S_exual harassment investigations for ZBC bosses

The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) is currently investigating allegations of sexual harassment involving senior managers within the organization.

Robson Mhandu, the Director for radio services, and Scott “DJ Scott” Matengambiri, the station manager of Power FM, have been suspended following accusations of demanding sexual favours from their subordinates.

In a statement released on Wednesday, ZBC confirmed that two reports of sexual harassment were received in September 2023. The broadcasting corporation has initiated investigations into these allegations and stated that disciplinary processes are underway. They assured stakeholders that the outcomes of the investigations will be communicated in due course.

Recordings and WhatsApp messages have emerged involving Robson Mhandu, known by his totem name “Shumba,” and a female employee who was seeking a transfer from Bulawayo to Harare. The evidence suggests Mhandu’s involvement in the alleged misconduct.

Scott, on the other hand, has been accused of pressuring a female subordinate to engage in oral sex as a condition for securing her job.

Regarding the sexual assault charges, ZBC has cleared Albert Chekayi, the news and current affairs director, and Effort Magoso, the news bulletins manager, stating that no such reports were ever recorded or received against them.

The corporation expressed concern over the allegations circulating on social media and emphasized that ZBC employees are expected to adhere to a code of conduct, with zero tolerance for sexual harassment in the workplace.

As the investigations proceed, ZBC aims to address the serious allegations of sexual harassment and ensure a safe and respectful working environment for its employees.

Mnangagwa Moves To Replace Chamisa MPs

By-President Emmerson Mnangagwa has proclaimed 09 December as the by-election date to replace nine Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) National Assembly lawmakers recalled earlier this month.

The vacancies arose after the legislators were recalled by Sengezo Tshabangu who declared himself interim secretary general of the CCC party.

According to Statutory Instrument 188 of 2023, Proclamation 8 of 2023, the Nomination Court for the by-elections will sit on November 2023. Reads the proclamation:

HIS EXCELLENCY THE HONOURABLE EMMERSON DAMBUDZO MNANGAGWA, President of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces of Zimbabwe.

WHEREAS, in terms of section 129 (k) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the seats of members of Parliament for Beitbridge West, Binga North, Bulawayo South, Cowdray Park, Lobengula- Magwegwe, Lupane East, Mabvuku-Tafara, Mpopoma-Mzilikazi and Nketa have become vacant by reason of ceasing to be members of CCC of Morgan Ncube, Prince Dubeko Sibanda, Nicola Jane Watson, Pashor Raphael Sibanda, Ereck Gono, Bright Moyo Vanya, Febion Munyaradzi Kufahakutizwi, Desmond Makaza and Obert Manduna on 09 October, 2023, who were the elected members of Parliament for the respective constituencies;

AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 39(2) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], that after the President has been notified in terms of the said section of vacancies in the membership of Parliament, He shall issue a proclamation ordering a new election to fill the vacancies in the same manner, mutatis mutandis, as is provided in section 38 of the said Act in regard to a general election;

AND WHEREAS, the Speaker of Parliament notified me on 09 October, 2023 in writing of vacancies for the aforementioned constituencies:

NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the powers vested in the President as aforesaid, I do, by this proclamation—

(a) order new elections for the constituencies of Beitbridge West, Binga North, Bulawayo South, Cowdray Park, Lobengula Magwegwe, Lupane East, Mabvuku Tafara, Mpopoma Mzilikazi and Nketa; and

(b) fix Tuesday the 7th day of November 2023, as the date on which the nomination court shall sit, commencing at 10 o’clock in the morning, at-

(i) the Magistrate Court, Court 5, Tredgold Building, Leopold Takawira Avenue, Bulawayo, for the purpose of receiving nomination of candidates for election as members of National Assembly Constituencies of Bulawayo South, Cowdray Park, Lobengula- Magwegwe and Mpopoma-Mzilikazi; and

(ii) the Magistrates Court, Abdel Gamal Nasser Road (Rotten Row), Harare, for the purpose of receiving nominations of candidates for election as member of National Assembly Constituency of Mabvuku Tafara; and

(iii) the Magistrates Court, Lupane, for the purpose of receiving nominations of candidates for election as members of National Assembly Constituencies of Lupane East and Binga North; and

(iv) the Magistrates Court, Fifth Avenue, Gwanda, for the purpose of receiving nominations of candidates for election as member of National Assembly Constituency of Beitbridge West;


(c) fix Saturday 09 December, 2023, as the day on which a poll shall be taken if a poll becomes necessary in terms of section 46(17) (c) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13]. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of Zimbabwe at Harare, this seventeenth day of October, in the year of Our Lord two thousand and twenty-three.

Robbers attack businessman at own gate

By A Correspondent- In a shocking incident, three armed robbers targeted a businessman at his residence in Mahatshula suburb, allegedly making off with US$6,000 and P110,000.

They also reportedly gave a traditional healer a sum of P1,800 as a gesture of gratitude. The accused individuals, Elvis Charapuka (38), Mlingiseli Sibanda (44), and Bhekimpilo Ncube (35), recently stood trial before Bulawayo regional magistrate Dambudzo Malunga. The trio pleaded not guilty and were remanded out of custody to 25 October.

During the trial, the businessman, George Kudya (42), who also serves as the managing director for Star Distributors, took the stand for cross-examination. Kudya recounted the incident, stating that on the fateful day, he arrived home before 7 pm. As he was getting out of his Toyota Hilux, Charapuka, Sibanda, and Ncube swiftly approached him, forcibly restraining him while brandishing a firearm.

According to Kudya’s testimony, the assailants physically assaulted him and demanded money. Fearing for his life, he surrendered US$6,000. Subsequently, they proceeded to his vehicle and seized P110,000 before fleeing in their own car.

A traditional healer, Gogo Otilia Murombedzi, also testified in court, revealing that Charapuka used to visit her at her residence in Cowdray Park suburb for consultations and to acquire good luck charms. She confirmed that Charapuka had given her P1,800 as a token of appreciation. However, she explained that she could not use the money as her ancestral spirits communicated to her in a dream, warning her that the funds were tainted.

Concillia Ncube represented the State in the proceedings.

Mthuli: Sanyatwe’s Short Walk Into First Street On 1 Aug Crashed Economy By USD16bln, How Much Will Be Lost After 2 Weeks?

By Business Reporter | ANALYSIS | ZimEye | In a move that has sent shockwaves through Zimbabwe, Anselem Sanyatwe has been appointed as the Zim National Army Commander, a decision that has resurrected the haunting memories of August 1, 2018. On that fateful day, Sanyatwe’s entrance into Harare’s First Street caused a staggering economic loss of USD 16 billion, sending the nation’s financial stability into a tailspin.

The mere mention of his name brings back memories of that tumultuous day when a single stroll of Sanyatwe leading less than 20 soldiers, had such a catastrophic impact on Zimbabwe’s economy. His actions led to a loss of confidence in the country’s stability, causing investors to flee, and the stock market to plummet. This economic catastrophe still reverberates through Zimbabwe’s history.

Now, with Sanyatwe back in command and at the helm of an army of approximately 50,000 soldiers, Zimbabweans are left to ponder the dire economic consequences that may follow. While it’s difficult to predict the exact outcome, the implications are staggering when considering the economic turmoil caused by his previous involvement.

The Finance Ministry, in an unprecedented disclosure reveals that Sanyatwe’s entrance into First Street on that infamous day in 2018 resulted in the loss of a mind-boggling USD 16 billion in investment money. This revelation is part of the Finance Ministry’s assessment report submitted to a panel tasked with investigating Sanyatwe’s actions. It’s worth noting that these actions were also strongly condemned by the United Nations, after the Motlanthe Commision.

The question that now hangs over Zimbabwe is this: if one day under Anselem Sanyatwe commanding less than 20 soldiers made the nation lose USD 16 billion, what economic horror may unfold over two weeks with him leading a force of 50,000 soldiers? Part of the statement is below (pic)

While the exact mathematical calculation of the potential economic fallout remains uncertain, the implications are deeply troubling. The return of a figure associated with such a colossal financial disaster raises serious concerns. Investors may become wary once again, foreign aid and assistance might dwindle, and economic growth could come to a grinding halt.

As Zimbabwe embarks on this new chapter with Sanyatwe as the National Army General, the nation remains on edge, keenly aware of the potential economic turmoil that could follow. The specter of August 1, 2018, continues to haunt the country, and Zimbabweans can only hope that lessons have been learned, and history does not repeat itself.

UK Nurse Duped Zimbos $25 Million For Fake Matebele Stands

By A Correspondent | An intensive three-year investigation has uncovered a massive financial scandal involving a UK nurse, Sithule Tshuma, who is accused of diverting a staggering $25 million from investors under the guise of purchasing agricultural land in Zimbabwe. The investigation has exposed a complex web of deception and fraudulent practices, leaving numerous investors in despair.

Tshuma, who had promised investors that their funds would be used to acquire land in Zimbabwe, claimed to be operating a community interest company known as “QOKI ZINDLOVUKAZI GROUP C.I.C.” However, it has been revealed that this entity was neither a CIC nor a multiple-director organization, as she had previously asserted. A CIC under UK law requires at least three directors or trustees, but Tshuma operated it as a one-person business. (read the full story)

The scheme, which lured investors with promises of blessing and empowerment, employed deceptive tactics that included trapping buyers through an installment-concept payment model instead of an outright purchase. Victims were made to believe that they were investing in a community-driven initiative when, in reality, they were funding Tshuma’s private business.

Investors paid substantial sums ranging from $7,000 to $70,000 per person, with the total funds raised reaching a staggering $25 million. However, years later, not a single residential stand had been delivered as promised. This has left investors questioning how such a substantial amount of money could be raised over a six-year period without any tangible results.

The initial investigation by ZimEye uncovered numerous fraudulent practices, including:

1. **Fake Community Organization:** Tshuma falsely advertised her company as a community interest organization when, in fact, it was a one-person operation.

2. **Incomplete Contracts:** Investors signed incomplete or skimpy contracts that were only signed by one party, leaving them vulnerable.

3. **Bullying and Harassment:** Tshuma and her associates engaged in coordinated bullying on social media, silencing anyone who questioned their operations.

4. **Evasive Answers:** Tshuma avoided providing clear answers to inquiries and diverted conversations, leaving investors in the dark about the true nature of their investments.

5. **Lack of Transparency:** Investors were not informed that the products they were buying into were not divisible, and they faced the risk of losing their entire investment in the event of death.

6. **Cult-like Behavior:** Tshuma’s tactics were described as cult-like, with investors feeling enslaved and bullied.

Properties purchased from 2016 to 2023 were yet to be issued title deeds to buyers, and any complaints were met with bullying and demands for additional payments for land development and maintenance.

The scale of the alleged fraud is immense, involving numerous projects and investors, including Nondwene, Douglasdale, Esigodini, Riverside, Qoki School, Airport Road, Woodville, Burnside, and many more. All of these investors are now left in uncertainty and financial distress.

Sithule Tshuma, in audios addressing investors, continued to claim that her property purchases underwent due diligence processes, assuring them that they would receive title deeds. However, these claims appear to be a part of the deception.

In the wake of this shocking revelation, Tshuma’s lawyer, Zibusiso Charles Ncube, continued to assert that she was not involved in any fraudulent activities, despite the glaring contradictions between her claims and the reality of the situation.

This scandal has had far-reaching implications, and investors who trusted Tshuma are now left facing financial ruin. The case has revealed the need for stronger regulatory oversight and safeguards to protect investors from fraudulent schemes.

In a separate investigation, it was revealed that a UK solicitor, Julian Condliffe, who was closely associated with Tshuma, was found liable in a court case related to deceptive practices in property investments. Condliffe had promised clients empowerment and blessings but failed to deliver on those promises, leaving some clients in such distress that they contemplated suicide.

This breakthrough in exposing fraudulent land investment schemes highlights the importance of due diligence and vigilance in financial investments, and it serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of falling victim to such scams. The authorities are now actively investigating these cases, and legal action is being taken to bring those responsible to justice.

Mnangagwa Places 13 Critical Laws Under His Private Control

In a recent and significant move, President Emmerson Mnangagwa of the Republic of Zimbabwe has taken direct control over 13 critical Acts (laws). These Acts, including the Anti-Corruption Commission Act, Interception of Communications Act, and the Sovereign Wealth Fund Act, have been placed under the personal administration of the President.

This development is outlined in Statutory Instrument 189 of 2023, titled “Assignment of Functions (His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe) Notice, 2023.” The document cites constitutional authority for the President’s decision, specifically referencing section 104(1) of the Constitution in conjunction with section 37(2) of the Interpretation Act [Chapter 1:01].

Under this new directive, President Mnangagwa has reserved for himself both the administration of the specified Acts and the functions vested in the President by any Act, unless those functions have been delegated to another Minister.

The notice also repeals a previous Assignment of Functions (His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe) Notice, 2018, as published in Statutory Instrument 212 of 2018.

The list of Acts now under the direct control of President Mnangagwa is as follows:

1. Anti-Corruption Commission Act [Chapter 9:22] (Act No. 13 of 2004)
2. Commissions of Inquiry Act [Chapter 10:07]
3. Emergency Powers Act [Chapter 11:04]
4. Honours and Awards Act [Chapter 10:11]
5. Interception of Communications Act [Chapter 11:20] (No. 6 of 2007)
6. Prevention of Corruption Act [Chapter 9:16]
7. Presidential Pension and Retirement Benefits Act [Chapter 2:05]
8. Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) Act [Chapter 10:20]
9. Presidential Salary and Allowances Act [Chapter 2:06]
10. Radiation Protection Act [Chapter 15:15] (Act No. 5 of 2004)
11. Sovereign Wealth Fund Act [Chapter 22:20] (Act No. 7 of 2014)
12. Zimbabwe Independent Complaints Commission Act [Chapter 10:34] (No. 5 of 2022)
13. Zimbabwe National Security Council Act, 2023 (Act No. 1 of 2023)

This action signifies a significant consolidation of power within the presidency, raising questions and discussions about the implications of this shift in Zimbabwe’s governance structure. It remains to be seen how these changes will impact the enforcement and implementation of these laws.- Agencies

22 Years In Jail For Tuckshop Owner Killer

Tafadzwa Kanengoni 39 (notoriously known as Soda Water) who shot and killed a tuckshop owner from Mucheke, Masvingo was yesterday sentenced to 22 years in jail for possession of firearm and armed robbery by magistrate Bishad Chineka.

Kanengoni who killed Michael Munhungorwa in cold blood is yet to be sentenced for the murder at the High Court in Masvingo. https://twitter.com/TheMirrorMsv/status/1714582166573555888?t=pnDC5-_HI-ex6tQxR6zXvw&s=19

Qoki Slapped With Lawsuit By Patel Properties Amid Fraud Allegations

  • Scam Involving Unsuspecting Investors Leaves Many in Financial Distress

By Nancy Ndaba | In an ongoing and intricate investigation, a growing number of unsuspecting investors find themselves entangled in a complex web of deceit and financial distress, allegedly orchestrated by Qoki’s founder, Sithule Tshuma.

Sithule Tshuma

The latest chapter in this evolving saga reveals a staggering $1.7 million deal for the acquisition of a run-down Vegetable Market located at 53 Robert Mugabe Way and No. 8A 4th & Robert Mugabe Way, both owned by Patel Properties. As investigators delve deeper into this complex narrative, Tshuma’s involvement becomes increasingly apparent, and the full scope of the deception and its far-reaching repercussions continues to unravel, leaving countless investors searching for answers in an ever-evolving and increasingly bewildering tale.

Sithule Tshuma, known for her fraudulent land and project schemes, organized this deal, advising investors, to pay a deposit then then they would apply for a loan as Qoki Zindlovukazi Ltd, mainly  through Stanbic  Bank to fund the remainder of the purchase price. However, Stanbic Bank’s thorough investigation led to the rejection of Qoki’s loan application for various concerning reasons, exposing the inadequacy of due diligence.

“Out of a total  of £1.7m  only $352 328.00 has been paid to Patel so far, it is worthy to note that Sithule’s advice to the women was to apply for loans via Stanbic Bank to pay  the difference of $1.347 675 million,” says an insider. “However, following Stanbic ‘s thorough investigations, they declined Qoki’s loan application for various concerning reasons.”

In response to a breach of contract, Patel Properties has sought legal action against Qoki Zindlovukazi Investment PVT Ltd, a company owned by Sithule Tshuma, Karen Kumalo, Bridget Dube, and Nompilo Moyo. Several other lawsuits, including Nondwene 1 and Nondwene 2, are currently pending against Qoki.

In another shocking revelation, during a dispute regarding Nondwene 2, where Sithule had been denying that the land was gazetted by the government and that there were court proceedings, when shown evidence and asked for refunds for the roads payments Sithule responded with apparent indifference, stating, “‘Aaahhh, don’t let emotions get the better side of you. Until we all come together and discuss the way forward, sizadinda one ndawo (we will go in circles). You need to calm down because I don’t have your money…'”

It has come to light that the main objective of these projects was seemingly to enrich Sithule, her accomplices, and  their lawyer Zibusiso Charles Ncube. Reportedly, on nearly every project, Zibusiso Charles Ncube pocketed a minimum of $30,000 from ‘buyer’ alone, please note that he represented both buyer and seller in most projects. The origin of these funds, believed to be laundered from the UK, raises questions regarding tax evasion and potential financial improprieties.

Unbeknownst to the investors, the projects served as a means for Sithule to inflate prices and exploit the investors. Trends suggest that Sithule, particularly with the assistance of her lawyer, Zibusiso Charles Ncube, orchestrated this grand scam, continuing to draw unsuspecting investors into this apparent bottomless pit.

When confronted about refunding investors for non-delivery of the purchased products and services, Sithule frequently resorts to bullying and selectively targets specific individuals, purportedly in response to what she claims is a ‘soft coup’ within her privately owned company, Qoki. This approach aligns with her well-documented narcissistic personality, as she appears to revel in a punitive strategy aimed at controlling and manipulating the situation, rather than genuinely addressing the legitimate concerns of her investors. Additionally, Sithule has been known to play the blame game, often shifting responsibility onto the investors for the failure of projects, despite the unfounded nature of these allegations. These actions have left investors dismayed, as there still seems to be no credible basis for asserting a ‘soft coup’ within a company that already carries a dubious reputation in the eyes of many.

Despite the mounting legal challenges and women demanding refunds due to deception and fraudulent conveyancing processes, Sithule and her accomplices seem undeterred. One Victor Masuku, a Town Planning Director of Sindaku Developers (PVT) Ltd, a company deeply involved in the projects, faces scrutiny for his roles in land scouting, design, town planning, and construction, raising questions about procurement processes.

UK banks and financial institutions have identified Sithule’s operations as scandalous “Authorised Push Payment scam.” It has been revealed that Sithule operated her businesses in the UK illegally, as she was not a registered investment professional. Her ability to collect over $25 million under the scrutiny of HMRC, banks, and fraud departments has raised significant concerns, leading to the freezing of her bank accounts.

In the midst of a series of concerning events, ethically Sithule should neither be practising  as a Staff Nurse nor  managing her agency, Healthcare OS Recruitment Limited, situated at 8 Goat Willow Road, Manchester, M9 7GQ, in the United Kingdom. This situation prompts a critical examination of the oversight and regulatory measures implemented by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Simultaneously, the disconcerting unfolding of Zibusiso’s misconduct occurring right under the vigilant gaze of the Law Society of Zimbabwe and various anti-corruption mechanisms brings to the fore serious questions regarding the efficacy and thoroughness of these institutional bodies.

