangwa, announced that Mnangagwa would attend the UN Conference.

Mutsvangwa announced at a post-politburo meeting press briefing in Harare on Friday.

Several human rights activists from across the globe are calling on the UN Conference to embarrass Mnangagwa over the sham August 23 elections.

His government’s spin doctor, Nick Mangwana, confirmed the calls on his X account.

Mnangagwa’s attendance at the world body conference comes after his controversial inauguration, which was snubbed by the region following his controversial victory in the August 23 harmonised elections.

The election was condemned by SADC, AU and all the international community observer missions that witnessed the polls.

Mnangagwa ignored all this and appointed a bloated cabinet comprising his sons and friends.
“We would also want to announce that the President will be going to the UN General Assembly. You know of course that the President has received the letter of congratulation from the UN Secretary General (Antonio Guterres),” said Mutsvangwa.
“Now you need to understand that the UN Sec-Gen is a civil servant of the UN of which there is the General Assembly but there is also the Security Council members with the veto power, UK, France, America, China and Russia so when the SG issues a statement, it is because all the important stakeholders in the Security Council have agreed to that statement. It means Washington endorsed the position of the SG in congratulating Zimbabwe, it means London endorsed that congratulatory letter; otherwise he would not have issued it.”
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