Renowned young Zimbabwean musician, Dhidza Doctor, real name I Do Mhondiwa, has teamed up with The Traffic Pulse Newsletter to champion road safety awareness.
As an outreach and networking representative, Dhidza Doctor will leverage his influence to spread the crucial message of road safety to a wider audience.
The talented artist expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, “At some point, everyone is a road user, therefore safety is a priority.
I am excited to join the road safety awareness campaign. I hope we will work with the government and key stakeholders in promoting road safety.”
Dhidza Doctor plans to release songs dedicated to road safety, collaborating with The Traffic Pulse Newsletter and other stakeholders.
This innovative approach aims to engage the public, particularly the youth, in embracing road safety practices.
The Chivhu-based musician has already made waves in the music industry with his hot album, “Kurarama Ndichinhonga Nhonga Kunge Svosve,” released in January this year. The nine-track album showcases his talent and dedication to his craft.
Through this partnership, Dhidza Doctor and The Traffic Pulse Newsletter aim to make a significant impact on road safety in Zimbabwe, inspiring positive change and saving lives.
Source : The Traffic Pulse Newsletter
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