The repercussions of this elaborate scam have been devastating for the women who invested their family and retirement  savings, leading to broken marriages, mental health issues, depression, family violence, and financial distress. Sithule’s response to these concerns has been described as defensive and cold-hearted.

Many affected individuals have reported the fraud to various authorities in an effort to fully address this issue. The public is urged to exercise caution and avoid investing in unregistered companies like Qoki. Authorities encourage people to report Sithule and her accomplices for any illegal practices within their communities.

Tragedy In Buhera As Lightning Kills 4

BUHERA-Four minors died after the burning roof of a thatched room they were sleeping in collapsed after being struck by lightning.
The incident happened around 2 am on Monday at Wadzenenga Village under Chief Nyashanu in Buhera. Neither of the minors was older than ten years old.

Manicaland Police Spokesperson Inspector Nobert Muzondo confirmed the unfortunate incident to the Chipinge Times.

He said Evernice Takaedzwa (31) slept in the same room as her four children. She woke up to find her roof on fire after being struck by lightning.

She ran out of the house and called her neighbours to help her put out the fire. She left her children sleeping in the room.

Conrad Muchena (54) came. The roof collapsed before they took the children out. They attempted to put out the fire using water and sand to no avail.

Muchena gained entry into the room after knocking down some bricks and retrieved the bodies.

Buhera Magistrate Poterai Gwezhira waived postmortem………….Full story on www.masvingomirror.com


Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala A Pillar Of Citizens Struggle

SolidarityWithJobSikhala on #WiwaWednesday, CCC Namibia on board!

18 October 2023

The National Democratic Revolutionaries are missing the vibrant, organic, and pragmatic change champion, Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala who has endured more than 15 months caged at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison on trumped-up charges.

Citizens in Namibia are curious to know the whereabouts of Moreblessing Ali’s murderer, Pius Jamba Mukandi after his arrest. We did not hear anything after his prosecution! Is he still incarcerated or it was a catch-and-release since the murderer is a ZANU-PF activist? It is now imperative to actively demand justice for both Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala and the deceased Moreblessing Ali who is yet to be buried since her gruesome murder last year in May. Progressive citizens across the globe should amplify their voices demanding justice, freedom, and equality.

Sikhala and Ali’s families have endured enough physical and emotional torture from this satanic regime. Let’s brace for dangerous freedom against injustice and arbitrary arrests of political leaders and activists. It is not a crime to represent the Ali family. CCC Namibia believes that lawyers are the last line of defense but when the same lawyers are incarcerated for more than a year, it boggles the mind. We demand an independent judiciary that does not take instructions from the desperate and illegitimate regime.

Namibia district is delighted at the revolutionary gesture to donate in solidarity with Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala as he continues to languish in jail without bail since the 14th of June 2022. The political prisoner deserves our support because as the breadwinner, his family has suffered from a lack of different fundamentals. We must donate material and financial resources to the prisoner of conscience to boost his revolutionary spirit. Let’s mobilize for a peaceful protest demanding a constitution with constitutionalism in Zimbabwe.

Bail is a constitutional right enshrined in the 2013 Constitution! Sikhala has been arbitrarily arrested more than 66 times but was never convicted which epitomizes the weaponization of the judiciary to silence dissent. As we demand fresh elections, let’s not forget the victims of persecution by prosecution. Ali’s family deserves justice! ZANU-PF must respect the sanctity of life. We are sick and tired of political persecution by the clueless regime, the citizenry deserves better.

Sikhala’s ill health is also worrisome and infuriating. Health is a basic right regardless of any circumstances hence the dire need to ensure his health safety in prison. There is great suspicion that our vibrant was poisoned by this politically inept Harare regime to eliminate him. This must be resisted with equal measure! Job Saro remains innocent until proven guilty by a competent court of law.

Citizens should resist illegitimate regimes that subvert the will of the masses. The people of Zimbabwe need to embrace participatory democracy to remove an illegitimate government announced by Zec on the 26th of August 2023. We demand fresh elections!



CCC Namibia Rundu Champion
Robson Ruhanya

Release Wiwa, Citizens Challenge Emmerson Mnangagwa

SolidarityWithJobSikhala on #WiwaWednesday, CCC Namibia on board!

18 October 2023

The National Democratic Revolutionaries are missing the vibrant, organic, and pragmatic change champion, Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala who has endured more than 15 months caged at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison on trumped-up charges.

Citizens in Namibia are curious to know the whereabouts of Moreblessing Ali’s murderer, Pius Jamba Mukandi after his arrest. We did not hear anything after his prosecution! Is he still incarcerated or it was a catch-and-release since the murderer is a ZANU-PF activist? It is now imperative to actively demand justice for both Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala and the deceased Moreblessing Ali who is yet to be buried since her gruesome murder last year in May. Progressive citizens across the globe should amplify their voices demanding justice, freedom, and equality.

Sikhala and Ali’s families have endured enough physical and emotional torture from this satanic regime. Let’s brace for dangerous freedom against injustice and arbitrary arrests of political leaders and activists. It is not a crime to represent the Ali family. CCC Namibia believes that lawyers are the last line of defense but when the same lawyers are incarcerated for more than a year, it boggles the mind. We demand an independent judiciary that does not take instructions from the desperate and illegitimate regime.

Namibia district is delighted at the revolutionary gesture to donate in solidarity with Job Saro Wiwa Sikhala as he continues to languish in jail without bail since the 14th of June 2022. The political prisoner deserves our support because as the breadwinner, his family has suffered from a lack of different fundamentals. We must donate material and financial resources to the prisoner of conscience to boost his revolutionary spirit. Let’s mobilize for a peaceful protest demanding a constitution with constitutionalism in Zimbabwe.

Bail is a constitutional right enshrined in the 2013 Constitution! Sikhala has been arbitrarily arrested more than 66 times but was never convicted which epitomizes the weaponization of the judiciary to silence dissent. As we demand fresh elections, let’s not forget the victims of persecution by prosecution. Ali’s family deserves justice! ZANU-PF must respect the sanctity of life. We are sick and tired of political persecution by the clueless regime, the citizenry deserves better.

Sikhala’s ill health is also worrisome and infuriating. Health is a basic right regardless of any circumstances hence the dire need to ensure his health safety in prison. There is great suspicion that our vibrant was poisoned by this politically inept Harare regime to eliminate him. This must be resisted with equal measure! Job Saro remains innocent until proven guilty by a competent court of law.

Citizens should resist illegitimate regimes that subvert the will of the masses. The people of Zimbabwe need to embrace participatory democracy to remove an illegitimate government announced by Zec on the 26th of August 2023. We demand fresh elections!



CCC Namibia Rundu Champion
Robson Ruhanya

Notorious 45 Degree Soldier Appointed Army Commander

Controversial Appointment of Anselem Sanyatwe as Commander of Zimbabwe National Army.

Brig Ancelem Sanyatwe

By Farai D Hove | ZANU PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa has appointed Anselem Sanyatwe, the implicated leader of the 1 August 2018 coup, as the new head of the Zimbabwe National Army. This decision has raised eyebrows and sparked outrage as Sanyatwe had not yet answered to the demands of the commission that investigated his involvement in the military coup against opposition leader Nelson Chamisa.

During the events of 1 August 2018, which were marred by violence and claims of election interference, Sanyatwe and soldiers under his command were accused of changing election results through a deployment of troops. The commission found Sanyatwe and others liable for these actions, yet he had not faced any legal consequences.

Sanyatwe is infamous for his claim that soldiers who shot six people during the 1 August 2018 incident did so at a precise 45-degree angle, a statement that further fueled public outrage.

In a statement released on Friday, the Office of the President and Cabinet announced President Mnangagwa’s decision, citing constitutional provisions for the appointment. The outgoing Commander of the Zimbabwe National Army, Lieutenant General David Sigauke, has retired from the position.

This appointment has ignited controversy and raised questions about accountability and justice in Zimbabwe, as Sanyatwe takes the reins of the nation’s military despite his involvement in the contentious events of 2018. Public reaction and international response to this decision are expected to be significant in the coming days.

Mlauzi In Ignominy

Credit :Soccer24 News

In 2016, Shadreck Mlauzi proudly stepped on Brazilian soil carrying the hopes an entire nation.

He guided Zimbabwe’s senior women’s national soccer team —the Mighty Warriors, to the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.

Mlauzi became the first ever coach to take a Zimbabwe national soccer team to a global tournament.

His charges also became the first team to represent the country at the Olympics in a team sport in 26 years.

So when Mlauzi arrived in the biggest city in South Ameria —Rio, he ought to have been a proud man.

When he stepped onto the Corinthians Arena pitch for Zimbabwe’s Group F opener against Germany, Mlauzi, naturally, must have felt fulfilled.

But just just seven years after that walk with pride in Brazil, which earned him the respect of the entire nation, the soft-spoken coach had another walk this week —a walk of shame.

Mlauzi was at the Harare Magistrates’ Court facing assult and indicent assault charges.

The coach allegedly forcibly grabbed the shoulders of a female member of the Mighty Warriors technical staff.

The complaint also states that also “tried to kiss her (the complainant) without her consent” and “demanded to have his body massaged via a WhatsApp call and asked for sexual intimacy.”

When he arrived at the Magistrates’ Court clad in a blue jacket, the look on Mlauzi’s face summarized what the situation was —a walk of shame.-Soccer24 News

Mighty Warriors Receive Bonuses

Mighty Warriors have received bonuses from ZIFA following their participation in the 2023 COSAFA Women’s Championship.

The Zimbabwean national women’s team finished fourth at the tournament despite having spent the past two years without playing football.

The Shadreck Mlauzi’s charges have received over US$2,000 each in daily allowances, winning bonuses and appearance fees.

This is the only money they will receive as there’s no COSAFA prize money.

The regional football body anounced this week that the tournament had no sponsors and they only bore the costs of hosting it.

Only individual award winners were given prize money, with Mighty Warriors goalkeeper Cynthia Shonga receiving R20, 000 (about $1,050)for the best goalkeeper award.-Soccer24 News

Married Pastor Sadly Leaks Intimate WhatsApp Audios Onto Church Group

Scandal Rocks Church Community as Reverend Oscar Mukanahana’s Tragic End Unveiled

By Dorrothy Moyo | Methodist Pastor Reverend Oscar Mukanahana, a respected marriage figure within the church community, has reportedly taken his own life by consuming rat poison, locally known as “mushonga wemakonzo.” This heart-wrenching act comes after a series of intimate audio recordings between the reverend and an unnamed girlfriend were mistakenly shared on a church group, subsequently spreading like wildfire across social media platforms.

Dear Colleagues In Ministry, It is with heavy heart to announce to you the untimely death of our Beloveth District Superintendent Rev Oscar Mukahanana of the Harare East District. The Office of the Bishop shall be informing the church of developments and funeral arrangements. As a Church, you are being cordially requested to support the Mukahanana family through your prayer. Yours Sincerely Bishop’s Office- Methodist Church

The leaked audio recordings have caused a storm of controversy and scandal, shaking the foundations of the church congregation. In one of the audios, Rev. Mukanahana is heard breathing heavily after an intense sexual encounter, making explicit remarks about the timing of their intimacy. He is heard saying, “ndaputitsa munhu akuda kuenda,” which translates to “I just had sex with you when you were about to go on your monthly menstrual periods.”

In a surprising twist, the woman in the recording responds by saying, “ndanga ndava virgin,” before laughing and revealing that her menstrual cycle was scheduled to start the following day.

The audios have not only exposed the reverend’s private affairs but have also raised questions about his conduct as a spiritual leader within the community. The scandal has sent shockwaves throughout the congregation, leaving many in disbelief and outrage.

Prominent socialite Patience Mangezi commented on the situation, emphasizing the importance of discretion in intimate relationships. She stated, “We urge lovers to put away any recording devices when they are playing the hide a sausage game.”

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the consequences that can arise from a lack of privacy in today’s digital age. It has left both the church community and the public grappling with the tragic loss of Reverend Oscar Mukanahana and the controversy surrounding his final moments.

Lightning Kills 4 Minors

BUHERA-Four minors died after the burning roof of a thatched room they were sleeping in collapsed after being struck by lightning.
The incident happened around 2 am on Monday at Wadzenenga Village under Chief Nyashanu in Buhera. Neither of the minors was older than ten years old.

Manicaland Police Spokesperson Inspector Nobert Muzondo confirmed the unfortunate incident to the Chipinge Times.

He said Evernice Takaedzwa (31) slept in the same room as her four children. She woke up to find her roof on fire after being struck by lightning.

She ran out of the house and called her neighbours to help her put out the fire. She left her children sleeping in the room.

Conrad Muchena (54) came. The roof collapsed before they took the children out. They attempted to put out the fire using water and sand to no avail.

Muchena gained entry into the room after knocking down some bricks and retrieved the bodies.

Buhera Magistrate Poterai Gwezhira waived postmortem………….Full story on www.masvingomirror.com

Notorious Robber Jailed

Tafadzwa Kanengoni 39 (notoriously known as Soda Water) who shot and killed a tuckshop owner from Mucheke, Masvingo was yesterday sentenced to 22 years in jail for possession of firearm and armed robbery by magistrate Bishad Chineka.

Kanengoni who killed Michael Munhungorwa in cold blood is yet to be sentenced for the murder at the High Court in Masvingo. https://twitter.com/TheMirrorMsv/status/1714582166573555888?t=pnDC5-_HI-ex6tQxR6zXvw&s=19

Mnangagwa Panics Chamisa Threats

By-The government has panicked threats by the opposition CCC to hold protests Monday in Bulawayo and directed the police to stop the planned march.

 CCC had planned to protest against the dismissal of the party councillors from Bulawayo City Council on Monday.

The Nelson Chamisa-led party said the demonstration was called to protest “an unfair election and the failure to respect the people’s votes through illegal recalls of elected representatives.”

CCC intended to hold a “peaceful demonstration” to petition the Minister of State and Devolution for Bulawayo Province at Mhlahlandlela Government Complex on 23 October from 10 AM to 4 PM.

Under the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (MOPO), Organisers of public gatherings are required to notify the police and the police can either give them the green light to continue or prohibit the planned gathering.

In a letter to conveners of the protest, dated 18 October 2023, Chief Superintendent Vusumuzi Nkomo confirmed receiving the CCC’s notification on 16 October but said it (the notification), did not comply with certain provisions of the MOPO Act.

Chief Superintendent Nkomo, however, did not explain which provisions the notification did not meet.

In response to the banning of the planned protest, CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi wrote on X:

We want to demonstrate our commitment to the law and we will exhaust every channel permissible in a democratic society.

When all has failed, we will then come to you- The Citizens- to say Citizens, we have done everything permissible in a democratic society, it’s OVER to you now, to take matters into your own hands and liberate your country.

We will no longer be responsible or answerable from then on. This country will be freed, order, sanity and normality will be restored soon.

Since its formation in early 2022, the CCC claims over 100 of its meetings, including campaign rallies, have been banned by the police.

Another Victory For ZEP Holders  

By- In South Africa, Pretoria High Court this week dismissed Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi’s application in which he was requesting permission to appeal a decision made by a court regarding the termination of Zimbabwe Exemption Permits. 

The court had previously ruled that Motsoaledi’s decision to terminate the permits without proper consultation was unlawful and unconstitutional.

The minister sought leave to appeal the court’s judgments, arguing that they set dangerous precedents. The Department of Home Affairs disagreed with the court’s findings on the applicability of certain sections of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act. The minister also claimed the matter involved the separation of powers, but the court deemed his grounds for appeal flawed.

The court had extended the permits for 12 months, from 28 June, pending a fair process that includes public participation. The court also ordered that ZEP holders should be allowed to enter or leave South Africa without being treated differently under immigration laws.

Motsoaledi’s application for leave to appeal was, however, dismissed because he did not provide sufficient evidence in the review proceedings, News24 reported. The court emphasized that their order was temporary relief and not a substitution order. The ruling suggests that ZEPs may be extended beyond 2023, providing further relief for Zimbabwean nationals in South Africa.

The Zimbabwean Exemption Permit Visa (ZEP) was initially established by the South African Government in 2009 to address the significant influx of Zimbabweans. The permit granted certain exemptions from the Immigration and Refugee Acts. In November 2021, the South African Government announced the discontinuation of the ZEP but provided a 12-month grace period until its expiration on December 31, 2021. Various organizations, including the Helen Suzman Foundation (HSF), went to court to contest the termination of the ZEP. As a result, the court ordered a temporary extension of the ZEP program prompting Motsoaledi to appeal.

Police Ban CCC Bulawayo Demo

By-Authorities have banned a CCC Monday planned protest march against the dismissal of the party councillors from Bulawayo City Council.

The Nelson Chamisa-led party said the demonstration was called to protest “an unfair election and the failure to respect the people’s votes through illegal recalls of elected representatives.”

CCC intended to hold a “peaceful demonstration” to petition the Minister of State and Devolution for Bulawayo Province at Mhlahlandlela Government Complex on 23 October from 10 AM to 4 PM.

Under the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (MOPO), Organisers of public gatherings are required to notify the police and the police can either give them the green light to continue or prohibit the planned gathering.

In a letter to conveners of the protest, dated 18 October 2023, Chief Superintendent Vusumuzi Nkomo confirmed receiving the CCC’s notification on 16 October but said it (the notification), did not comply with certain provisions of the MOPO Act.

Chief Superintendent Nkomo, however, did not explain which provisions the notification did not meet.

In response to the banning of the planned protest, CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi wrote on X:

We want to demonstrate our commitment to the law and we will exhaust every channel permissible in a democratic society.

When all has failed, we will then come to you- The Citizens- to say Citizens, we have done everything permissible in a democratic society, it’s OVER to you now, to take matters into your own hands and liberate your country.

We will no longer be responsible or answerable from then on. This country will be freed, order, sanity and normality will be restored soon.

Since its formation in early 2022, the CCC claims over 100 of its meetings, including campaign rallies, have been banned by the police.

WestProp Shines Again, Bags Four More International Awards

By Business Reporter- The top-notch developments that WestProp Holdings is constructing at Millennium Park, Pomona City and its vibrant social and digital marketing platforms have won the Victoria Falls listed real estate company four awards at the International Property Awards Laufen in Dubai.

Receiving the Laufen property awards is an affirmation of excellence and adherence to international standards.

WestProp Holdings is benchmarking its developments with Dubai-style buildings and uses a cosmopolitan team of architects to do its designs, infusing a number of cultures but maintaining the Zimbabwe flair.

WestProp was rewarded for its vibrant social and digital media platforms.

The interactive sites are updated regularly, with informative data and quality pictures and videos.

The marketing initiatives for the Pomona City ‘within a city’ development won the company the second award, while the third was a five-star award for the picturesque Millennium Heights under the Residential Development 20+ units Zimbabwe.

The Millennium Heights award automatically entered the company for the Laufen international awards to be held in London next February.

The fourth award was for Pokugara Residential development 20+ units.

This is the second time on the trot that WestProp has managed to bring recognition to Zimbabwe from the Laufen Awards, having scooped the top categories last year.

The International awards are open to residential, commercial and hospitality property professionals from around the globe and celebrate the highest levels of achievement by companies operating in all sectors of the property and real estate industry.

WestProp won the Africa region awards. There are separate awards for Asia Pacific, Arabia, Canada, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, the UK and the USA.

Award adjudicators are a highly experienced team drawn from developers, architects, interior designers and real estate.

“We are proud to represent Zimbabwe and to bring the awards home. The awards mean a lot. They are an endorsement of the work we are doing and an acknowledgement of the quality and luxury mixed use live, work, shop and play communities,” said WestProp Holdings CEO Mr Ken Sharpe.

