ZIMSEC Announces Release Of 2023 Results Certificate
20 February 2024
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By A Correspondent| The Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council (ZIMSEC) has announced that Ordinary and Advanced Level certificates for 2022 and June 2023 examinations are now out and ready for collection at schools and centres.

Posting on social media, ZIMSEC said the certificates have already been dispatched for collection urging candidates to collect.

“Ordinary and Advanced Level certificates for November 2022 were released and sent to provinces for further collection by centres in August 2023.June 2023 Ordinary and Advanced level certificates were sent out in December 2023.Contact your school/ centre to collect your certificates,” said ZIMSEC.

Meanwhile, ZIMSEC has announced examination fees for the 2024 June and November sittings with government chipping in to subsidize especially for rural learners.