Mnangagwa In Fresh Bid To Destroy CCC
4 October 2023
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By A Correspondent

In a stunning turn of events, an official representing Douglas Mwonzora’s faction of the opposition in Zimbabwe, purportedly aligned with the CCC (Citizens Coalition for Change), has sent a formal letter to the parliament, demanding the recall of several legislators associated with the nation’s popular leader, Nelson Chamisa.

This development coincides with an announcement by Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi, who declared his intentions to take punitive actions against Chamisa’s MPs for their absence during President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s recent parliamentary speech, which was condemned by the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Speaking about the matter, Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi stated yesterday that he had received instructions to penalize MPs affiliated with the CCC. This move raises concerns about the potential political repercussions in Zimbabwe.

Remarkably, this development seems to echo historical patterns, as it appears to be part of a broader strategy by the ruling ZANU PF party. The recall of opposition legislators has been employed as a political tool since November 1980, when Joshua Nkomo’s legislators faced similar challenges, continuing through to 2022 with Nelson Chamisa’s MPs.

Notably, commentator and media lecturer Pedzisai Ruhanya expressed skepticism about the legitimacy of Sengezo Tshabangu, who claims to be the CCC Secretary-General (SG).

Ruhanya alleged that Tshabangu had written to the ZANU PF Speaker of Parliament and the Local Government Minister, purporting to recall CCC MPs and councillors.

Ruhanya asserted that the CCC does not have such a post of SG, insinuating that ZANU PF might be resorting to familiar tactics for political maneuvering. He even displayed the letter in question, raising doubts about its authenticity.

Ruhanya posted on X:

“A former MDC-T and PDP official Sengezo Tshabangu, who purports to be CCC SG has written to ZANU PF Speaker of Parliament and Local Gov Minister purporting to recall CCC MPs, councillors. CCC has no such post of SG. In the past ZANU PF used Dhagi for these dirty games. “

This recent controversy evokes memories of 2019 when Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda faced intense scrutiny. During that time, Simba Chikanza conducted a live, on-camera interview with Mudenda in Belgrade, Serbia, where it was revealed that Mudenda had withdrawn allowances from Nelson Chamisa’s legislators as a punitive measure for walking out during Emmerson Mnangagwa’s speech. This action subsequently led to an indictment for war crimes against Mudenda in Serbia, rendering him unable to return to that country.

As this story unfolds, Zimbabweans are left to ponder the implications of these political maneuvers and their potential impact on the nation’s political landscape. The recall of MPs, the authenticity of documents, and international repercussions loom large as Zimbabwe grapples with this latest chapter in its complex political history.

A comment from Douglas Mwonzora and Mr Sengezo Tshabangu had not been obtained at the time of writing.