Tragedy as lightning kills 4 siblings

By A Correspondent- Four siblings were burnt to death after a grass-thatched hut they were sleeping in was struck by a bolt of lightning in Buhera District on 16 October.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident which occurred around 2 AM at Hara Village in Murambinda. He said:

The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the death of four siblings, Wilfred Hara (9 months), Melinda Hara (5), Michael Hara (5), and Marvis Hara (11) after the thatched hut they were sleeping in with their mother, Evernice Takaedzwa (31) was struck by a bolt of lightning resulting in the hut catching fire on 16th October 2023 at around 0200 hours at Hara Village, Murambinda, Buhera.

Evernice Takaedzwa escaped and sought assistance from neighbours while the victims were trapped inside the hut. Villagers failed to put out the fire resulting in the victims being burnt to death in the inferno.

The bodies were later retrieved from the hut through an opening created on the wall.

Asst Comm Nyathi said on the same day, in Chireya, Gokwe District, a male infant, Elvis Sikhosana (2) was killed by a hailstorm. He added:

The Zimbabwe Republic Police is deeply saddened by the loss of life. As the rainy season approaches, we implore the public to follow lightning safety tips such as avoiding being in open spaces and hiding under tall structures like trees while it is raining.

Gvt Fails to contain brain drain

By A Correspondent- Government has unwittingly admitted failure to contain the brain drain mostly in the public sector.

The brain drain has been high, particularly in the health and education sectors where professionals are earning paltry salaries of less than US$300 plus a local currency component.

Speaking in Parliament, Higher and Tertiary Education minister Aaron Murwira on Wednesday struggled to answer questions on how government plans to resolve the brain drain. Murwira said what Zimbabwe is facing is no longer a brain drain but rather brain circulation

“We will continue cooking our people in our higher and tertiary education institutions.  Hativapedzi, ticharamba tichi trainer vanhu to the extent that these days what they call brain drain is actually brain circulation because we can still use our people wherever they are,” he said.

Murwira admitted that most graduates were also leaving the country or roaming the streets without jobs.

“Sometimes we have been confronted with a question which says, why are you training them when they are going to the streets?  They will not go to the street when they have the correct design of education,” he said.

Also, how to provide them with the venture fund so that they have the finances.  So, it tells us of a whole new philosophy of how we want our country to be today and into the future.  We shall not construct people who work for other people.  We will construct people who work for their country, for themselves.”

A recent Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency third quarter labour force survey report released this week showed that unemployment had increased to 21%, with national unemployment now standing at 47,8%.

“‘We will train people and we are also changing the philosophy of why we go to school.  We go to school to be trained to be able to do what we were trained for.  We go to school in order to be able to use our knowledge and skills and attitudes to start new enterprises.  We go to school not to be used by the ones who are already established in industry.  We go to school in order to use ourselves to work for ourselves,” Murwira said.

Recent data from South Africa also revealed a staggering increase in Zimbabwean immigrants, reaching 1,01 million in 2022, up from 672 308 in 2011.

“This is a deep philosophy which diverts from the philosophy of going to school to be employed by the colonial master, kuzvishandira, kwete kushandiswa.  It, therefore, means what we are talking about in terms of brain drain; sometimes people call it brain drain.  Brain drain assumes that the pot which is cooking people has stopped cooking,” Murwira said.

Teacher unions estimates that the country has a shortage of at least 50 000 teachers.-newsday

Mudenda’s Partisanship & Tshabangu’s Borrowed Robes Laid Bare!

By Brighton Mutebuka

  1. He receives the letter of recalls from Tafadzwa Manyika, he remains silent while pretending that he has not received it.
  2. The reality is likely to be that he, i.e. Mudenda, sought instructions from the “real” Constitution, the one & only 1st Secretary & President of ZANU PF on the way forward.
  3. There was also silence when he received correspondence from @nelsonchamisa , the leader of @CCCZimbabwe
    , who is also a fellow Lawyer / Advocate and thus colleague of Mudenda from a Professional Conduct & Ethics point of view (via the Law Society of Zimbabwe).
  4. Meanwhile, predictably, there have been no developments following the Police Report filed by CCC against Tshabangu.
  5. If you look at these developments in isolation, you will miss what is actually taking place, so I will break it down here.
  6. It’s not a coincidence that Tafadzwa Manyika’s ZANU PF recalls’ letter & Chamisa’s letters have been ignored by Mudenda while Tshabangu’s has been entertained.
  7. It’s also not a coincidence that there have been no developments in the ZRP Police Report against Tshabangu.
  8. The system closes rank in such a situation. All activities which help the state to destroy the opposition are allowed to proceed smoothly & anything which helps the opposition faces inexplicable obstacles (attributable to behind the scenes manoeuvring.)
  9. If Mudenda was not partisan, he would have written a courtesy letter to Chamisa / CCC acknowledging his correspondence & stating what his position is. That is what a professional Speaker of Parliament does, or even one good at pretending to be so.
  10. He would also do the same in respect of Tafadzwa Manyika’s letter as he would be desperate to show that Parliament is not partisan & there was a compelling reason why it is not being actioned given the explanations previously given that he is simply a facilitator.
  11. Given the seriousness of the situation, the Police would also have been inclined to give updates on the Report that they received and the way forward.
  12. So in this case, the orchestration or choreography is betrayed by the conspiracy of silence & inaction from two different state institutions, the Police & Speaker of Parliament.
  13. Tshabangu will use terror to seek submission from any CCC MPs who are desperate for trinkets. It’s from those potential submissions that he will seek to profit & then manufacture non-existent legitimacy.
  14. He has thus far sought to deceive those who are naive into believing that he is raising genuine grievances which have got resonance through exploiting existing fault lines in CCC such as the claimed imposition of candidates, divisions amongst leaders and the claimed absence of structures & a Constitution.
  15. By now it should be public knowledge that Tshabangu is the regime’s proxy. The regime will facilitate each & every move he makes while thwarting each response CCC will seek to make including via the Judiciary.
  16. There is no credible attempt at reforming CCC by a genuine member which takes the course of making choices which only benefit ZANU PF & the regime while destroying CCC. That is another red flag!
  17. By now it is clear that Tshabangu can only be defeated through closing ranks amongst the CCC Parliamentary & Local Government cohort and a long overdue political response to the electoral heist. Any division will be ruthlessly exploited.
  18. The concern is that the responses that have been given so far by Prof Welshman Ncube & Tendai Biti to the saga have been underwhelming and not inspired any confidence that they have got fire in their bellies to defend CCC to the hilt.
  19. Given the threat posed by Tshabangu, you would have thought that they would have come out all guns blazing and shown more vigour in either disowning or exposing Tshabangu and defending CCC & Chamisa. There is really no point in appearing to back Chamisa & then deliver unconvincing responses in deeds & words when asked about this.
  20. To simply state that “this has got nothing to do with me” is lamentably weak and prone to setting the proverbial cat among pigeons. Both responses clearly stand out to the politically discerning. Only time will tell whether they are simply lapses in political judgment or there is more to it. Either way, it would appear that their political fates are likely to have been sealed, barring the unexpected.

Woman in soup over false r_ape charges

By A Correspondent- A Harare man yesterday accused his estranged wife of trying to ruin his life by laying false charges of sexually abusing their four-year-old daughter.

This emerged at the Harare Civil Court where Munyaradzi Musarira from Kuwadzana was seeking a protection order against ex-wife Tecla Chinyoka.

Musarira told the court that Chinyoka had terminated their marriage and left him with their minor children.

He accused her of filing false rape allegations against him.

“I want protection from this woman because she is trying to tarnish my image. She reported to the police that I had sexually abused our daughter in her absence,” he submitted.

Musarira said he was only set free from police custody after medical reports showed that the minor was never sexually abused.

“I am now living in fear because she tells people bad things about me. My relatives now hate me and she sends me insulting messages over the phone.”

Chinyoka confirmed that she had left their matrimonial home after their marriage broke down.

I no longer stay with the applicant because he is the abuser. He stays with our kids and I take them during the weekends,” she said before turning the knife against Musarira, accusing him of taking drugs.

“He is lying that I abuse him. I stopped going home because he is now addicted to mutoriro (crystal meth). He acts out of character and if he wants a protection order, I will make my own application to take my kids,” she said.

Chinyoka did not respond to claims of filing false rape charges against her ex-husband.

Magistrate Sharon Mashavira granted the protection order sought by Musarira.


Dubai Firm Buys A Fifth Of Zimbabwean Land For A Song

A Zimbabwe- and Dubai-based firm has inked a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Zimbabwe that would see a fifth of the southern African country’s landmass conceded for carbon credit production.

The deal, which was announced in Harare on 29 September, will give Blue Carbon blanket control over 7.5 million hectares of Zimbabwean forest.

The agreement comes shortly after the firm signed a slew of similar controversial MOUs with other African countries, including a deal with Liberia conceding 10 percent of the country’s territory to the firm, in breach of several land laws.

The flurry of contracts comes ahead of the UN Climate Summit Cop 28, set to take place in Dubai in November, with carbon credits slated to be a topline issue.

The global $2bn voluntary carbon offset market allows carbon emitters to offset emissions by purchasing credits from emission-reducing projects primarily in forest conservation.

Blue Carbon’s chairman, Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum, a member of the UAE royal family, said the deal could funnel $1.5bn in climate finance into the country.

The Dubai-based firm was established only a year ago and has no track record of managing carbon offset projects.

Campaigners have warned that Al Maktoum’s ties to the royal family, who are heavily invested in oil and gas infrastructure, mean that these deals carry a “greenwashing risk,” as the harvested credits could also be used to offset UAE’s own emissions.

‘A secret’
Zimbabwe is the third largest carbon credit producer in Africa and the site of the Kariba project, the world’s first large-scale forest protection project spanning 785,000 hectares, jointly managed by Zimbabwean entrepreneur, Stephen Wentzel, and Swiss carbon credits trading company, South Pole.

Attracting multinationals such as Gucci and Volkswagen, South Pole reaped 100 million euros from the project. Half of these profits were originally promised to local communities, but a Follow the Money investigation revealed that most of that sum remained unaccounted for.

In May, the Zimbabwean government revised its carbon regulations to reduce a government share in profits from carbon offset projects to 30 percent. Carbon trading developers will retain 70 percent, but will have to invest a quarter of their profits in community projects.

But according to Tracy Mutowekuziva, an attorney for the Centre for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG), there are concerns about whether the money will reach the impacted communities.

“The money does not usually go directly to the community which is involved in the preservation of the forest,” Mutowekuziva told MEE. “Usually the government just takes the money and they do what they think the community needs.”

Like the MOU with Liberia that preceded it, the details of the contract are opaque.

“It’s a secret…We really don’t know the figures. We can’t even tell if the (value) of the land is accurately measured or if it tallies with the amount being offered by the buyer,” Mutowekuziva said.

A resource curse
Customary land rights are not enshrined in Zimbabwean law, which stipulates that communal land is owned by the government.

“We know that the government has not respected communal land rights historically,” a communication specialist for Zimbabwe, Shaun Matsheza, told MEE. “This is a colonial legacy that was not corrected upon independence.”

“You can be uprooted at the drop of a hat,” Matsheza said. ”You can’t actually trust that any investments you make in your land are going to pay off in the end because you could easily be displaced.”

According to Matsheza, no villages were consulted about the deal.

“This has been the case for multiple other deals which the government makes behind closed doors, and is never actually put up for deliberation or any form of democratic process,” Matsheza said.

Zimbabwe has long been plundered for its resources, with coal mining swallowing vast tracts of land and displacing thousands. A 2019 report by a local watchdog found that mining projects would displace at least 30,000 families within five years.

In 2010, diamond mining in Marange saw thousands of people forcibly relocated to a deserted government farm without compensation.

“Every time a resource is discovered it has terrible implications for the community…it’s a resource curse,” Matsheza told MEE.

Swathes of the land earmarked for the deal also include existing nature reserves.

Blue Carbon says it adheres to the standards of REDD+, the international initiative to reduce emissions from deforestation.

However, REDD+ requires additionality, which dictates that a project generates additional benefits, such as carbon reductions, to the ones that would naturally occur without it.

And by buying land that includes protected land, Blue Carbon would not be providing any additional benefits.

Mounting scientific evidence is casting doubt on the efficacy of carbon credits in reducing emissions: a recent study on Verra, the world’s largest carbon standard framework, found that 94 percent of the credits had no benefit for the climate.

“It’s essentially increasing the licence for developed countries to further pollute the environment,” Matsheza told MEE.

“What Blue Carbon has done is identify this opportunity and place themselves as the middleman between developed countries and developing countries who are yet to fully develop mechanisms for participating in this market.”

Middle East Eye

Lawyer arrested over vendors arrest slur

By A Correspondent- A prominent lawyer Kenias Shonhai was on Wednesday arrested after commenting against the manner in which police officers were arresting and bundling vendors into their truck.

The incident happened in Harare’s central business district.

Initially, police had indicated that they wanted to charge him with insulting President Emmerson Mnangagwa, but settled for the undermining police authority charge.

“I can’t say what I really said on the day because it is part of my defence in court, but it is true that I was arrested and will appear in court soon,” he said.

The lawyer said he would appear in court on Tuesday.

In a statement posted on X, the Catholic Lawyers Guild Zimbabwe condemned Shonai’s arrest.

Last year, Shonhai filed a High Court application challenging the constitutionality of Zimbabwe’s Police Act saying it was discriminatory and inconsistent with the country’s Constitution.

Shonhai argued that the Act discriminates against husbands of police officers by denying them access to free healthcare services, yet the same privilege is extended to spouses of male officers.

Fire And Rain Burn Harare CBD Shop

By Farai D Hove | Wednesday afternoon, Cameroon Street in Harare was the stage for a horrifying ordeal that would be etched into the memories of the locals. The small shop, quaintly named “Harare Treasures,” stood there, its wooden facade holding the secrets of countless trinkets, books, and curiosities.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, a ferocious inferno, seemingly summoned by the darkest of sorcery, suddenly engulfed the shop. The flames danced menacingly, casting eerie shadows upon the surrounding buildings. Thick plumes of black smoke spiraled into the night sky, blotting out the stars. Panic spread like wildfire among the street’s residents, who gathered helplessly, their faces etched with disbelief.

Firefighters raced to the scene, sirens blaring and hoses gushing with water, but it was as if the flames were determined to consume every inch of Harare Treasures. The crackling and popping of burning wood and the pungent smell of charred possessions filled the air. The shop’s treasures turned to ashes, and the owner’s dreams went up in smoke.

Just when it seemed the worst was over, the heavens unleashed their wrath. The pounding rain fell like a curtain of tears, drenching the smoldering remains of the shop. It was a surreal sight, the juxtaposition of fire and water, an elemental battle between destruction and salvation.

The once-vibrant wares were now reduced to a soggy, charred mess. Books turned to pulp, artifacts lay broken, and the echoes of laughter that once filled the shop were now drowned in the relentless downpour. The street that was once filled with gasps of horror now whispered with the sorrow of onlookers, their hearts heavy with the weight of the tragedy.

As the sun was setting on Wednesday night, the remnants of “Harare Treasures” were a heartbreaking sight. The shop, once a hub of memories and curiosities, was now a symbol of devastation. Property worth thousands of US dollars had been reduced to rubble.

The people of Cameroon Street came together, their spirits unbroken, to support the shop owner in their time of need. It was a testament to the indomitable spirit of the community, even in the face of such a harrowing night.

The horror that befell “Harare Treasures” would forever be a somber tale, a reminder of the unpredictable and uncontrollable forces of nature. Yet, through the ashes and the rain, the resilient human spirit prevailed, standing as a beacon of hope amidst the ruins.- ZimEye

Govt Threatens Chamisa, Protects ‘Impostor’ Tshabangu

Government has warned the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) against taking any action which may likely cause an uprising in the name of democracy.

The remarks were made by Foreign Affairs acting minister Amon Murwira when he addressed the African Union ambassadors affiliated to Zimbabwe in Harare yesterday.

Apart from exonerating government from the CCC recalls and saying they can only be reversed by self-proclaimed secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu, Murwira subtly accused CCC leader Nelson Chamisa of “undemocratic conduct”.

Referring to Chamisa’s refusal to accept results of the presidential election in the August 23 harmonised elections Murwira said: “It is a matter of public record that one presidential candidate in the just-ended harmonised elections declared, well ahead of the polls and, brazenly in the presence of election observers and the media, that the candidate would not abide by any other result except one which ‘pronounced the candidate as the sole winner’.

“Indeed this was the second such instance in which the candidate made such a declaration. Sadly, violence ensued after such a declaration in 2018. This type of conduct is an attack on our democracy, constitutionalism and the rule of law.

“Regrettably, some countries have tended to support this undemocratic conduct. As in previous instances, government will not tolerate any actions aimed at disturbing the peace under the guise of ‘democratic political processes’.”

He said Zimbabwean law enjoins the Speaker of the National Assembly and the president of the Senate to promptly act on any and all communication from political formations brought before them to effect a recall.

“Neither official can or may cause, amend, or block any such communication once placed before them. Again, it is downright false to impute responsibility for any recalls on the two Presiding Officers; or even to suggest that they have the remit to withdraw any such communication. Only authors of such communication can cause a reversal,” Murwira said.

He also claimed that there are no political prisoners in the country, despite the opposition alleging that former Zengeza West legislator Job Sikhala who has now clocked over 400 days in jail, is one of them.

Political analyst Rejoice Ngwenya described Murwira’s remarks on Chamisa and recalls as “garbage”.

“The Constitution says elections ought to be free and fair. Observers reported that elections were not free and fair, so end of story,” he said.

“Constitution allows us to demonstrate peacefully. Have we been afforded that opportunity? Zec (Zimbabwe Electoral Commission) must be independent, right? When Msengezi tried to recall ED, what happened? So the Speaker is a cyborg that responds to any letter from the street?”

CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi could not be reached to comment on Murwira’s statement yesterday.

Dangers Of Underestimating Chamisa’s Power

By Constate Juramwa | This is a tale of political intrigue and resilience played out, a story of how underestimating a determined leader like Nelson Chamisa could have devastating consequences.

In the year 2023, Zimbabwe was at a crossroads. The nation had been through years of political turmoil and economic hardship. Nelson Chamisa, a charismatic and unwavering leader, stood as the opposition candidate in the presidential election. He promised the people a brighter future and genuine change.

On the other side of the political spectrum was Emmerson Mnangagwa, the incumbent president who had ruled with an iron fist for years. Mnangagwa was determined to maintain his grip on power at any cost, and he didn’t hesitate to resort to underhanded tactics.

The election year brought not just one, but a trifecta of rigging. The presidential, parliamentary, and local government elections were marred by allegations of foul play. Mnangagwa’s party even went as far as recalling elected officials from opposition parties, further eroding the principles of democracy.

It seemed that Mnangagwa was on the brink of victory, his power secure through manipulation and deceit. The international community watched closely, concerned about the blatant disregard for democratic values.

However, underestimating Nelson Chamisa was a grave mistake. Chamisa was a resilient leader who refused to bow down to injustice. He rallied the people, urging them to stand up for their rights and demand justice. Peaceful protests and international pressure became their weapons against a rigged system.

As Mnangagwa’s presidency relied more on unlawful actions, the country suffered. Investors shied away, fearing the instability and a lack of respect for the rule of law. Zimbabwe was pushed to the brink, with no economic growth in sight.

