DA Wins 75% Total Votes From Diaspora
2 June 2024
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Democratic Alliance Secures 75% of Diaspora Votes in South Africa’s General Election.

By Lesley K Dube | In a remarkable victory, the Democratic Alliance (DA) has captured 75.3% of the diaspora votes in South Africa’s general election. This overwhelming support from South Africans abroad underscores the DA’s strong presence and appeal among expatriates.

The Electoral Commission of South Africa confirmed that 100% of the international votes have been counted. The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) received 4.4% of the diaspora votes, while the African National Congress (ANC) garnered 3.92%.

A total of 58,802 South Africans living abroad were registered to vote in this election. However, the voter turnout was 67%, with 39,116 votes cast, of which 32 were spoilt ballots. The highest number of votes came from South Africans residing in the United Kingdom, reflecting a significant expatriate community’s engagement in the electoral process.

DA leader John Steenhuisen commented on the results, stating, “We are not ruling anything out, but our first loyalty is to the multiparty charter.” This sentiment reflects the DA’s commitment to building broad-based coalitions to drive governance and policy.

National Vote Count Nears Completion

On the domestic front, vote counting has surpassed the 90% mark nationwide, with only the Northern Cape having completed its official count and verification. Out of 21,000 polling stations that have confirmed their ballot counts, the ANC leads with 41.03% of the national vote. This represents a significant decline of 16% from the 2019 elections.

In the Northern Cape, the ANC secured nearly 50% of the vote. Despite the overall results, the ANC is set to remain the leading party in seven out of nine provinces. However, in critical regions like Gauteng, the ANC will need to form coalitions to establish a governing majority.

In KwaZulu-Natal, the MK Party is projected to become the largest party with 45.5% of the vote. Meanwhile, the DA is expected to retain control of the Western Cape with just over 53%, as counting in the province nears completion.

These results highlight the shifting political landscape in South Africa, with the DA’s strong performance abroad and the need for coalition governments becoming increasingly apparent at home. The final stages of vote counting and verification will determine the precise makeup of the new government and its capacity to address the diverse needs of the South African electorate.

Vote Tally Report

This following report summarizes the total votes received by each political party as of 3 am Sunday morning, including their percentage support. The data represents the combined results from local and diaspora (international) vote tallies.

Detailed Results

  1. ANC (African National Congress)
  • Total Votes: 6,443,828
  • Percentage Support: 40.19%
  1. DA (Democratic Alliance)
  • Total Votes: 3,494,152
  • Percentage Support: 21.79%
  1. M.K.
  • Total Votes: 2,338,369
  • Percentage Support: 14.59%
  1. EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters)
  • Total Votes: 1,524,220
  • Percentage Support: 9.51%
  1. IFP (Inkatha Freedom Party)
  • Total Votes: 617,757
  • Percentage Support: 3.85%
  1. PA (Patriotic Alliance)
  • Total Votes: 330,018
  • Percentage Support: 2.06%
  1. VF PLUS (Freedom Front Plus)
  • Total Votes: 217,875
  • Percentage Support: 1.36%
  • Total Votes: 190,623
  • Percentage Support: 1.19%
  1. ACDP (African Christian Democratic Party)
  • Total Votes: 96,270
  • Percentage Support: 0.6%
  1. UDM (United Democratic Movement)
    • Total Votes: 78,248
    • Percentage Support: 0.49%
  2. RISE
    • Total Votes: 67,650
    • Percentage Support: 0.42%
  3. BOSA
    • Total Votes: 65,607
    • Percentage Support: 0.41%
  4. ATM
    • Total Votes: 63,440
    • Percentage Support: 0.4%
    • Total Votes: 39,056
    • Percentage Support: 0.24%
  6. CCC
    • Total Votes: 37,417
    • Percentage Support: 0.23%

The ANC is leading with the highest number of total votes (6,443,828) and a percentage support of 40.19%, followed by the DA with 3,494,152 votes and 21.79% support.

This report provides a snapshot of the electoral standings as of 3 am Sunday morning, reflecting both local and international vote tallies. The data may continue to evolve as more results are finalized.