Mnangagwa Terror Continues
28 September 2023
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CCC statement on terror in Mashonaland Central…

In a province perceived to be a stronghold of Zanu PF, citizens in Mashonaland Central, particularly in Muzarabani, Rushinga, and Mt Darwin, have come forward with harrowing accounts of pre, during, and post-election violence and intimidation. These citizens, strongly believe that the just-ended election was far from being free and fair. #FreshElectionsZW🇿🇼

Gift Ostallos Siziba statement…

“We had said to @ZECzim even in a flawed process, they were supposed to announce accurate results. The 52.6% awarded to Mr. Mnangagwa does not even represent ZEC’s flawed process. The announced results do not align with what the ZEC gathered from polling stations. This 52.6% cannot be verified and does not reflect the true will of the Zimbabwean people. The mood when the results were announced tells a story in itself; no data is needed to prove it. It was a somber atmosphere, akin to a funeral. The day after the flawed election, Zimbabweans were concerned, shocked, and saddened because they knew that the announced results did not reflect their true votes.” @Cde_Ostallos #FreshElectionsZW🇿🇼