But as the world turned its attention to Zimbabwe, Chamisa’s determination and the people’s unwavering support began to shift the balance of power. The international community imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe, further isolating Mnangagwa’s regime.

The illegitimate presidency began to crumble under the weight of its own corruption. Mnangagwa’s actions and the rigging of the 2023 election had weakened his grip on the nation. Zimbabwe was left with a fractured administration, a struggling economy, and a loss of international credibility.

In the end, Nelson Chamisa emerged as a symbol of hope and resilience. His leadership was not just respected by the people of Zimbabwe, but by the international community as well. As Mnangagwa’s unlawful presidency collapsed, the nation began the arduous journey of rebuilding.

Investors eventually returned to Zimbabwe, drawn by the prospect of a nation that valued democracy, justice, and economic prosperity. The 2023 rigged election had been a turning point in the nation’s history, a stark reminder of the consequences of rigging and the importance of upholding democratic values.

The futility of relying on a rigged presidency had brought Zimbabwe to its knees, but the people’s determination and the global pressure against injustice had paved the way for a brighter future. Half a century of stagnation was averted, and Zimbabwe could once again grow and prosper under the leadership of Nelson Chamisa.

Magic Powers Fail Robbers

Robbers’ Sangoma Magic Fails Them as They Face Trial.

-Bulawayo, October 20, 2023* – In a startling turn of events, the purported magical powers of three fleeing robbers ran out as they faced trial for an alleged armed robbery. Elvis Charapuka (38), Mlingiseli Sibanda (44), and Bhekimpilo Ncube (35) appeared before Bulawayo regional magistrate Dambudzo Malunga, where they pleaded not guilty. The trio stands accused of robbing businessman George Kudya (42), who is also the managing director of Star Distributors, in a chilling armed attack at his Mahatshula suburb home.

Kudya took the stand for cross-examination and recounted the harrowing incident that unfolded on that fateful day. He revealed that upon returning home before 7 pm, he was ambushed by Charapuka, Sibanda, and Ncube. The robbers allegedly manhandled him and pointed a gun at his head, demanding money.

Under duress and fearing for his life, Kudya surrendered a substantial sum of US$6,000. The assailants then proceeded to rob him of an additional P110,000 before making their escape in their vehicle.

However, the surprising twist in this case came from a traditional healer, Gogo Otilia Murombedzi, who was called to testify. Murombedzi disclosed that Charapuka had been a visitor to her Cowdray Park suburb home for consultations and to obtain good luck charms before the robbery. She further confirmed that Charapuka had given her P1,800 as a token of appreciation. Astonishingly, she claimed that her ancestral spirits had warned her that the money was “dirty,” rendering it unusable.

The allegations against Sibanda, Ncube, and Charapuka revolve around an incident that occurred on January 7th of this year when the accused waylaid Kudya at his home. According to court documents, the trio arrived at Kudya’s residence just before 7 pm. They approached him, demanded money, and forcibly took US$6,000 from him. Unsatisfied, they compelled him to retrieve an additional P110,000 from his car.

Kudya promptly reported the robbery to the police, leading to an investigation that revealed Charapuka’s gesture of gratitude to the traditional healer. As the trial unfolds, the accused robbers face the challenge of explaining their actions, and the inexplicable failure of the supposed magical protection that had previously shielded them from harm.

Concillia Ncube represents the State in this intriguing case, which continues to captivate both the court and the public. The accused trio has been remanded out of custody, with their trial scheduled to resume on October 25, 2023.- HMetro/Additional Reporting

ANC Expels School Director for Criticizing Mnangagwa, Hosting Mandaza

Johannesburg, October 19, 2023* – By Farai D Hove | The African National Congress (ANC) has taken action against David Masondo, the former director of the OR Tambo School of Leadership, for his public criticism of Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Masondo, who previously held the position of deputy finance minister and was the principal of the school, has been replaced by former Gauteng Premier David Makhura.

The decision to remove Masondo from his position was announced by ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula, who cited it as a response to an “alignment issue” within the party. The ANC’s national executive committee has instructed the school’s chairperson, former deputy ANC president Kgalema Motlanthe, and its board to effect the removal of Masondo.

Masondo’s tenure as the principal of the OR Tambo School of Leadership had seen the institution used as a platform for training individuals appointed by the ANC to serve in various municipalities and legislatures. However, a power struggle over control of the school had been brewing, with a recent lecture on the Zimbabwean elections at the center of the dispute.

Notably, this decision comes after Masondo’s criticism of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, although ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula denied that this was the primary reason for the change. Mbalula emphasized that the decision was rooted in an internal alignment issue.

David Makhura, the former Gauteng Premier, has been selected to take up the role of head of the OR Tambo School of Leadership. Makhura, described by Mbalula as the ANC’s “political commissar,” is responsible for the party’s ideological thinking and is a full-time deployee.

In addressing the situation, Mbalula also criticized the school for providing a platform to a single group with anti-Zanu-PF sentiments. He stressed that the school should not be used as a propaganda tool for any particular faction within South Africa.

Despite Masondo’s removal from his position as school director, Mbalula mentioned that he would still have a role within the institution.

Waving Rhodesian Flag, Nigeria Set To Become World’s 5th Largest Economy

By Dorrothy Moyo | At a time expert occupational therapists warn of the mental health dangers of using confused colours like those on the Zanu PF Zimbabwean flag, Nigeria has after overtaking South Africa to become Africa’s first, now shot up to get to near- 5th position in the world.

Nigeria, is quickly establishing itself as a major economic force on the international scene, Goldman Sachs reports.

Nigerian flag

At present, Nigeria holds the title of Africa’s largest economy, boasting a GDP of $477 billion and ample fiscal room for expansion. Moreover, the nation is projected to experience robust growth, positioning itself not only as a dominant force in Africa but also on the global economic stage.

A report from Goldman Sachs, a renowned global investment bank, underscores this point. In one of its research documents titled “The Path to 2075,” the bank predicts that Nigeria is on course to become one of the world’s leading economies by 2075, trailing only China, India, the United States, and Indonesia.

The report highlights four significant global economic themes: 1. Slower global potential growth due to declining population growth, 2. Continued convergence in emerging markets, particularly in Asia, 3. A decade of exceptional economic performance by the United States unlikely to be replicated, and 4. a shift towards less global inequality and more localized disparities.

Furthermore, the report anticipates that by 2050, Nigeria will be among the top 15 economies globally, securing the 14th position. An excerpt from the report suggests, “The potential for rapid population growth in countries like Nigeria, Pakistan, and Egypt implies that, with appropriate policies and institutions, these economies could become some of the largest in the world.”

Meanwhile, an advisory on flag colours reads: national flags are not just symbols of identity; they are pervasive visuals in our daily lives. However, the intricate and multifaceted designs of many flags may have unintended consequences for our mental well-being. This report delves into the impact of such complex designs.II. The Mental Health RisksA. Overstimulation and StressComplex and chaotic flag designs can lead to visual overstimulation. This overstimulation, coupled with the colors and patterns in these flags, can elevate stress levels and lead to mental exhaustion.B. Reduced ConcentrationProlonged exposure to intricate designs can be distracting, making it difficult to focus on tasks or information, leading to reduced productivity and increased frustration.C. Anxiety and AgitationThe visual complexity of some flags can induce anxiety and agitation, especially when trying to interpret their intricate patterns and decipher their meanings.III. The Importance of SimplicityA. Simplicity Soothes the MindReducing the number of colors and simplifying visual stimuli in your environment can create a sense of calm and tranquility, fostering emotional well-being.B. Clarity Enhances FocusFewer colors and simpler designs provide clarity and reduce distractions, allowing for better concentration and improved cognitive function.C. Mindful SelectionConsider surrounding yourself with flags or color schemes that promote positivity and emotional wellness. Make mindful choices to reduce the risk of mental health issues.IV. RecommendationsEvaluate Your Environment: Take a close look at the flags and color schemes in your surroundings. Identify those that may contribute to stress or mental fatigue.Choose Simplicity: Opt for flags and visual elements with three or fewer colors whenever possible. This choice can help maintain your mental balance and promote well-being.Balanced Exposure: If you cannot control the flags in your environment (e.g., in public spaces), balance exposure to complex designs by incorporating simpler visuals in your home or personal space.Seek Professional Guidance: If you experience persistent anxiety or stress due to complex flag designs, do not hesitate to seek support from mental health professionals.V. ConclusionIn our visually complex world, we must not underestimate the potential impact of flag designs on our mental health. This advisory report encourages individuals to be mindful of their visual surroundings and prioritize mental well-being by choosing simplicity over complexity whenever possible.For a healthier and more mentally balanced future, let us consider the influence of these intricate designs on our mental state and make informed choices accordingly.

Chamisa Announces Mass Protests Dates

By-The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has announced plans to roll out countrywide protests beginning Monday against the recall of its Members of Parliament (MPs) and councillors.

A CCC member claiming to be the party’s interim secretary-general based in Bulawayo, Sengezo Tshabangu, recalled 15 opposition MPs and 17 councillors, claiming they had ceased to be members of the opposition movement.
The CCC has claimed that Zanu PF is sponsoring Tshabangu to force by-elections to enable the ruling party to get a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly and further tamper with the national Constitution.
Zanu PF failed to garner an outright two-thirds majority in the August 23 and 24 elections after getting 176 seats against CCC’s 103.
Yesterday, CCC interim spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi said the party has been left with no option but to take to the streets, starting with Bulawayo, where most MPs were recalled.

“We are escalating our game. If they do not attend to the issues that we have put before them, surely we are going to take other steps,” he said.
“We have an option of going for peaceful protests and we have said that Mr (President Emmerson) Mnangagwa, the sooner you engage, the better for you. He should expect more massive protests coming and he should be prepared.”
CCC leader Nelson Chamisa last week wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Jacob Mudenda, calling for the reinstatement of his legislators.
Chamisa also announced a partial pullout of his MPs and councillors in protest over the recalls before giving government a 14-day ultimatum to reinstate his officials.
The opposition believes that its members have been unfairly targeted and unjustly removed from their positions.
In Bulawayo, the protests are going to be held under the banner “Together We Rise”.
Addressing a Press conference in Harare yesterday, CCC deputy spokesperson Gift “Ostallos” Siziba said there was no going back on the protests.
“The issue of stolen elections is a Zimbabwean issue, so Zimbabweans across the country have the right to protest,” he said.
“Zanu PF has been doing these shenanigans to embarrass us because we did not attend the opening of Parliament.
“We have a law for Zanu PF and a law for the rest of us. We protest by disengaging from all Parliament and council business.”
The CCC has also approached the High Court challenging the recalls.
On Tuesday, High Court judge Justice Munamato Mutevedzi set November 2 as the hearing date for the matter where the CCC is seeking to reverse Mudenda’s announcement of the recalls.
Mutevedzi ordered the respondents to file their opposing affidavit by close of day today while the applicants will submit their response to the opposing affidavit on Monday. Newsday

Dynamos Stop Ngezi Platinum

PSL full time results

Greenfuel 1-1 Highlanders

FC Platinum 1-2 Black Rhinos

Chicken Inn 4-0 ZPC Kariba

Sheasham 1-1 Triangle United

Simba Bhora 2-3 Caps United

Dynamos 2-1 Ngezi Platinum

Hwange 1-0 Herentals

ZBC News

Source : ZBC News

Job Sikhala Loves Being In Prison, Claims Eddie Cross

Watch video below as presidential biographer, Eddie Cross calls Job Sikhala a street kid who loves being photographed in chains.

Said Eddie Cross:

“Sikhala loves being in prison, he loves being photographed in chains

He is harmless, why would you keep him in prison? “


Mnangagwa Revamps Varakashi To Bomb Hungry Citizens

Zanu PF is revamping Varakashi team to bomb hungry citizens with cheap propaganda.

On Wednesday the party relaunched its Varakashi wing…


Re-Launch | Re-Launch


Today (Wednesday) , we re- launch our traditional show, FACE TO FACE ,

Cde. Takasununguka Ziki will hosts Dr Lesley Marisa on:


Date: Wednesday 18 October 2023
Time: 1900-2100HRS
Advancing a Patriotic State of Mind

Mighty Warriors Coach Gets Bail

Mighty Warriors coach Shadreck Mlauzi was granted a $300 bail and will return to court on October 27 for trial continuation.

Mlauzi is being accused of indecently assaulting a female member of the technical staff.

The accuser reported the case to the Zimbabwe Republic Police after the team’s return from the COSAFA Women’s Championship in South Africa.

According to a complaint filed with the police, the first incident happened during the pre-tournament camp in Harare when the coach attempted to kiss her without her consent, but she refused.

The following incidents took place in South Africa during the tournament and this prompted the accuser to register her complaint to COSAFA Safeguarding Officer, leading to Mlauzi’s suspension in the following match.

Meanwhile, it’s unclear whether Mlauzi is still suspended by the ZIFA Nomalisation Committee after the charges were raised over a week ago.

In a statement issued during the team’s COSAFA Women’s Championship campaign, Mlauzi was suspended from his duties and missed the semifinal clash against Zambia.

However, he returned and took charge of the Mighty Warriors’ 3rd/4th place play-off against Mozambique on Sunday.

Soccer 24 News

Chiragwi Slams DeMbare Anti-football Tactics

Ngezi Platinum Stars coach Takesure Chiragwi beamoned what he described as ‘anti-football tactics’ employed by Dynamos in the two sides’ Castle Lager Premier Soccer League match played at the National Sports Stadium yesterday.

DeMbare won the match 2-1 courtesy of goals on either side of the half time break from Elton Chikona and Keith Madera, to blow the title race wide open in the process.

But Chiragwi felt hard done by Dynamos, who resorted to withdrawing match balls and delaying tactics after Takunda Benhura pulled one back for Madamburo in the second half.

DeMbare midfielder Donald Mudadi was even given a yellow card —his second of the game, for delaying his walk off the field, with eights minutes left.

“We came here to play football and when you don’t have the football, we can’t play anything,” he said after the game,” Chiragwi said after the game.

“The supporters came here to watch football but look, Dynamos is a big club and I wasn’t expecting something like that from them.

“But if it’s going to give them results like that then it’s fine. But for me as coach of Ngezi Platinum Stars I think I love to play football, no matter I am down,” he added.-Soccer24 News

Mnangagwa Props Up Varakashi

Zanu PF is revamping Varakashi team to bomb hungry citizens with cheap propaganda.

On Wednesday the party relaunched its Varakashi wing…


Re-Launch | Re-Launch


Today (Wednesday) , we re- launch our traditional show, FACE TO FACE ,

Cde. Takasununguka Ziki will hosts Dr Lesley Marisa on:


Date: Wednesday 18 October 2023
Time: 1900-2100HRS
Advancing a Patriotic State of Mind

Retailers Endorse Dirty Mnangagwa

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is this Wednesday evening attending a congratulatory dinner hosted for him by the Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers .

This follows the ZANU PF victory In the August General Elections.

The dinner is being attended by the business community from different affiliates.- State media

Caps United Post Crucial Win

PSL full time results

Greenfuel 1-1 Highlanders

FC Platinum 1-2 Black Rhinos

Chicken Inn 4-0 ZPC Kariba

Sheasham 1-1 Triangle United

Simba Bhora 2-3 Caps United

Dynamos 2-1 Ngezi Platinum

Hwange 1-0 Herentals

ZBC News

Source : ZBC News

Chamisa Hints On Mass Protests

By-The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has announced plans to roll out countrywide protests beginning Monday against the recall of its Members of Parliament (MPs) and councillors.

A CCC member claiming to be the party’s interim secretary-general based in Bulawayo, Sengezo Tshabangu, recalled 15 opposition MPs and 17 councillors, claiming they had ceased to be members of the opposition movement.
The CCC has claimed that Zanu PF is sponsoring Tshabangu to force by-elections to enable the ruling party to get a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly and further tamper with the national Constitution.
Zanu PF failed to garner an outright two-thirds majority in the August 23 and 24 elections after getting 176 seats against CCC’s 103.
Yesterday, CCC interim spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi said the party has been left with no option but to take to the streets, starting with Bulawayo, where most MPs were recalled.

“We are escalating our game. If they do not attend to the issues that we have put before them, surely we are going to take other steps,” he said.
“We have an option of going for peaceful protests and we have said that Mr (President Emmerson) Mnangagwa, the sooner you engage, the better for you. He should expect more massive protests coming and he should be prepared.”
CCC leader Nelson Chamisa last week wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Jacob Mudenda, calling for the reinstatement of his legislators.
Chamisa also announced a partial pullout of his MPs and councillors in protest over the recalls before giving government a 14-day ultimatum to reinstate his officials.
The opposition believes that its members have been unfairly targeted and unjustly removed from their positions.
In Bulawayo, the protests are going to be held under the banner “Together We Rise”.
Addressing a Press conference in Harare yesterday, CCC deputy spokesperson Gift “Ostallos” Siziba said there was no going back on the protests.
“The issue of stolen elections is a Zimbabwean issue, so Zimbabweans across the country have the right to protest,” he said.
“Zanu PF has been doing these shenanigans to embarrass us because we did not attend the opening of Parliament.
“We have a law for Zanu PF and a law for the rest of us. We protest by disengaging from all Parliament and council business.”
The CCC has also approached the High Court challenging the recalls.
On Tuesday, High Court judge Justice Munamato Mutevedzi set November 2 as the hearing date for the matter where the CCC is seeking to reverse Mudenda’s announcement of the recalls.
Mutevedzi ordered the respondents to file their opposing affidavit by close of day today while the applicants will submit their response to the opposing affidavit on Monday. Newsday

Mnangagwa Speaks On Rigged 23 August Elections

By-Zanu PF President Emmerson Mnangagwa has spoken out on the elections, which he controversially won last August, and said that he won on merit after working hard in the last five years.

He was speaking during a congratulatory business dinner organised by business leaders after his victory during the August harmonised general elections.
The President said like business leaders, the Government is in place on merit.
“I am addressing people who are aware they are there by merit, not by election. You congratulate me — we were elected — but you never interrogate whether we rigged.
“I can assure you whoever has that inkling, we did not rig. We are where we are by merit, total merit, like yourselves,” said the President.
Turning to his plans going forward, President Mnangagwa said the Second Republic will continue to roll out pro-business policies to ensure a conducive environment for increased production while also further reducing the cost of doing business.
The Head of State and Government said his administration would continue to bring sector-specific initiatives to ensure the current rise in production is sustained.
Already, policies spearheaded by the Second Republic have improved the country’s business environment, with locally manufactured goods now occupying over 85 percent of the space in supermarkets, while foreign companies continue to be attracted to Zimbabwe.
Consequently, export earnings between January and August this year grew by 6,1 percent to US$4,48 billion compared to US$4,42 billion realised during the same period last year.
President Mnangagwa said his administration was well on course to meet Zimbabweans’ aspirations of improved living conditions and development, which leaves no one and no place behind.
“My administration will continue to provide sector-specific incentives to improve production levels and capacity as well as the overall competitiveness of our local industries,” he said.
“This continues to be reflected through the Second Republic’s pro-business policies and the continuous improved ease of doing business environment.
“I am pleased to note the positive trajectory being recorded across all sectors of the economy, with growth in production and productivity, capacity utilisation as well as exports.”
President Mnangagwa commended Zimbabweans for embracing the “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/Ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi balo” mantra, given the appetite by many locals to participate in national development.
On that note, the President urged businesses that have not regularised their operations to do so for them to contribute to national development.
He said he has already charged relevant departments with ensuring that the regularisation process is seamless.
Efforts to streamline small and medium enterprises into the mainstream economy are underway, added President Mnangagwa.
“In addition, support for many more micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to transition into the mainstream economy is being increased.
“All our small businesses must be registered and the relevant Government departments have been directed to provide comprehensive facilitation to ease the cost and simplify processes associated with registration.
“The increased participation of locals in other sectors such as agriculture, mining and tourism is applauded,” said the President.
Programmes are also underway to revamp other key economic enablers such as power supply, he said.
The Second Republic, added President Mnangagwa, will continue championing private sector-led growth to cement Zimbabwe’s sustained prosperity.
He also said the modernisation of key infrastructure such as the Beitbridge Border Post had removed bottlenecks and improved the ease of doing business in the country.
The upgrading of requisite infrastructure remains a priority for the Second Republic, said the President, while applauding the private sector for partnering Government in infrastructure projects.
“The Beitbridge Border Post remains the backbone infrastructure for traders and exporters in Zimbabwe and those on the North-South Corridor. I am happy that the modernisation of the Beitbridge Border Post has removed bottlenecks that previously slowed down the movement of goods and the travelling public.
“Plans are in place to establish a One-Stop-Border Post at Beitbridge to further facilitate seamless trade. The modernisation of Chirundu, Machipanda-Forbes and Plumtree border posts, among others, will soon commence.
“Going forward, upgrading our road and railway networks remains a priority. I am pleased that work at the Mbudzi interchange is progressing well. Routine maintenance works have also commenced on the Beitbridge to Victoria Falls Road and the Harare to Chirundu Highway, pending the overhaul and modernisation of these roads which are key trade and tourism routes,” he said.
President Mnangagwa said the Second Republic was also working on increased power generation to complement the recently commissioned Hwange Units 7 and 8.
He said the coming online of Hwange Power Station’s Units 7 and 8 was welcome, but said the Government is presently seized with the upgrade of Hwange’s Units 1 to 6 to increase electricity availability.
“Concurrently, increased power supply is being pursued through independent power producers, in line with our green energy agenda. I therefore, urge industry players, particularly those in high energy consumption sub-sectors, to pursue complementary independent power generation,” he said.
The Head of State and Government thanked the business community for holding the congratulatory dinner for him, saying the event served as evidence that there were symbiotic relations between the Government and business.
“In this spirit of unity and oneness, I challenge us all to keep our focus on developing, modernising and industrialising our country,” he said
President Mnangagwa said the engagement and re-engagement drive was bearing fruit and having positive ripple effects and benefits for the private sector through broader market access and new investment streams.
“My Government remains determined to harness the present goodwill, from the international community, to push forward with the Debt and Arrears Clearance Programme,” he said.
While congratulating President Mnangagwa on his election victory, Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers president Dr Denford Mutashu said the business community was confident in his leadership going into the next five years.
“I happily congratulate you for the resounding win in the just-ended harmonised elections. I have no doubt as you have proven in your previous term through your hard work that you will deliver and take Zimbabwe to the highest level of economic development,” he said. Herald

Zanu PF Fires 12 Chamisa Byo Councilors

By-Local Government and Public Works Minister Winston Chitando has informed the Bulawayo City Council about expelling 12 CCC party councillors from the local government authority.

 The decision was made based on instructions from Sengezo Tshabangu, who claims to be the party’s interim Secretary-General. 

In Bulawayo, the 12 councillors that Mr Tshabangu recalled include;

  • Councillor Donaldson Mabuto (the deputy mayor),
  • Clr Shepherd Dube (ward one),
  • Clr Nkosinathi Hove Mpofu (ward six),
  • Clr Takunda Felix Madzana (Ward 18),
  • Clr Simbarashe Dube (ward 20),
  • Clr Tinevimbo Maphosa (ward 21),
  • Clr Thobeka Mmeli Moyo (ward 22),
  • Clr Arnold Batirai (Ward 24) and

Proportional representation councillors:

  • Clr Sarah Cronje,
  • Clr Tabeth Mhizha,
  • Clr Dorcas Sibanda and
  • Clr Zibusiso Tshongwe.

On October 18, 2023, Minister Chitando sent a letter to the town clerk, Mr. Christopher Dube, stating that the city’s local authority must now inform the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission about the recalls so as to prepare for upcoming by-elections in the area, according to the Sunday News. Reads the letter:

I wish to inform you that I am in receipt of a letter from the Citizens Coalition for Change, stating that the following councillors have ceased to be members of the Citizens Coalition for Change political party. In terms of Section 121 of the Electoral Act, please proceed to inform the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission of these vacancies.

Today, the councillors met to choose an acting deputy mayor as a replacement for the recalled Mabutho. 

Bulawayo Mayor, David Coltart criticised the recalls and stated that the Minister’s actions are a significant violation of section 68 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to administrative justice. He said:

The Minister was required to ascertain whether the person purporting to act on behalf of the party was authorised to do so. He was also required to act in a procedurally fair manner, which includes the right of the Councillors affected to be heard before he acted. But the greatest breach is the moral breach – all of these Councillors have recently been voted into office by the overwhelming votes (over 80% majorities in most cases), directly or indirectly, of the citizens of Bulawayo. This is a total negation of democracy- it is an outrage. 

Coltart said that ZANU PF is the only party benefiting from these actions and is likely responsible for them. He said although this undermines the work of the Bulawayo City Council they will keep working hard to improve the city. Coltart said they will also take legal and diplomatic actions to challenge this “unjust behaviour.”

WhatsApp Fraudster In Court

By A Correspondent| A suspected fraudster has appeared in court facing 20 counts of swindling unsuspecting people of various amounts of money through WhatsApp groups.

Admire Munyanyi was not asked to plead to the allegations when he appeared before Harare magistrate Denis Mangosi.

Represented by Malvern Mapako, Munyanyi was granted US$150 bail.

It is alleged that between 2020 and September 2023 in various WhatsApp groups with various business people, Munyanyi would market his business and presenting himself as an agent trading as Glow and Go Online Shopping and Shipping Services, a company which helps people to import various goods from China to Zimbabwe.

It is alleged that Munyanyi would make the misrepresentation to deprive people
of their money knowing he had no capacity to bring anything from China.

It is alleged that he would then create and sent WhatsApp group links which would then link potential clients to a specific WhatsApp group with specific items where he would then put various prices for various goods.

Claims are that he created about 10 WhatsApp groups of different types of goods where victims joined using the supplied links.

Allegations are that he would supply his personal banking account details as well as those of his spouse Joyce Jayne Munyanyi’s Access Forex for clients to deposit money on the pretext that he would buy and import goods for them from China.

After the victims have deposited the
money, Munyanyi would then start to make numerous demands requesting top-
ups before exiting the group and disappearing without delivering the goods to his clients.

Sekuru Banda Consoles Late Juliet Kadungure, Garry Mapanzure Families

By A Correspondent| Philanthropist traditional healer Sekuru Banda has consoled the Kadungure and Mapanzure families following the death of Juliet and Garry who died in separate accidents last week.

Juliet Kadungure was the sister to the late socialite Genius ‘Ginimbi’ Kadungure who also died in a car accident along Borrowdale road in November 2020.

She died in bus accident on her way back to Harare from Tanzania last week while Garry succumbed to injuries sustained in an accident along the Masvingo-Harare highway.

Speaking to ZimEye, Sekuru Banda consoled the Kadungure and Mapanzure families for the loss of their loved ones while calling on motorists to prioritize the safety of their passengers at all times.

“I am saddened by the death of Genius’s sister Juliet; this is very sad considering that the Kadungure family also lost Genius is a car accident in 2020.

“I also wish to console the Mapanzure family for the loss of Garry the musician in another accident in Masvingo last week,” said Sekuru Banda.

He urged drivers to always be safe on the road and avoid driving defective cars as that could cause unnecessary loss of lives.

“We urge drivers to be safe on the road, let’s not speed or overtake on blindspots, lets prioritize the safety of passengers. Before embarking on a journey check the condition of our vehicles, tyres, brakes, wipers especially during the rainy season,” added Sekuru Banda.

He also urged passengers to restrain reckless drivers and not hesitate to disembark from such vehicles for their own safety.

Winston Chitando: A Technocratic Minister Hired By Mnangagwa To Turn Mining Sector Into 12 Billion Sector Now Engaging In Cheap Politics

HARARE – Local government minister Winston Chitando who was hired by Emmerson Mnangagwa in 2018 to turnaround the country’s mining sector is now engaging in cheap politics.

This follows his has announcement to recall of 17 CCC councillors on the orders of Sengezo Tshabangu, who claims to be the party’s interim secretary general.

In correspondence to the Bulawayo Town Clerk dated 18 October, Chitando said the expulsions followed claims by Tshabangu that the councillors had ceased to be members of the main opposition.

“I wish to inform you that I am in receipt of a letter from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) stating that the following councillors have ceased to be members of Citizens Coalition for Change political party,” he said.

Chitando went on to list the councillors expelled.

They are Bulawayo councillors; Shepherd Sithole (Ward 1), Nkosinathi Hove-Mpofu (Ward 6), Donaldson Mabutho (Ward 9), Takunda Felix Madzana (Ward 18), Simbarashe Dube (Ward 20), Tinevimbo Maphosa (Ward 21), Thobeka Mmeli Moyo (Ward 22) and Arnold Batirai (Ward 24).

Also recalled were proportional representation councillors namely, Sarah Cronje, Mhizha Tabeth, Sibanda Dorcas and Zibusiso Tshongwe.

The others are Granger Nyoni and Gugu Ncube, both from the Matabeleland South provincial council), Maundura Mbiri (Matabeleland North provincial council), Shantel Chiwara (Masvingo ward 2) and Anna Sande (Epworth provincial council).

“In terms of section 278(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, as read with Section (1)(k), the above-mentioned wards are now vacant,” Chitando wrote.

Commenting on the ouster of fellow councillors, Bulawayo mayor David Coltart said Chitando was acting in breach of the law.

“The action of the Minister is a serious breach of section 68 of the Constitution – namely the right to administrative justice,” he said.

“The Minister was required to ascertain whether the person purporting to act on behalf of the party was authorised to do so.

“He was also required to act in a procedurally fair manner, which includes the right of the Councillors affected to be heard before he acted.”

Coltart added, “But the greatest breach is the moral breach – all of these Councillors have recently been voted into office by the overwhelming votes (over 80% majorities in most cases), directly or indirectly, of the citizens of Bulawayo.

“This is a total negation of democracy- it is an outrage. The only entity which stands to gain out of this is Zanu PF which is clearly behind these machinations.

“Whilst this clearly undermines the work of the Bulawayo City Council we will continue to work as hard as we can to turn our great City around. We will also do all we can to challenge this outrageous act through the courts and diplomatically.”

The recalls follow similar expulsions on 15 CCC MPs on the orders of Tshabangu..

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa has disowned Tshabangu, describing him as an imposter.

LEAKED MILITARY AUDIO: Chamisa Wasn’t Removed By Tshabangu, But By An Award Winning Journalist

By Farai D Hove | Once upon a time, in the heart of the nation, an award-winning journalist named Mark Anderson [not real name] stood as a beacon of hope for those who believed in the power of truth and justice.

His reputation for exposing state corruption had made him a household name, and his voice resonated with the people who longed for a brighter future.

From July 2020, Mark Anderson began a series of scathing articles, televised exposés, and radio interviews. He pointed a finger at the highest levels of government, uncovering scandals that shook the very foundation of the nation. He was relentless, a fierce guardian of the people’s interests, or so it seemed.

As the months passed, his revelations grew bolder, and his audience larger. Later on in January 2023, he made a statement that sent shockwaves across the nation. In an undisputed leaked audio recording with a well known senior military intelligence officer, Mark Anderson could be heard berating the nation’s opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa. He accused Chamisa of being an incompetent party leader, a man who should be ousted from his position.

He even emphasised saying Chamisa must be removed because according to him, he is incompetent.

Anderson’s rage and determination was revealed as the recording continued. In it, he was heard making an announcement that the opposition party would split into two factions shortly after the 2023 elections. This was a shocking twist, as Anderson had been a staunch supporter of the opposition, or so it seemed.

But the events of the second week of October told a different story. The statement he made was not the result of his investigative journalism, but a well-crafted design to sow discord within the opposition party. He had used his platform and reputation to manipulate public opinion, all the while secretly conspiring against those who had trusted him.

As the nation grappled with this revelation, Anderson’s own words came back to haunt him. He had often criticized Chamisa for his frequent references to Bible verses, claiming it showed an obsession rather than true leadership. But now, it was Mark Anderson’s words and actions that were under scrutiny.

By February 2023, he would admit that he truly directed the country’# coup leader Constantino Chiwenga to regularly meet civil society leaders in order to reduce tension, at a time when UN investigations revealed there was no tension whatsoever, other than military crackdowns against civilians since Aug 2018, and into the 2019 shootings, during a time when multiple civil society reports say he leaked the addresses of safe houses of torture victims to the military, allegations that are undenied by him.

The journalist had turned from a champion of truth into a master manipulator, using his influence to destabilize the very opposition he had claimed to support. His fall from grace was swift, and the nation was left to grapple with the consequences of his treachery.

In an over 33 minute audio recording which went viral in January 2022, Mr Hopewell Chin’ono is heard saying, the CCC is splitting and Chamisa is incompetent because he has failed to tell people to go register to vote.

“He(Chamisa) spends time tweeting Bible verses instead of telling people go register to vote,” says Chin’ono to the man, audibly identified as Bruce.

Chin’ono then says, ” he himself (Chamisa) did not even come out to tell people to go register.”

A large database of live videos shows that in 2022, alone, Chamisa personally commissioned 964 meetings, and he is on various footage loudly urging and ordering people to go register to vote. 62 of these meetings were either disrupted of cancelled by ZANU PF authorities and some violently crushed. Many party members were killed during Chamisa’s campaigns for people to register to vote.

Chin’ono would later in January publicly announce on Twitter that the CCC and its leader, Chamisa, have not launched any voter registration campaign programs.

“The opposition hasn’t yet mounted an official voter registration campaign, yet it wants power.

“On this day, nothing has changed yet from yesterday, 2022,” he said on Twitter on 1 Jan 2023.

Chin’ono has confirmed the viral 33 minute audio as he joined his colleague Kuda Musasiwa on Twitter in saying there is no new information in the leaked audio.

“Vanopenga ava Mhofu! The level of desperation is embarrassing!,” said Chin’ono conjoining to, ” It’s absolute stupidity that someone “leaks” voice recording of @daddyhope when his free thoughts are always freely available on his personal timeline. When I want to know what Daddy Hope thinks I’ll look at his timeline. Not some clandestine “sting” with zero new information!”

To this, Musasiwa then said Chin’ono should not be afraid to speak his mind.

“Absolute madness. I have never seen you afraid to speak for yourself.

“Any(way) f*** them. Desperation,” he wrote.


In the ever-evolving political landscape of the nation, the saga took another unexpected twist. Nelson Chamisa, once the revered leader of his party, found himself at the center of a controversy that had been brewing since January 2023. The catalyst for this new chapter was a leaked audio recording that surfaced around October 10th.

In the recording, a voice eerily similar to that of Chamisa’s deputy could be heard. The speaker did not mince words, expressing discontent with the prevailing belief that Chamisa still held the party’s respect. “Anga apera ega,” he remarked, suggesting that Chamisa’s influence had waned considerably.

The bombshell came when the voice announced that they would soon issue a tweet declaring that they were no longer the president of anything. This announcement coincided with a tweet by none other than Chamisa’s former deputy, Tendai Biti. The political world watched in stunned silence as Biti’s tweet mirrored the words of the voice in the leaked audio.

The implication was clear: Chamisa’s party was in turmoil, and a divide had grown between the former leader and his deputy, Biti. It was a dramatic turn of events, especially given the accusations that had been leveled at Biti in Hopewell Chin’ono’s undisputed audio back in January 2023.

Biti had been accused of undermining Chamisa’s leadership, and the party’s impending split was said to be a direct result of their bitter rivalry. At the time of writing, Biti had yet to offer his response to the revelations, leaving the nation in suspense and uncertainty regarding the future of the opposition party.

The story serves as a stark reminder that the world of politics is rife with shifting allegiances, hidden agendas, and ever-changing dynamics. The impact of this revelation would reverberate throughout the nation’s political landscape, leaving citizens and observers alike wondering what the future would hold.

Threats Emerge as Mayor of Epworth Takes On Land Corruption

Tensions have reached a boiling point in Epworth, Zimbabwe, as a senior land baron and ZANU PF member, Shadreck Aleck Makangira, has issued ominous threats against the newly elected Mayor, Annah Sande.

The Mayor has been unwavering in her pursuit of justice and accountability regarding land corruption in Epworth, and it appears that her efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Makangira’s threat to “deal” with Mayor Sande came as a stark warning that those entrenched in the complex web of land corruption in the region are willing to fight back against her campaign to root out corruption and ensure justice for the residents.

This alarming development follows a disturbing incident on Sunday, where Mayor Sande narrowly survived an abduction attempt by individuals allegedly associated with ZANU PF. The attack has raised concerns over the safety of public officials who dare to challenge the status quo in the face of land-related corruption.

Epworth has long been plagued by a pervasive issue of land corruption, where land barons have been accused of unscrupulously taking control of the regularization program in collusion with council officials. The consequences have been dire for Epworth residents, with many losing their residential stands in a situation that has left them disheartened and angered.

Mayor Annah Sande’s resolve to address this issue head-on and her pursuit of accountability has earned her both admiration and animosity in equal measure. She has become a symbol of hope for the Epworth residents who have suffered the brunt of land corruption, and her dedication to their cause has not gone unnoticed.

As the threat against Mayor Sande looms large, the nation will be closely monitoring the situation in Epworth. It is a critical test of the resolve of local authorities and the justice system to combat corruption and protect those who bravely stand up for the rights of their constituents. The battle against land corruption in Epworth is far from over, and the outcome of these developments will have significant implications for the future of the region.- Agencies

Marondera Woman Smuggles Maids to Oman

Marondera Woman Appears in Court on Human Trafficking Charges to Oman.

A 31-year-old woman from Marondera, Karen Pamela Teguru, has appeared in court on charges of recruiting and trafficking individuals to prospective buyers in Oman, where they were allegedly forced to work as domestic workers. Teguru, who was accused of violating the Trafficking of People’s Act, made her first court appearance before Harare Magistrate Mrs. Marehwanazvo Gofa.

Teguru has been remanded in custody pending trial, as investigations into the alleged human trafficking operation continue.

According to the allegations presented in court, the unlawful activities unfolded over a period extending from January 2022 to August 2022. Teguru, in collaboration with a woman known as Hamidah, who is believed to be in Oman, and other accomplices who are still at large, is said to have hatched a sinister plan to traffic individuals, namely Portia Kalesi and Namatirai Muchacha, for the purpose of forced labor and domestic exploitation.

The prosecution asserted that to achieve their goals, the accused and her associates assigned various roles to each other. Teguru was responsible for identifying, recruiting, processing travel documents, arranging medical examinations for the victims, and escorting them to Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, with the promised destination being Dubai, not Oman.

However, upon arrival at Muscat International Airport in Oman, the complainants allegedly realized they had been deceived and trafficked to Oman instead of the promised destination. Teguru’s associates had already provided funds for medical examinations, air tickets, visa processing, and identifying potential buyers for the victims long before they arrived in Oman.

The State alleges that upon landing in Oman, the complainants were received by Teguru’s accomplice, Hamidah, who reportedly sold them to prospective buyers. The victims were allegedly stripped of their travel documents and driven to various locations, where they were subjected to domestic servitude. They were forced to work around the clock, fed on leftovers, physically abused, and denied freedom of movement, often confined indoors.

