Zimbabwe is run by highly tribalistic, divisive, corrupt and ever emotional former members of a razzmatazz ZANU pf armed wing known as ZANLA. Its war strategy was to shoot randomly and run for dear life. They lacked political capacity to plan how Zimbabweans, in their diversity, would govern themselves in the envisaged post colonial Zimbabwe , they had no clear succession plan, no economic plan, just a bunch of political drama queens, kings and clowns who later gained fame in the whole world for everything politically wrong.
They believe that dividing people based on tribal or racial lines to marginalize and oppress those they deem not Zimbabwean enough is good governance. They think that spilling innocent blood of Matabeles is the most exiting part of their dirty sport. They think that corruption and plundering of the resources is self empowerment. They think that practising witchcraft and performing human sacrifices is justified to please demonic spirits that control and direct the Zanupf leadership who sold the country to the Devil so as to be given power in 1980. Many Shona people do not know that Robert Mugabe sold the country to the Devil to be declared winner of 1980 elections which he did not win. Since then Zanupf has remained a cult.
The ideological and intellectual poverty is evident and crystal clear now more than ever before. Chickens have come home to roost.
Due to lack of clear succession plan and dictatorial tendencies in the Zanu pf government, Zimbabwe risks being turned into a hereditary dictatorship like North Korea that is ruled by the Kim family. Robert Mugabe nearly achieved it when his wife Grace Mugabe was one interface rally away from being named as late President Mugabe’s successor.
The incumbent President of Zimbabwe Mr Mnangagwa is putting his ducks in a row. His close family members including his wife, children, grand children, in-laws, cousins, aunts, nieces and fellow Karangas have taken all strategic positions probably to prepare for a Mnangagwa third term or take over by one of their own. That is a second attempt by another Shona tribe to turn Zimbabwe into a Karanga dynasty.
Joshua Nkomo, President of ZAPU saw it coming. Just six years into independence in 1986 he said, “the hardest lesson of my life has come to me late. It is that a nation can win freedom without its people becoming free.” He further said, “no country can live by slogans, pasi (down with) this and pasi that.” That was an accurate prediction of what is happening today.
It is in the public domain that the binary state named Zimbabwe, that came into existence on 18 April 1980, is living on borrowed time. Irked by the unresolved Matabele genocide of 1981- 87, tribal oppression, tribal hegemony, tribal discrimination, gross human rights abuse, witchcraft, uncontrolled and unpunished corruption and failure to run the economy by the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe, Matabeleland Liberation Organisation, in 2015, served the same government with a Notice Of Demand For The Restoration Of Matabeleland State. Due to its nature of dishonesty and deceit the government of Zimbabwe has made no effort to inform the Zimbabweans or Shona people and more importantly, the investors that as of 2015, Matabeleland became a contested territory.
Zimbabwe AKA Mashonaland will further fragment into smaller chieftains, an order that existed in Mashonaland pre colonialism. Manyikas and Ndao people in Manyikaland that are viewed as not Shona enough to produce the President of Zimbabwe could be the next Shona group that may pull out of Zimbabwe and be led by their chief.
Manicaland is rich in diamond, oil, gas and huge estates but the masses of Manicaland do not benefit from their resources. It has produced many good leaders like Ndabaning Sithole, Herbert Chitepo, Edgar Tekere, Arthur Mutambara and the ZANU PF noisy lot, Patrick Chinamasa and Christopher Mutsvangwa. No matter how good they are, they have never made it to the highest position of the President of Zimbabwe thanks to tribalism. They are seen as foreigners from Mozambique.
Patrick Chinamasa and Christopher Mutsvangwa were used by Mugabe as political security guards to secure the Zezuru- Korekore rule. The two formed a formidable security team.
Their good performance could not go without being noticed by Emmerson Mnangagwa, a long time Mugabe aide. He roped them into his team to play the similar role. Everyone knows that before you get to Mnangagwa or Karangas, you have to pass through Patrick Chinamasa and Christopher Mutsvanga. But whether they know it or not, they will never rise to the highest position in the land.
The Zezuru- Korekore Alliance is to blame for allowing the demon of tribalism to thrive in Zimbabwe. Actually, they rode on the tribal demon for 37 good years only to fall on their own sword in 2017 when one of their own, Rt General Constantino Chiwenga, bereft of political education and totally ignorant of the Zezuru-Korekore Alliance tribal political game, staged a coup that removed Mugabe from power. And that was the end of the Zezuru dynasty.
Zezurus have been calling the shots in Zimbabwe for 37 years in which they became addicted to power and life of luxury. They will not live in the political wilderness for too long. After a few attempts to political glory, they will give up, unite Harare, Central Mashonaland, Mashonaland East and West Province to go back to the pre- colonial political set up when they were ruled by a Chief.
The Karangas will hold on to Masvingo Province. After tasting political power and experiencing the pain of being ruled by fellow tribalists they will not allow any other tribe to rule them again.
Kembo Mohadi is the last person to be considered as successor by Emmerson Mnangagwa due to his Matabele back ground. Even if Mnangagwa manages to impose him as his puppet, he will not last a second in office. The anti Matabele Shona masses from ZANU PF and opposition will unite and chase him out of Harare and he would be lucky to leave Mashonaland in one piece. For now Emmerson Mnangagwa is using him as a decoy to confuse and frustrate the Zezuru-Korekore Alliance under the presumptive leadership of Rt General Constantino Chiwenga AKA Dominic Chinhenge. Emmerson Mnangagwa wishes and plans to declare himself Zimbabwe Life President but if he fails he will push for one of his sons David or Kuda or Emmerson Junior or his wife Auxilia to be President and if all these fail his last choice is his brother General Philip Valerio Sibanda the current Commander of Zimbabwe Defence Forces.
Mohadi is from the powerful Matabele nation but he has no backing of Matabele masses. Matabeles no longer want to be part of Zimbabwe due to 44 long years of Matabele genocide, tribal oppression, Shona domination, tribal discrimination, dehuminisation and demonisation. Constantino Chiwenga leads a deeply divided Zezuru- Korekore Alliance which is angry with him for taking political power from their god farther Robert Mugabe to hand it over to Emmerson Mnangagwa on a silver platter.
The biggest question in Mashonaland right now is which Shona tribe will rule Zimbabwe permanently and continuously control the vast wealth or which Shona tribe will allow itself to be ruled by another to miss out on the plundering of national resources? In Matabeleland the question is when will Matabeleland regain its independence and sovereignty from Zimbabwe?
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs