Former Zim Ambassador Accused Of Deceiving Women Before Defrauding Them Of US$193k
12 November 2023
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Shamiso Fred, Zimbabwe’s former honorary consul to the United Arab Emirates, recently appeared in the Harare Magistrates Court on charges of defrauding a group of women.

Fred, along with her organisation, the African Business Woman Association (ABWA), is accused of deceiving the women into investing a total of US$193,000.

According to the state’s case, Fred allegedly advertised on various social media platforms, inviting clients to invest in ABWA.

She claimed that the organisation specialised in egg production and dairy farming, NewsDay reported.

Prospective investors were required to pay a non-refundable joining fee of USD$39 and invest varying amounts of money depending on the project.

Those interested in the egg production business had to invest US$1,000, while those interested in the dairy farming project had to invest US$2,000.

In return, they were promised monthly profits of US$250 for egg production and US$450 for the dairy project.

It is alleged that 16 individuals invested various amounts totalling US$196,553 and £2,072 between December 2020 and October 2022.

However, when their investments matured, only three investors received a total of US$19,005 as their share of the profits.

The remaining investors did not receive any returns on their investments.

The complainants, most of whom reside outside the country, reported the fraudulent activities to the police, leading to Fred’s arrest.

She appeared before Magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa, who granted her bail of US$500.