The shocking case came to light when the victims managed to report their ordeal to their relatives back home. In response, the relatives contacted the authorities, leading to a police investigation. Subsequently, the victims fled from their abusers and sought assistance from a Zimbabwean delegation that was dispatched to Oman to repatriate them.

This distressing case underscores the urgent need for international cooperation and domestic efforts to combat human trafficking and protect the rights and dignity of vulnerable individuals. Investigations are ongoing, and authorities are working to bring all those involved in this heinous operation to justice.-state media

Police Say:We Gunned Down 2 Robbers

Suspected Armed Robbers Linked to 2019 Heist Shot and Killed by Police Near Southlea Park

Two suspected armed robbers who had been on the run following a heist at Interfresh Limited in 2019 have been shot and killed by the police in a bushy area near Southlea Park. The suspects, identified as Israel Zulu (50) and David Dausi Takawira (43), were apprehended on Tuesday in Mutare and subsequently brought to Harare for further investigations.

Following the intensive police probe, Zulu and Takawira cooperated with detectives and disclosed the location where they had hidden firearms. It was during this crucial development that things took an unexpected and deadly turn.

Reportedly, as the suspects arrived at the scene, they attempted to escape, capitalizing on the rainy weather and thick vegetation of the bushy area. This escape attempt prompted the police to use lethal force. Both Zulu and Takawira were injured during the encounter and were rushed to Sally Mugabe Hospital for medical attention. Regrettably, they both succumbed to their injuries and were pronounced dead after being admitted.

Zulu and Takawira had been linked to a series of armed robbery cases dating back to 2019, which included incidents in both Harare and Bulawayo. The most notable among these cases was a brazen heist that occurred on November 13, 2019, at a business premises along College Road in Mount Pleasant, Harare. During this robbery, a security guard was assaulted, and a substantial sum of money, amounting to US$362,000, along with $28,539 in cash, was stolen.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the shooting incident, underlining the importance of the ongoing investigations into these robberies. The swift action taken by the police in bringing these suspects to justice is being praised as a significant development in the fight against organized crime and armed robbery in the region. This event adds an intriguing chapter to a story that has captured the nation’s attention for years.

Biti Trial

Assault Trial of Tendai Biti Hits a Snag as Presiding Magistrate Falls Ill.

The assault trial of Tendai Biti, former Zimbabwean Finance Minister and prominent political figure, hit an unexpected roadblock today. The proceedings were disrupted following the revelation that the presiding Magistrate, Mrs. Vongai Guwuriro, was not feeling well.

Biti, who is facing charges of assaulting businesswoman and investor Mrs. Tatiana Aleshina at the Harare Magistrates Court in 2020, had been presenting his defense in court this week.

On Monday, Biti vehemently denied physically assaulting Mrs. Aleshina. He argued that the charges levied against him by the State were invalid from a common law perspective and constituted an infringement of his constitutional rights. In a somewhat unusual courtroom moment, he declared, “Your Worship, if you say I am an idiot, I will just laugh at you because the word means nothing to me.” He went on to assert that even if the court were to accuse him of being a witch, he would not take it seriously.

Biti’s defense strategy had taken an unconventional path, focusing on the legal and constitutional aspects of the case rather than addressing the allegations directly.

The trial had been closely watched not only for its legal implications but also for the political context in which it unfolded, given Biti’s prominent role in Zimbabwean politics.

With the unexpected halt in proceedings due to Magistrate Guwuriro’s illness, the trial is now temporarily on hold. The court will reconvene once the presiding Magistrate is back in good health or a replacement is appointed to oversee the case. This development adds an element of uncertainty to an already closely-watched trial, and the legal proceedings surrounding Tendai Biti will continue to capture the nation’s attention.

Police Target Drug Dealers

GOVERNMENT has intensified the fight against inflow of illicit drugs and substances throughout the country using different methods which include monitoring suspected outlets.

Four drug bases have been destroyed in three provinces while 468 people were arrested in connection with the illegal inflow of illicit drugs into the country.

This came out during this week’s post cabinet briefing presented by the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Dr Jenfan Muswere.

“A total of 468 (402 male and 66 female) offenders were arrested.

Out of the 468 offenders, 36 were suppliers who were referred to court, whilst 432 were drug users and consumers who paid deposit fines. Raids were conducted during the period under review and drugs were confiscated. A total of four bases were destroyed from three provinces, that is, two in Harare Metropolitan (Mbare and Epworth), one in Midlands (Gweru CBD) and one in Mashonaland West (Gwayagwaya Shopping Centre).Cabinet wishes to inform the nation that the Liquor Licensing Board conducted alcohol outlets compliance inspections across the country in the cities, municipalities, towns and rural areas. A total of 244 bottle stores, 197 bars, 90-night clubs and 145 other outlets were monitored for compliance purposes. These inspections have enhanced the compliance of alcohol outlets,” he said.

Also discussed was the cholera outbreak in Buhera District, where a cumulative 726 suspected cases of cholera have been recorded alongside 27 deaths.

“The main drivers of the cholera outbreak in Buhera District included lack of safe water and use of river water. Pertaining to the Buhera District Cholera Response, Cabinet approved as follows: that doctors be deployed to visit all cholera treatment centres’ in the district; that more staff be mobilized to support the cholera treatment centres; that the setting up of cholera treatment camps and oral rehydration points closer to the community be finalised; that eight boreholes be drilled in the district; and that community engagement and capacity building of traditional and religious leaders on public health measure to control cholera be intensified; that all funerals in Buhera district should be supervised; and that cholera education will be intensified in schools. Cabinet in general approved as follows: that there be Intensified Risk Communication and Community Engagement in the cholera response; that cholera tests kits be sourced for the rural community centres; that all boreholes be fully equipped; that all deaths be documented, and burials be supervised; and that there be continued intensified public health measures to contain the outbreak,” he added.

Cabinet went on to consider and approve the signing and ratification of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights to Social Protection and Social Security.

“The nation is being informed that the protocol provides for the right to social protection and social security to all citizens in a non-discriminatory manner. It extends the right to vulnerable groups like women, children, persons with disabilities, and informal rural communities, with the aim of changing lives and eradicating poverty. The nation is advised that the Protocol provides for instances where social assistance should be rendered, and when citizens should make social protection contributions that will protect them during maternity, retirement, or sickness among others. The State is also obliged to adequately fund social protection systems, the health sector, the agricultural sector as well as other relevant sectors to eradicate poverty.”

Other issues discussed in this Tuesday’s cabinet meeting include accession of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their families, preparations for the SADC Summit to be hosted by Zimbabwe next year as well as an update on Zimbabwe’s participation at Osaka Expo 2025.

Mnangagwa: I Never Said I Rigged Elections

Mnangagwa Faces Scrutiny After Election Rigging Comments.

Agencies – Emmerson Mnangagwa is under scrutiny for his recent comments regarding election rigging, casting doubt on his legitimacy as the country’s leader. Last week, Mnangagwa made controversial statements during a meeting with business CEOs, where he implied that politicians ascend to power through election rigging rather than merit.

Mnangagwa’s initial remarks drew significant criticism from various quarters, leading to concerns about the integrity of Zimbabwe’s electoral process and the legitimacy of his presidency. However, in a recent statement published by a newspaper reportedly controlled by Mnangagwa, he sought to clarify his position.

According to the report, President Mnangagwa claimed that he did not rig the August harmonized elections, asserting that his victory was the result of years of hard work and merit. He spoke at a congratulatory business dinner organized by business leaders in the wake of his election triumph.

Mnangagwa stated that, like the business leaders present, the government was in place based on merit and not election rigging. He went on to emphasize his administration’s commitment to pro-business policies aimed at fostering a favorable environment for increased production and reduced business costs.

The President expressed satisfaction with the positive trajectory in various sectors of the Zimbabwean economy, including increased local manufacturing and a rise in export earnings. He applauded the country’s citizens for their willingness to participate in national development.

Mnangagwa also mentioned ongoing efforts to integrate small and medium enterprises into the mainstream economy and promised support for their transition. He highlighted infrastructure projects aimed at improving trade routes and power generation, including the upgrade of Hwange Power Station.

While President Mnangagwa’s clarification seeks to restore confidence in his administration’s legitimacy and commitment to economic growth, his initial comments about election rigging have raised significant concerns among both the domestic and international communities.

Many are left wondering whether these conflicting statements reflect a candid admission of electoral manipulation or a genuine belief in merit-based leadership. The controversy surrounding Mnangagwa’s comments continues to fuel debates about the democratic process in Zimbabwe and the credibility of its elected leaders. The President’s ability to restore trust and address these concerns remains a topic of great interest and concern for the nation and the international community.

Police Pounce On 5 Drug Bases

GOVERNMENT has intensified the fight against inflow of illicit drugs and substances throughout the country using different methods which include monitoring suspected outlets.

Four drug bases have been destroyed in three provinces while 468 people were arrested in connection with the illegal inflow of illicit drugs into the country.

This came out during this week’s post cabinet briefing presented by the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Dr Jenfan Muswere.

“A total of 468 (402 male and 66 female) offenders were arrested.

Out of the 468 offenders, 36 were suppliers who were referred to court, whilst 432 were drug users and consumers who paid deposit fines. Raids were conducted during the period under review and drugs were confiscated. A total of four bases were destroyed from three provinces, that is, two in Harare Metropolitan (Mbare and Epworth), one in Midlands (Gweru CBD) and one in Mashonaland West (Gwayagwaya Shopping Centre).Cabinet wishes to inform the nation that the Liquor Licensing Board conducted alcohol outlets compliance inspections across the country in the cities, municipalities, towns and rural areas. A total of 244 bottle stores, 197 bars, 90-night clubs and 145 other outlets were monitored for compliance purposes. These inspections have enhanced the compliance of alcohol outlets,” he said.

Also discussed was the cholera outbreak in Buhera District, where a cumulative 726 suspected cases of cholera have been recorded alongside 27 deaths.

“The main drivers of the cholera outbreak in Buhera District included lack of safe water and use of river water. Pertaining to the Buhera District Cholera Response, Cabinet approved as follows: that doctors be deployed to visit all cholera treatment centres’ in the district; that more staff be mobilized to support the cholera treatment centres; that the setting up of cholera treatment camps and oral rehydration points closer to the community be finalised; that eight boreholes be drilled in the district; and that community engagement and capacity building of traditional and religious leaders on public health measure to control cholera be intensified; that all funerals in Buhera district should be supervised; and that cholera education will be intensified in schools. Cabinet in general approved as follows: that there be Intensified Risk Communication and Community Engagement in the cholera response; that cholera tests kits be sourced for the rural community centres; that all boreholes be fully equipped; that all deaths be documented, and burials be supervised; and that there be continued intensified public health measures to contain the outbreak,” he added.

Cabinet went on to consider and approve the signing and ratification of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights to Social Protection and Social Security.

“The nation is being informed that the protocol provides for the right to social protection and social security to all citizens in a non-discriminatory manner. It extends the right to vulnerable groups like women, children, persons with disabilities, and informal rural communities, with the aim of changing lives and eradicating poverty. The nation is advised that the Protocol provides for instances where social assistance should be rendered, and when citizens should make social protection contributions that will protect them during maternity, retirement, or sickness among others. The State is also obliged to adequately fund social protection systems, the health sector, the agricultural sector as well as other relevant sectors to eradicate poverty.”

Other issues discussed in this Tuesday’s cabinet meeting include accession of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their families, preparations for the SADC Summit to be hosted by Zimbabwe next year as well as an update on Zimbabwe’s participation at Osaka Expo 2025.

Mnangagwa Cornered

By Farai D Hove | It has been confirmed that 70 Members of Parliament (MPs) belonging to the ZANU PF party are being removed from their positions with immediate effect. The recall was initiated by an individual who claims to be the interim Secretary General of ZANU PF.

This dramatic development comes hot on the heels of a controversial statement made by former Norton MP, Temba Mliswa, on Tuesday. Mliswa stated, “Let’s leave the Speaker out of it,” emphasizing that Jacob Mudenda, the Speaker of Parliament, has no choice but to remove MPs aligned with Emmerson Mnangagwa.

In a surprising twist, a member of the Mnangagwa family has also fallen victim to the wave of recalls. An official letter was dispatched to the Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Mudenda, outlining the removal of this family member and an additional 69 ZANU PF legislators. The letter was authored by an individual identifying as the interim secretary general of ZANU PF. The justification cited in the stamped document is that these lawmakers are no longer considered members of the party.

These developments arrive just after Speaker Jacob Mudenda’s recent announcement of the recall of 15 Members of Parliament affiliated with the Citizens Coalition for Change. This ongoing political maneuvering indicates a significant shift in Zimbabwe’s political landscape, with both major parties taking decisive actions to reconfigure their representation in the legislature.

The recall of a member of the Mnangagwa family has attracted widespread attention, given the family’s influential role in Zimbabwean politics in recent years. The motivations behind this recall remain shrouded in mystery, leaving many questions unanswered. The impact of this move on the dynamics within ZANU PF and the broader political landscape of the nation remains uncertain.

As this story unfolds, it raises critical questions about the stability and unity within both ZANU PF and the opposition. Zimbabwe’s political scene is poised for further transformation, demanding close scrutiny in the coming weeks.

Citizens Take On Emmerson Mnangagwa

Tinashe Sambiri

The Citizens Coalition for Change Youth Taskforce has launched a massive campaign to end Zanu PF violence and repression and the deepening constitutional crisis.

The Zanu PF leader, Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa, known for executing coups, has unleashed a reign of terror meant to annihilate the opposition.

In a statement, CCC denounced Zanu PF terror…

Our Youth Taskforce has launched a campaign called #FreedomOrDeath in response to the escalation of violence, repression, constitutional crisis, flawed elections, human rights abuses, and illegal recalls, among other problems that the regime in Harare has created in our country.

ZANU PF is aware that they did not win the elections, and their anger is evident through their attacks on our freedoms, constitution, and our members.

ItsTime @REAP_zw @Cde_Masiyiwa @AllanChipoyi @ngadziore

Highlights Of 2023 Mining Indaba

Highlights from the Zimbabwe Alternative Mining Indaba 2023, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Credit : ZELA


It’s Day 2 & we get to discuss different themes.

@CNRG_ZIM & FES-Zimbabwe’s session is on #Extractive Industries & the #just transition.

ActionAid Zimbabwe is currently facilitating a side session centred on funding opportunities for a #feminist, fair, green, and just transition.

Join us in exploring ways to create a more sustainable future for all. #ZAMI2023 #Sustainability #SocialJustice

Source : Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association

What To Do After Mine Registration

Business Correspondent| Below are guidelines one can follow after registering a mine with the country’s relevant office…
Steps to operating a mine after registration in order

1 appoint a manager
This is a process where you appoint a manager at ministry of mines by filling a form that is supplied by ministry of mines
You need your ID plus ID of persons to be appointed plus certificate of registration of mine plus last inspection certificate.

2 appointment of blaster
Is hiring someone with knowledge experience and recognized training and relevant blasting license through the ministry of mines .

3 apply for explosives storage and purchase licenses after your magazine have been inspected and approved.
4 magazine room it’s a special room built for storing explosives.

5 mine register where all employees are registered with full details.

6 Environmental impact assessment depending on level of operation an EIA is necessary that is done through ministry of mines by a consultant

7 Returns will be covered separately
8 EMA report will be covered in detail with Returns
9 gold registration.

10 mining books and information will be covered separately.

For more information

Call /WhatsApp 0774028830 for more

Facebook: Gold Mining Consultancy Zimbabwe

Website: https://www.threewingersenterprises.com

Citizens Humiliate Mudenda

CCC statement on Advocate Jacob Mudenda’s dismal failure

This is Zanu PF speaker of Parliament Advocate Jacob Mudenda who effected an illegal recall letter from an imposter who masqueraded as CCC interim secretary general, a post which doesn’t exist within our ranks. This man will go down in the history of Zimbabwe for all the wrong reasons.

History will judge him as the person who created a constitutional crisis and caused the collapse of the parliamentary system in Zimbabwe.

Heavy Downpour Destroys Chief Gutu Traditional Court

MASVINGO – Heavy rains that pounded Mpandawana Growth Point last night ripped off part of a roof to Chief Gutu’s court.

The rains also destroyed Tongonya, one of the largest buildings at the Growth Point that is being constructed by Bikita businessman Clever Vurayai Tongonya.
Chief Gutu’s Secretary Kenneth Mupambavatyi confirmed the story to The Mirror .

“I was informed this morning that the Chief’s court had its roof damaged probably by material blown off from a nearby Tongonya Building. We are now going to attend to the issue,” said Mupambavatyi… www.masvingomirror.com

Chamisa Takes Mudenda Head-On

By-The main opposition Coalition for Change has approached the courts challenging the Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Mudenda, to endorse the recalling of its 15 Members of Parliament by the party’s imposter, Sengezo Tshabangu. 

Many lawyers believe that the decision was unreasonable and are seeking to have it reversed.

Meanwhile, the constitutional court has already ruled that the Speaker’s role under section 129(1)(k) is not administrative but facilitative. It reads:

if the Member has ceased to belong to the political party of which he or she was a member when elected to Parliament and the political party concerned, by written notice to the Speaker or the President f the Senate, as the case may be, has declared that the Member has ceased to belong to it.

Police Speak On Fresh Elections Preparations

By- The Zimbabwe Republic Police has dismissed a press statement circulating social media that they were preparing for fresh elections.

According to the police, they were not preparing for any fresh elections in the country and the public has been urged to focus on developmental issues.
Investigations have so far revealed that the fake press statement was photoshopped, edited and endorsed with fake details for political reasons.
In a statement national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said they have since launched investigations over the matter.
“The Zimbabwe Republic Police dismisses a fake and doctored press statement issued by a criminal on alleged security situation in the country. The fake statement is dated 16th October 2023. The Police dismiss this fake or false statement with the contempt it deserves.
“For the record, the Zimbabwe Republic Police is not preparing for fresh elections. Inquiries have revealed that the fake press statement was photoshopped, edited and endorsed with fake details for political reasons. The Police urges the public to focus on the development of the country and avoid using social media to commit criminal offences under the guise of political activism,” he said.
Asst Comm Nyathi said the law will take its course on these criminal elements who want to promote anarchy in the country.
“The Zimbabwe Republic Police is now conducting investigations with a view of arresting this criminal syndicate which issued the false and fake press statement in the name of the Zimbabwe Republic Police,” he said.

Grade 7s To Close After Exams

By-The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) has allowed Grade 7 students to leave school after completing their ZIMSEC exams.

 The circular which cancels Circular 17 of 2023, also allows planned and budgeted school trips to proceed as planned.

This was announced through a circular addressed to various education authorities and organizations, including Chief Directors, Provincial Education Directors, Teachers’ Organizations, and others involved in the education sector. It read:


This Circular cancels Circular Number 17 of 2023 on compulsory organised learning activities post-Grade 7 examinations. The cancellation, therefore, means that Grade 7 pupils must be allowed to close school. Those schools that had planned and budgeted for educational school trips should proceed as such in conformity with Circular P.54.

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has reversed a directive that required Grade Seven students to stay in school after their exams. The directive stated that the students were supposed to attend classes until the end of the school term. Authorities said this decision was made to address concerns about students having excessive free time, which could lead to issues like drug abuse and teenage pregnancies. The ministry said it aims to provide a structured learning environment and prevent negative behaviours during the post-exam period.

