Rushwaya Accused Of Swindling Indian Investor Of US$ 1 Million In Botched Mining Deal
5 March 2024
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President of Zimbabwe Mining Federation (ZMF) Henrieta Rushwaya is a person of interest following allegations that she swindled Indian investors of USD1 million in a botched mining deal, a local online has reported.

Rushwaya allegedly misrepresented to an Indian based company, NV Group that is now being represented by Colonel S S Sidhu in Zimbabwe.

The local online further alleges that Rushwaya’s associate identified as Ashif Adil approached NV group and claimed to be representing President Emmerson Mnangagwa in foreign investments.

“Our chairperson expressed his desire to meet the President and do business in Zimbabwe and he connected Rushwaya on the phone who then claimed that she is speaking on the behalf of the President. Rushwaya had expressed to come to India thereafter but her visa was rejected because of her past deeds. She tried a lot to get the Indian visa but could not get it.

“Thereafter she came to meet the Chairman at Dubai with her 7-8 member team whom she demanded to be put up in a 5 star hotel and all traveled business class from here to Dubai and back. All details are with the police,” said Sidhu.

Investigations established that Rushwaya told investors that he was President Mnangagwa’s niece.

When pressing for payment, Rushwaya allegedly threatened Colonel Sidhu that the deal would collapse if he does not pay at least close to half a million in greenbacks.

“Ask Dehli for the following:
“Ref for the $200 000
“Progress on ARDA as they are likely to terminate the deal since their requests have not been met to date,” wrote Rushwaya in a message extracted from a Whats App thread that leaked to this publication.

In an exclusive interview with the local online, Sidhu confirmed that he has reported the matter to Zimbabwe Republic police who have since instituted investigations.

Circumstances are that Rushwaya approached the investors and name dropped the President’s name.

She received USD1 million and this publication is in possession of the communication with the the NV group chief executive and proof of payment paper trail.

Investigations by this publication established that Rushwaya is now evading the investors after squandering the money and taking them to a defunct mine at Mufurudzi game park.

She could not be reached for comment at the time of writing.

-The Express Mail