U.S. President Cancels Executive Order On ZANU PF, Is This Biti’s Work?
4 March 2024
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**Washington, D.C., March 4, 2024** – In a significant move, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. has declared the termination of the national emergency status concerning Zimbabwe, revoking several executive orders that have been in place for over two decades. The original declaration was made in Executive Order 13288 on March 6, 2003, by then-President George W. Bush, targeting individuals within the Zimbabwean government accused of undermining the country’s democratic processes and institutions. Subsequent orders in 2005 and 2008 expanded these sanctions in response to continued human rights abuses and public corruption.

President Biden, while still expressing concerns over violence, human rights abuses, and corruption in Zimbabwe, stated that the conditions no longer necessitate the national emergency’s continuation. This announcement marks a significant shift in U.S. policy towards Zimbabwe, signaling a potential thaw in bilateral relations after years of tension.

The termination of the emergency status revokes Executive Orders 13288, 13391, and 13469, effectively lifting the economic and political sanctions imposed under these orders. However, the President’s statement clarified that this action would not affect any ongoing or pending actions or proceedings initiated under the orders, nor would it impact any rights, duties, or penalties that arose prior to the termination.

The White House emphasized that the decision was made in accordance with the National Emergencies Act and other relevant U.S. laws, ensuring that all actions are consistent with legal and budgetary requirements. It also stressed that the termination does not impair the authority of any executive department or agency or affect the functions of the Office of Management and Budget.

This move has sparked various reactions, with some viewing it as a step towards re-engaging with Zimbabwe and encouraging reforms, while others express caution, highlighting the ongoing issues of governance and human rights in the country. The international community and stakeholders within Zimbabwe are closely watching the implications of this policy change, hopeful for positive developments in the nation’s democratic processes and human rights situation.