Mnangagwa Bootlicker Thrown Behind Bars

By- Political prostitute and President Emerson Mnangagwa bootlicker, Paddington Japajapa was this week thrown into prison to start serving a two-year jail term after the High Court rejected his bid to overturn his conviction and sentence for inciting public violence when the August 2018 elections results were being announced.

Japajapa went into a tirade denouncing the results by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and threatened to call for chaos in the country. His utterances were considered inflammatory by the State leading to his arrest and prosecution.
He was tried and convicted of breaching the country’s electoral laws and hit with three years’ imprisonment but with one year suspended on condition of good behaviour after his release. Japajapa, who was represented by Gift Mutisi, approached the High Court on appeal.
A two-judge panel of then High Court judge Justice Felistus Chatukukuta, and Justice Pisirayi Kwenda siting as the appeals court on Monday rejected Japajapa’s appeal.
Immediately after rejecting the appeal, Justice Kwenda committed Japajapa to prison to start serving his jail term. In dismissing the appeal, Justice Kwenda noted that there was no compelling evidence for the High Court to interfere with the trial magistrate’s decision.
Japajapa was at the national command centre at Harare International Conference Centre, wearing full election observer’s regalia, when he was captured on a video clip addressing listeners out of the picture uttering the inflammatory words.
The video clip was uploaded onto the internet platform, YouTube.
During trial, Japapa denied the charge against him but admitted that it was him who appeared in the video. He, however, denied making the utterances attributed to him and sought to argue that the video was a “Photoshop” created by the State.
But after a full trial, the trial magistrate ruled that the video clip produced in court was authentic and credible for the State to rely on. On appeal, the High Court noted that Japajapa’s testimony was replete with contradictions to warrant the court’s acceptance of the decision of the trial magistrate.
The judges noted that Japajapa initially denied the charge that he had made the utterances attributed to him claiming the inflammatory utterances were added as “voice over” to his picture manipulated by the State to make it appear as if he had addressed a press conference and made the utterances.
After conviction, all that changed, as he confessed in mitigation that he uttered the words forming the basis of the charge “as a result of temptation and emotional stress”.
He sought to plead that his moral blameworthiness was reduced by the fact that he succumbed to temptation and the circumstances surrounding him.
“It does not make sense that the appellant would deny making the inflammatory utterances and in the next breath admit making them albeit innocently. It is either he uttered the words or he did not,” said Justice Kwenda ruling that the appeal against conviction lacked merit.
On sentencing, Japajapa failed to advance specific allegations of a misdirection that the sentence induced a sense of shock as he simply asked the court to substitute one at its own discretion.
So, the court found no misdirection in the manner in which the trial court approached the issue of sentence.
“It (trial court) settled for imprisonment because it was of the view that the appellant’s utterances had a strong bearing on the disturbances that occurred on the day following his inflammatory statements,” said Justice Kwenda.
The disturbances were widespread and violent and the judge noted that at the time Japajapa was a senior member of the MDC Alliance and he should have known that his utterances would have a real impact on his flock.
In her ruling in the trial court, Harare magistrate Mrs Learnmore Mapiye said Japajapa was accredited to monitor elections, but he ended up interfering with the announcement of results.
The trial court heard that on July 31, Japajapa held a press conference at a time election results were being announced by ZEC and threatened to call for chaos, claiming the elections had been rigged. Following the incitement by Japajapa, MDC-Alliance supporters violently stormed the city’s Central Business District in protest, leading to the destruction of property.


Messi Favourite To Win Ballon d’Or?

Lionel Messi is reportedly the favorite to win the Ballon d’Or later this month.

According to Spanish outlet Sport, the World Cup winner will pick his eighth honour to become the first player playing outside of the European top flight to take it home.

Messi is currently in the books of American MLS side Inter Miami, which is owned by David Beckham, having made the transfer from PSG during this last transfer window.

The publication has also claimed that the women’s iteration of the award will likely to be scooped up by Aitana Bonmati, who played a starring role in Spain’s sensational Women’s World Cup victory in Australia.

The Barcelona midfielder was named the World Cup’s Player of the Tournament after Spain defeated England in August’s final, and took home the UEFA Women’s Player of the Year trophy in September.

The Ballon d’Or 2023 ceremony will be held at the Theatre du Chatelet in Paris on Monday, October 30.-Soccer24 News

Mighty Warriors Coach In Sexual Harassment Storm

Mighty Warriors coach Shadreck Mlauzi was remanded in custody on charges of indecent assault.

Mlauzi, who was reappointed as coach at the end of last month having previously guided Zimbabwe to the 2016 Olympics, is being accused of indecently assaulting a female member of the technical staff.

The accuser reported the case to the Zimbabwe Republic Police after the team’s return from the COSAFA Women’s Championship in South Africa.

According to a complaint filed with the police, the first incident happened during the pre-tournament camp in Harare when the coach attempted to kiss her without her consent, but she refused.

The following incidents took place in South Africa during the tournament and this prompted the accuser to register her complaint to COSAFA Safeguarding Officer, leading to Mlauzi’s suspension in the following match.

The gaffer appeared in court on Tuesday charged with indecent assault and was remanded in custody until his bail hearing on Wednesday.

He has not commented on the allegations.-Soccer24 News

Chatunga In R10 Million Money Laundering Scam

By- An investigation by South African unit Amabhungane has uncovered potential money laundering involving the late President Robert Mugabe’s son, Bellarmine Chatunga, just before Mugabe’s ousting in a coup. The investigation revealed a series of illegal Hawala payments made to Bellarmine Chatunga Mugabe through an unnamed individual connected to Ewan Macmillan of the Gold Mafia exposé.

Hawala payments are illegal methods used to settle bills across borders to evade regulations and surveillance, NewZimbabwe.com reported. This method was previously exposed in the Gold Mafia investigation, in which Macmillan played a significant role, as reported by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit. Read the report:

Other tantalising entries in the Caydees books include a “BC Mugabe”, reflecting the initials of Robert Mugabe’s youngest son Bellarmine Chatunga Mugabe.

Thirteen payments totalling just shy of R10-million were made to this individual during the tumultuous lead-up to the ouster of the elder Mugabe from power in November 2017.

At the time there were outraged news reports of Bellarmine’s extravagant lifestyle in Johannesburg.

Amabhungane is expected to release a more detailed report on how the Mugabes shipped hard currency to South Africa. Mugabe’s other children, Bona and Robert Jr, have also faced legal issues. Bona was revealed to have acquired extensive land holdings, including farms, during a contentious divorce. Robert Jr has been involved in violent incidents, allegedly overlooked due to his association with the ruling party ZANU PF.

It is alleged that in November 2017 when Robert Mugabe was removed from power by the military and his former allies, including current President Emmerson Mnangagwa, two transactions worth R1 million were processed. Before that, in October, there were five batches of R1 million transactions and two batches of R500,000 transactions. The first R500,000 transaction took place in September.


Manyika’s ZANU PF Recalls Are Just Fake- Mavaza


BY DR. MASIMBA MAVAZA | Zimbabwe recently witnessed a bizarre episode involving CCC’s delusions. In an attempt to sow chaos, the CCC fabricated a ZANU PF letter, invented their own ZANU PF Secretary General, and audaciously tried to recall all ZANU PF Members of Parliament. This action was not merely a jest; it was a calculated move to create confusion and later point fingers at the Speaker of Parliament for bias. The conduct of the CCC was not only immature but also illegal. The author of this document, if identified, should be apprehended and charged with treason. Their objective is to replace the entire parliament with their puppets.

If you examine the alleged recall letter, you’ll find numerous flaws. ZANU PF doesn’t have an interim Secretary General. We have a permanent Secretary General, Dr. Obert Mpofu. There is no faction within our party. This poorly written document reflects a party in disarray.

For clarity, it’s essential to introduce our Secretary General, also known as Secretary for Administration. This capable individual is Cde Obert, Moses, “Lobengula,” Mzandeki Mpofu, ZANU-PF NATIONAL SECRETARY GENERAL and Secretary for Administration. Cde Obert Mpofu is a decorated Liberation War Veteran, a former ZPRA guerrilla known as Cde Mzandeki. He is a methodical man who follows the party’s principles rather than acting impulsively.

Cde Mpofu hails from Jambezi in Hwange District, Matabeleland North Province, and joined the armed struggle in 1967 at the age of 16, crossing into Zambia. He underwent nine months of military training at the renowned Morogoro Camp in Tanzania and was later deployed to a ZPRA reconnaissance unit operating along the Zambezi River, frequently infiltrating Rhodesia.

Cde Mpofu possesses extensive political knowledge and experience from his roles as a Cabinet Minister in Zimbabwe, including:

– Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage
– Macro-Economic Planning and Investment Promotion
– Industry and International Trade
– Mines and Mining Development
– Transport and Infrastructure Development

Cde Mpofu is a celebrated author of several books and novels, far from being an interim Secretary General. Hence, it’s quite amusing that a CCC member, self-proclaimed as the interim Secretary General of Zanu PF, attempted to recall 70 Members of Parliament.

Tafadzwa Manyika has written a letter to Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda, claiming that over seventy ZANU PF MPs have been recalled. The letter, poorly composed, exposes the fraud and forgery involved in the process. A party with a constitution cannot be dismantled by imposters; any recalls in ZANU PF must adhere to the party’s constitution.

Zanu PF Chief Whip Pupurai Togarepi stated that Manyika is an imposter. Unlike the CCC, the ruling party follows specific structures for all purposes, making this letter a regrettable attempt to sow confusion in Parliament. Manyika claimed to be a Zanu PF activist who recalled the 70 legislators. In ZANU PF, those responsible for recalls must adhere to clear party structures meticulously.

The Speaker of Parliament’s role is to formalize recalls within the legal framework, as he lacks the authority to impede political parties’ decisions. He can only validate legitimate recalls following established procedures.

We are reminded of the wise words of the President of Zimbabwe: “When an elephant moves, dogs will bark but cannot hinder the elephant’s progress.”

For any further inquiries or information, please contact [email protected].

Zimbabwe’s New Minister Takes On Drug Abuse Crisis: A Call to Public Health Action

By Lloyd Makonese

Harare, October 17, 2023 – Zimbabwe’s newly-appointed Minister of Youth Empowerment, Development, and Vocational Training, Tinoda Machakaire, has taken up the mantle to lead the government’s fight against the growing menace of drug and substance abuse that has plagued the nation. With a particular focus on the unemployed youth, this critical issue demands immediate attention from both government authorities and the broader community.

The Perils of Drug Abuse:

Drug abuse in Zimbabwe has escalated into a pressing public health concern, particularly among the country’s unemployed youth. The consequences of this crisis ripple through society, causing devastation on multiple fronts.

1. Health Implications:
First and foremost, drug abuse jeopardizes the health and well-being of individuals. Substance abuse is associated with an increased risk of addiction, mental health disorders, and a myriad of physical ailments. It places an enormous burden on the healthcare system, diverting resources that could be allocated elsewhere.

2. Impact on Families:
The toll of drug abuse extends beyond the individual. Families often suffer emotional and financial strain as they attempt to support their loved ones battling addiction. The breakdown of family structures is not uncommon, and children growing up in such environments face an increased risk of perpetuating the cycle of drug abuse.

3. Societal Consequences:
Furthermore, drug abuse disrupts communities, leading to increased crime rates, reduced productivity, and a general sense of insecurity. Zimbabweans deserve safe and vibrant neighborhoods where they can thrive and grow.

A Unified Approach to Combat Drug Abuse:

To address this pervasive issue, Minister Machakaire must forge partnerships and take concerted action. Here are some strategies he can consider:

1. Collaborate with Stakeholders:
The minister should initiate collaboration with churches, community leaders, the Ministry of Health and Childcare, Ministry of Education and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like Farmers for Economic Development. Together, they can pool resources, knowledge, and influence to tackle drug abuse at its roots.

2. Prevention and Education:
Implement comprehensive drug education programs in schools and communities. Increase awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and provide young people with alternatives, such as vocational training and employment opportunities.

3. Rehabilitation and Treatment Centers:
Invest in rehabilitation and treatment centers to help those struggling with addiction. Offering accessible and affordable treatment options can be a lifeline for those caught in the grip of substance abuse.

4. Strengthen Law Enforcement:
Enhance law enforcement efforts to disrupt drug trafficking networks and deter dealers. Simultaneously, focus on reducing the demand for illicit substances through prevention and rehabilitation.

5. Research and Data Collection:
Support research to better understand the specific challenges and trends in drug abuse within Zimbabwe. Evidence-based policymaking is crucial for effective solutions.

In a way to deal with this national crisis, Minister Tinoda Machakaire’s commitment to spearheading the government’s fight against drug abuse is a commendable step in the right direction in answering to this clarion call for help. The battle against drug abuse in Zimbabwe requires a united front, with stakeholders from all sectors working together. By implementing comprehensive prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies, the minister can make significant strides in alleviating this critical public health concern and ensuring a brighter future for the nation’s youth, families, and society as a whole.

Of interest the minister is encouraged to join hands with other stakeholders for example churches, community groups, football clubs, and other newly formed organisations like Farmers for Economic Development in a bid to get the youth engaged and productive.

Mnangagwa Suffers Major Political Blow

By Farai D Hove | It has been confirmed that 70 Members of Parliament (MPs) belonging to the ZANU PF party are being removed from their positions with immediate effect. The recall was initiated by an individual who claims to be the interim Secretary General of ZANU PF.

This dramatic development comes hot on the heels of a controversial statement made by former Norton MP, Temba Mliswa, on Tuesday. Mliswa stated, “Let’s leave the Speaker out of it,” emphasizing that Jacob Mudenda, the Speaker of Parliament, has no choice but to remove MPs aligned with Emmerson Mnangagwa.

In a surprising twist, a member of the Mnangagwa family has also fallen victim to the wave of recalls. An official letter was dispatched to the Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Mudenda, outlining the removal of this family member and an additional 69 ZANU PF legislators. The letter was authored by an individual identifying as the interim secretary general of ZANU PF. The justification cited in the stamped document is that these lawmakers are no longer considered members of the party.

These developments arrive just after Speaker Jacob Mudenda’s recent announcement of the recall of 15 Members of Parliament affiliated with the Citizens Coalition for Change. This ongoing political maneuvering indicates a significant shift in Zimbabwe’s political landscape, with both major parties taking decisive actions to reconfigure their representation in the legislature.

The recall of a member of the Mnangagwa family has attracted widespread attention, given the family’s influential role in Zimbabwean politics in recent years. The motivations behind this recall remain shrouded in mystery, leaving many questions unanswered. The impact of this move on the dynamics within ZANU PF and the broader political landscape of the nation remains uncertain.

As this story unfolds, it raises critical questions about the stability and unity within both ZANU PF and the opposition. Zimbabwe’s political scene is poised for further transformation, demanding close scrutiny in the coming weeks.

CCC Roasts Mudenda

CCC statement on Advocate Jacob Mudenda’s dismal failure

This is Zanu PF speaker of Parliament Advocate Jacob Mudenda who effected an illegal recall letter from an imposter who masqueraded as CCC interim secretary general, a post which doesn’t exist within our ranks. This man will go down in the history of Zimbabwe for all the wrong reasons.

History will judge him as the person who created a constitutional crisis and caused the collapse of the parliamentary system in Zimbabwe.

CCC Youth Taskforce Takes On Emmerson Mnangagwa

Tinashe Sambiri

The Citizens Coalition for Change Youth Taskforce has launched a massive campaign to end Zanu PF violence and repression and the deepening constitutional crisis.

The Zanu PF leader, Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa, known for executing coups, has unleashed a reign of terror meant to annihilate the opposition.

In a statement, CCC denounced Zanu PF terror…

Our Youth Taskforce has launched a campaign called #FreedomOrDeath in response to the escalation of violence, repression, constitutional crisis, flawed elections, human rights abuses, and illegal recalls, among other problems that the regime in Harare has created in our country.

ZANU PF is aware that they did not win the elections, and their anger is evident through their attacks on our freedoms, constitution, and our members.

ItsTime @REAP_zw @Cde_Masiyiwa @AllanChipoyi @ngadziore

2023 Mining Indaba Highlights

Highlights from the Zimbabwe Alternative Mining Indaba 2023, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Credit : ZELA


It’s Day 2 & we get to discuss different themes.

@CNRG_ZIM & FES-Zimbabwe’s session is on #Extractive Industries & the #just transition.

ActionAid Zimbabwe is currently facilitating a side session centred on funding opportunities for a #feminist, fair, green, and just transition.

Join us in exploring ways to create a more sustainable future for all. #ZAMI2023 #Sustainability #SocialJustice

Source : Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association

Mudenda Under Pressure To Recall Zanu PF MPs

By Farai D Hove | It has been confirmed that 70 Members of Parliament (MPs) belonging to the ZANU PF party are being removed from their positions with immediate effect. The recall was initiated by an individual who claims to be the interim Secretary General of ZANU PF.

This dramatic development comes hot on the heels of a controversial statement made by former Norton MP, Temba Mliswa, on Tuesday. Mliswa stated, “Let’s leave the Speaker out of it,” emphasizing that Jacob Mudenda, the Speaker of Parliament, has no choice but to remove MPs aligned with Emmerson Mnangagwa.

In a surprising twist, a member of the Mnangagwa family has also fallen victim to the wave of recalls. An official letter was dispatched to the Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Mudenda, outlining the removal of this family member and an additional 69 ZANU PF legislators. The letter was authored by an individual identifying as the interim secretary general of ZANU PF. The justification cited in the stamped document is that these lawmakers are no longer considered members of the party.

These developments arrive just after Speaker Jacob Mudenda’s recent announcement of the recall of 15 Members of Parliament affiliated with the Citizens Coalition for Change. This ongoing political maneuvering indicates a significant shift in Zimbabwe’s political landscape, with both major parties taking decisive actions to reconfigure their representation in the legislature.

The recall of a member of the Mnangagwa family has attracted widespread attention, given the family’s influential role in Zimbabwean politics in recent years. The motivations behind this recall remain shrouded in mystery, leaving many questions unanswered. The impact of this move on the dynamics within ZANU PF and the broader political landscape of the nation remains uncertain.

As this story unfolds, it raises critical questions about the stability and unity within both ZANU PF and the opposition. Zimbabwe’s political scene is poised for further transformation, demanding close scrutiny in the coming weeks.

Removing Mnangagwa : Citizens Call For Action

Tinashe Sambiri

The Citizens Coalition for Change Youth Taskforce has launched a massive campaign to end Zanu PF violence and repression and the deepening constitutional crisis.

The Zanu PF leader, Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa, known for executing coups, has unleashed a reign of terror meant to annihilate the opposition.

In a statement, CCC denounced Zanu PF terror…

Our Youth Taskforce has launched a campaign called #FreedomOrDeath in response to the escalation of violence, repression, constitutional crisis, flawed elections, human rights abuses, and illegal recalls, among other problems that the regime in Harare has created in our country.

ZANU PF is aware that they did not win the elections, and their anger is evident through their attacks on our freedoms, constitution, and our members.

ItsTime @REAP_zw @Cde_Masiyiwa @AllanChipoyi @ngadziore

Zim Woman Suspended In UK For Posting Anti-Israel Comments On Private Instagram Account

Ofcom’s online safety supervision director has been suspended after anti-Israel comments were posted on her Instagram account.

Fadzai Madzingira’s private account posted messages after the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October.

The Guido Fawkes website posted screengrabs of what appear to be posts from her account. One described Israel as an “apartheid state”.

Ofcom confirmed the suspension, “pending further investigation”.

In another post published on Guido Fawkes, Ms Madzingira appeared to like a post calling Israel and the UK a “vile colonial alliance”.

