Zim Journalist Had Her Parly Accreditation Shredded Into Pieces For Asking South Korea’s Views On Mudenda’s Illegality
23 October 2023
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A Zimbabwean journalist had her parliamentary accreditation shredded into pieces and banned from covering sittings after she asked a South Korean Ambassador to Zimbabwe Park Jae-Kyung her position on the recall of opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislators by Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda.

Park Jae-Kyung had paid a courtesy call to Mudenda at his office.

According to sources, the journalist Anna Chibhamu who writes for NewZimbabwe.com asked Jae-Kyung on South Korea’s position with regards to the recall of opposition CCC legislators by one Sengezo Tshabangu.

“She asked the South Korean Ambassador about his views on the political situation in Zimbabwe and the recent recall of opposition legislators by Tshabangu and this did not go down well with Mudenda.

“She had her parliamentary accreditation torn into pieces in front of other journalists and told never to cover parliament again.
“She was also removed from the parliamentary journalists WhatsApp group,” the source told ZimEye.

Opposition legislators have accused Mudenda of abusing his position by accepting a letter written by Tshabangu who claimed to be the Secretary General of the Citizens Coalition for Change while ignoring several correspondences from party leader Nelson Chamisa.
Mudenda has also come under fire over his recent decision to bar CCC legislators from parliament for six sittings and withdrawing their allowances and fuel coupons.