In a post published on Instagram Stories, she describes herself as a “Zimbabwean, a Black feminist, a student of decolonisation and a deep believer of liberty for all”, saying she has “one hope” before posting a Palestinian flag emoji.

The war between Israel and Gaza, which began last weekend, has killed more than 2,700 people in Gaza and over 1,400 Israelis.

On Monday Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told MPs that at least six Britons had been killed and 10 others were missing, including two teenage sisters.

After the prime minister’s statement – where he announced another £10m in aid to the Palestinian people – Conservative MP Sir William Cash called on the media watchdog to deal with the reports as a matter of impartiality.

Speaking in the House of Commons, Sir William asked: “Will the Attorney General be asked to provide a legal note, if not a full opinion, given for example that one of Ofcom’s directors… is reported to be supporting posts, this week itself, arguing that the Government’s support for Israel is a vile colonial alliance, referring to ethnic cleansing, and genocide of Palestinians?

“Ofcom must surely be told that it must deal with this at once as a matter of impartiality, quite apart from any criminal action that may be needed under terrorist or criminal law,” Sir William added.

Rishi Sunak said he would ensure the attorney general looks into it, adding that he endorsed “those describing these attacks calling them what they are, which are attacks of terror by a terrorist organisation”.

Ofcom’s code of practice says that comments – including social media posts – which might have an adverse affect on Ofcom’s reputation and comments on Ofcom policy “should be avoided”.

Fadzai Madzingira was appointed by Ofcom in June, joining from US cloud-based software company Salesforce.

-BBC News

Zanu PF Ignores SADC Report On 23 August Polls, To Spend Millions on “Thank You” Rallies

By A Correspondent| Zanu PF has announced plans to spend millions of United States dollars on thank you rallies in all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe despite question marks on how they were announced winners of the disputed 23 August polls.

Zanu PF National Commissar, Mike Bimha made the announcement saying they will start with Mashonaland Central where they bagged all the 18 parliamentary seats.

“Thank you rallies are a testament to the resilience of the Zimbabwean people,” Bimha declared.

“Despite facing immense pressure, our citizens stood firm, voicing their support for the ruling Zanu PF party,” added Bimha.

He went on to announce their intention to hold a national thank you rally in Mashonaland Central, the province that had secured all 18 seats, an accomplishment celebrated by the party. The details of the event, including the date and venue, were to be advised in the coming days.

CCC Approaches Court To Reverse Sengezo Tshabangu Mess

The main opposition party in Zimbabwe, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa, and the 15 recalled Members of Parliament (MPs) have filed a court application to challenge the decision made by the Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda.

Many lawyers believe that the decision was unreasonable and are seeking to have it reversed.

Sengezo Tshabangu, who claims to be the interim Secretary General of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), sent letters to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Jacob Mudenda, and the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Winston Chitando, purporting to recall 15 CCC Members of Parliament (MPs) and councillors.

Tshabangu alleged that these elected officials were no longer members of the CCC.

Tshabangu is a former member of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) founded by the late former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) a defunct party formed by former Finance Minister Tendai Biti.

Speaker Jacob Mudenda acted on the instructions and expelled the MPs from Parliament, exacerbating the political crisis that started with the disputed August 23, 2023 elections.

The CCC has called for fresh elections supervised by SADC, the African Union (AU), or the United Nation (UN), as they believe the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is biased.

In protest of the recalls, the CCC disengaged from the National Assembly, Senate, and Local Government Authorities and issued a 14-day ultimatum for the recalls to be reversed, threatening to withdraw its members from Parliament.
The CCC party claims that Tshabangu is not a member and does not hold any official position within the party. Party leader Chamisa wrote to Mudenda, asking him to disregard Tshabangu’s communication regarding the CCC MPs. However, Mudenda still expelled the MPs from parliament.

“A bloody week in journalism in the Middle East”

We have just experienced one of the bloodiest weeks ever in journalism in the Middle East. Seven journalists were killed in the space of seven days while doing their job in Gaza and Lebanon. Others were also killed, but their deaths were not directly related to their work.
Issam AbdallahMohammed SobohHisham al-NawajhaIbrahim LafiMohammad al-SalihiSaïd al-Tawil and Mohammed Abou Matar were killed by Israeli bombardments or gunfire simply for wanting to keep us informed.

Other journalists were wounded. We must try to stop the list of victims getting longer by the day.
We urge the Israeli authorities to put an end to military practices that violate international law and lead to the deaths of civilians, including journalists.
An essential defence against the disinformation invading social media, journalists are risking their lives every day in this war zone in the name of press freedom. We are doing everything we can to protect them. Your support is essential for us to be able to take concrete action to help them.

Reporters without borders

ZIMSEC Copying From Chigumba’s Rigging Book, Forces Students Into Night Examination

CHEGUTU – Dozens of students at Mutimusakwa Secondary School in Chegutu were Monday forced to sit for their ordinary level examinations at night after officials from the Zimbabwe School Examination Council (ZIMSEC) delivered question papers late.

This was revealed by the Amalgamated Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) which has been active in championing both teacher and student affairs in the country.

“ZIMSEC has failed to deliver question papers and answer sheets/booklets on time,” said the union.

“Students at Mutimusakwa School in Chegutu District were let down by the new system implemented by the education body.

“The English exam papers were forgotten and not made available. Students were forced to rely on torch light to write their exams in the middle of the night.”

Government recently introduced delivery of exam papers to various centres on the day of writing in an attempt to plug rampant exam paper leakages in the country.

The measures have been received with criticism by ARTUZ which feels authorities were applying cosmetic solutions to a deep-seated problem.

ARTUZ said it was appalled by the gross incompetence exhibited by the government examination body.

Union leader president Obert Masaraure also told ZimLive that candidates who were earlier informed they were sitting for their examinations at satellite centres were later redirected to totally different venues, forcing them to travel distances of up to 20km to the new centres.

“The anxieties associated with these delays affect learners particularly in rural schools,” Masaraure said of a bungled public examination system.

He added, “It is unacceptable to have learners walk up to 20km to write an examination.

“The schools have been doing exceptionally well on storage of exam materials; this change was ill advised and rushed.”

Examination candidates also shared their frustrations with the changes saying the bungled process weighed down on their mental preparedness.

“We would have revised and refreshed and in the mood to write but these delays really weigh down on us mentally,” said one Bulawayo student Tuesday.

“You get tired while waiting for a 2PM exam only to write it more than three hours later.

“This impacts on our grades. ZIMSEC must do better.”

The delay in delivery of examination papers is a carbon copy of similar delays in the delivery of ballot papers during the country’s disputed August elections with some polling stations forced to vote at night.


Zanu PF Holds Election Rigging Celebrations

By- Zanu PF has announced that it will hold “Thank You” rallies after this month’s Annual National People’s Conference.

The party is doing this knowing that it rigged the August 23, 2023, harmonised elections, which regional observers also condemned.

Briefing the media in Harare yesterday, Zanu PF National Political Commissar Mike Bimha said the party will hold victory celebrations across the country’s 10 provinces to thank the electorate.
“There will be thank you rallies in all the provinces.
“We had quite formidable forces against Zanu PF and these were not just local, but even beyond our borders and they were forces that really wanted to see regime change in Zimbabwe.
“Fortunately, the people of Zimbabwe have spoken and we would like to believe that they will continue to speak against those forces.
“We will have the thank you rallies throughout the country, but we will have a national one that will be held in Mashonaland Central, after winning all the 18 seats back to Zanu PF.
“We are still very excited and obviously when we romp to victory we want to celebrate and say thank you to the electorate for their participation.
“The elections are behind us; we are in a celebratory mood after having won resoundingly with majority seats in Parliament.
“Like we have been doing when we are victorious, we want to thank the people.”
Cde Bimha reiterated that the work of the ruling party is their manifesto hence the continued trust from the electorate.
The party, he said, will continue on a developmental trajectory aimed at improving people’s lives to levels of an upper middle-income economy by 2030.
Already the party has won the Makoni Rural District ward 33 rerun with Zanu PF candidate Cde Japani Maxwell emerging victorious.
“We are also quite excited that we have won. During the 2023 August harmonised elections, we had our candidate Cde Japani Maxwell coming out of the elections in a tie with the opposition candidate and because of that there was a need to have a re-run between the two candidates.
“We are excited that Japani Maxwell won in the re-run by garnering 60 percent of the total votes, showing that Zanu PF continues to be victorious and continues to dominate the political scene,” Cde Bimha said.
There are also upcoming by-elections in Kusile RDC ward 13, and Nkayi RDC Ward 11 in Matabeleland North Province, Ward 13 Vungu RDC, Midlands and Ward 23, Zvimba RDC, Mashonaland West.
Cde Bimha said the nomination papers for these by-elections have been filed successfully and the polls will be held on November 11.
The party, he said, will be having the official launch of its campaign for the Gutu West constituency by-election this Saturday where Vice President Cde Kembo Mohadi will officiate.
The campaign launch is meant to drum up support for Gutu West Zanu PF candidate Cde John Paradza, who is also the Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs and will be battling it out with three other candidates from the opposition including Mr Ephraim Murudu of CCC.

Are Prophet Walter Magaya’s Prayer Satchels Safe In Gaza Today?

Controversial Prophet Walter Magaya’s Mysterious Visit to Israel Raises Questions.

Walter Magaya carrying two black satchels full of prayer requests

By Dorrothy Moyo | In a bold and enigmatic move six years ago, self-proclaimed prophet Walter Magaya left his followers astonished when he embarked on a journey to Israel, claiming to take their prayers to a place “near where God lives.” This extraordinary pilgrimage led to fervent discussions and raised eyebrows across the religious spectrum.

Walter Magaya, a figure known for his controversial prophecies and charismatic presence in Zimbabwe, made headlines around the world when he flew to Israel with two thick black satchels supposedly filled with the prayer requests of his devoted followers. His claim that these prayers were to be delivered close to the divine presence caused both awe and skepticism.

At the time, Admire Mango, one of Magaya’s top aides, spoke to the state-run publication H-Metro, shedding light on the prophet’s visit. Mango stated, “It is true that a Prophet is not honored on his home soil considering how Israelites and visitors here made a beeline to receive a blessing from Prophet Magaya.” Mango emphasized the warm reception Magaya received in Israel, a country deeply rooted in religious history.

Mango further noted the remarkable fact that Prophet Magaya was 33 years old, the same age at which Jesus Christ is believed to have been crucified at Golgotha. This coincidence appeared to captivate the Israelites who hosted the prophet, as they welcomed him, shared meals, and guided him through the iconic Biblical sites.

One of the most significant moments during the visit occurred at the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall, where Magaya knelt down and laid the prayer requests from his followers before God. Witnessing this act of devotion, Mango expressed, “I felt blessed, and my eyes were opened as the man of God wept, praying for Zimbabwe.” It was a profound spiritual experience for many who followed Magaya’s journey.

As images from the visit surfaced, they showed the preacher kneeling down and depositing two black satchels overflowing with batches of paper, each containing handwritten prayer requests. This powerful visual reinforced the idea that this pilgrimage was of great importance to Magaya and his congregation.

While the visit was met with awe and admiration by some, it also raised questions and concerns. Notably, Patience Mangezi, a socialite, questioned the timing of the visit, saying, “Nhamo dzedu dziri safe here ne hondo kuIsrael – Are our prayers safe now that there is a war in Israel?” This remark underscores the geopolitical tensions and complexities that always seem to surround the region, leading to speculations about the fate of the prayers brought to Israel.

The visit of Prophet Walter Magaya to Israel remains a topic of intrigue and debate, with his supporters emphasizing the spiritual significance, while skeptics raise questions about the practicality and safety of delivering prayers amidst global uncertainties. Ultimately, this journey remains a memorable and mystifying chapter in the controversial prophet’s story.

BREAKING: Mudenda Has No Option But To Remove 70 Recalled ZANU PF MPs, Mliswa Hints

By Farai D Hove | It has been confirmed that 70 Members of Parliament (MPs) belonging to the ZANU PF party are being removed from their positions with immediate effect. The recall was initiated by an individual who claims to be the interim Secretary General of ZANU PF.

This dramatic development comes hot on the heels of a controversial statement made by former Norton MP, Temba Mliswa, on Tuesday. Mliswa stated, “Let’s leave the Speaker out of it,” emphasizing that Jacob Mudenda, the Speaker of Parliament, has no choice but to remove MPs aligned with Emmerson Mnangagwa.

In a surprising twist, a member of the Mnangagwa family has also fallen victim to the wave of recalls. An official letter was dispatched to the Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Mudenda, outlining the removal of this family member and an additional 69 ZANU PF legislators. The letter was authored by an individual identifying as the interim secretary general of ZANU PF. The justification cited in the stamped document is that these lawmakers are no longer considered members of the party.

These developments arrive just after Speaker Jacob Mudenda’s recent announcement of the recall of 15 Members of Parliament affiliated with the Citizens Coalition for Change. This ongoing political maneuvering indicates a significant shift in Zimbabwe’s political landscape, with both major parties taking decisive actions to reconfigure their representation in the legislature.

The recall of a member of the Mnangagwa family has attracted widespread attention, given the family’s influential role in Zimbabwean politics in recent years. The motivations behind this recall remain shrouded in mystery, leaving many questions unanswered. The impact of this move on the dynamics within ZANU PF and the broader political landscape of the nation remains uncertain.

As this story unfolds, it raises critical questions about the stability and unity within both ZANU PF and the opposition. Zimbabwe’s political scene is poised for further transformation, demanding close scrutiny in the coming weeks.

Zimbabwe Shamelessly Sends Own Football Team To Rwanda Like Asylum Seekers

Kalimbwe Criticizes Zimbabwe’s Choice of Venue for Home Games.

By Sports Reporter | Zambian analyst Joseph Kalimbwe has expressed his strong disapproval of Zimbabwe’s decision to host their home games in Rwanda rather than utilizing a nearby stadium in Ndola, Zambia. Kalimbwe’s comments shed light on what he perceives as a puzzling and politically-motivated choice by Zimbabwe’s sports authorities.

**Kalimbwe’s Critique**

In a statement made earlier today, Kalimbwe, questioned Zimbabwe’s decision to play their home games in Rwanda, considering the close proximity of a suitable stadium in his hometown of Ndola, Zambia. He remarked, “This [in pictures] is a stadium in my hometown of Ndola there in Zambia. Why can’t Zimbabwe use this one which is 50 minutes away from Harare rather than going to play a home game in Rwanda?”

**Allegations of Political Jealousy**

Kalimbwe went on to suggest that political motives may underlie this decision, stating, “But it’s all political jealousy, it’s like one of those black people thinking scenarios where your neighbor is selling eggs, but you’d rather go buy in Shoprite because you feel your neighbor will get rich if you buy from her.” These comments seem to insinuate that Zimbabwe may be opting for an international venue to avoid benefiting their neighbor, Zambia, despite the practicality of using a closer stadium.

**Reactions and Implications**

Kalimbwe’s remarks have raised eyebrows in both the Zambian and Zimbabwean sports communities, as well as among sports enthusiasts across the region. The decision-making process behind selecting venues for international sporting events is typically based on various factors, including facilities, logistics, and sometimes political considerations.

Zimbabwean sports authorities have yet to respond to these allegations, leaving many to speculate about the real reasons behind their choice of hosting home games in Rwanda. This situation highlights the complexities and politics that can be intertwined with international sports, adding an intriguing layer to the upcoming matches for Zimbabwe’s national team.

ZANU PF Has No Structures At All

“ZANU PF: A Hollow Shell of Structures – The Reign of Emmerson Mnangagwa”

By Felix Vamagwara | The ZANU PF party, once a symbol of liberation and a purportedly structured political organization, has faced allegations of becoming a one-man show under the leadership of Emmerson Mnangagwa. This article seeks to analyze the claim that ZANU PF’s apparent structures, including the politburo board, central committee, and provincial layers, are merely superficial facades, and that the party is primarily governed by one individual, Mnangagwa. We will examine the historical context of Mnangagwa’s ascendancy to power, the erosion of the party’s institutional foundations, and the concentration of power within one family.

I. The Coup that Violated Constitutional Principles:

In November 2017, Emmerson Mnangagwa assumed the presidency of ZANU PF through a violent coup, violating every facet of the party’s constitution. This act set a dangerous precedent for the party’s future, as it showcased that the party’s structures were unable to prevent the forceful takeover by one man. The removal of the long-serving President Robert Mugabe, albeit controversial, laid bare the party’s inability to maintain its constitutional principles.

II. The Unconstitutional Removal of Phelekezela Mphoko:

Following the removal of Mugabe, Acting President Phelekezela Mphoko was also unconstitutionally ousted. This episode revealed the fragility of ZANU PF’s purported structures and their inability to protect party members from power grabs orchestrated by the Mnangagwa faction.

III. The Unprecedented Rise of Auxilliah Mnangagwa:

Another alarming development is the elevation of Auxilliah Mnangagwa, the first lady and wife of Emmerson Mnangagwa, to a position of significant power within the party. This raises questions about nepotism and dynastic politics. If ZANU PF genuinely had effective structures, such an unprecedented power move within the party should have been challenged, further highlighting the erosion of internal checks and balances.

IV. Mnangagwa’s Unchecked Power:

The 2018 and 2023 elections in Zimbabwe have faced allegations of rigging and electoral manipulation. If ZANU PF’s structures were functional, one would expect that these irregularities would have been prevented, or at the very least, challenged within the party. The fact that Mnangagwa’s children have been appointed to cabinet positions further illustrates the extent of his control over the party.


In light of these events and developments, it becomes increasingly evident that ZANU PF’s so-called structures are merely a facade. The party’s inability to resist the takeover by Emmerson Mnangagwa, its internal violations of constitutional principles, and the unchecked concentration of power in one family have exposed the true nature of its organization. ZANU PF appears to be less about a collective decision-making body and more about one individual’s control. The lack of effective opposition from within the party against these violations further underscores the idea that ZANU PF has become a one-man organization.

Fraudsters Nabbed

MORE than 50 job seekers have been left counting their losses after they were duped by a bogus international employment agent who allegedly swindled them of a combined US$40 000.

Dreams of working abroad have been shuttered for 53 health care students who lost cash to a suspected fraudster who had promised to secure employment for them.

Takunda Mcdonald Pfende aged 27 allegedly targeted students in their final year before each of the 53 students paid US$850 for a sponsorship certificate but nothing materialised.

The accused who was arrested after he failed to honour his end of the bargain was released on US$300 bail when he appeared in court this Monday.

Meanwhile, another suspected fraudster who left a home seeker counting his losses after losing over US$5 000 in a botched deal appeared in court this Monday.

46-year-old Danny Huruyadzo allegedly misrepresented to the complainant that he had two houses for sale in Dzivarasekwa before he received deposit for the properties.

The accused, however, became evasive before he was reported to the police and charged with fraud.

He was released on US$200 bail.

Still at the courts, a 25-year-old commuter omnibus conductor who allegedly killed a passenger after pushing him off a moving vehicle appeared in court this Monday charged with murder.

The altercation occurred after a misunderstanding over a torn US$ note.

He was remanded in custody to the 27th of this month for routine remand.

President ED’s Joke On Rigging Elections Is Normal, Says Dr Mavaza | FULL TEXT

**Opinion: Examining President Mnangagwa’s Light-hearted Approach to Politics**

By Dr. Masimba Mavaza | President Mnangagwa’s recent jest about election rigging during a gathering with business executives in Victoria Falls has stirred a mixed response. While some quarters have criticized it as an inappropriate admission, it’s crucial to view it in the context of humor and the President’s jovial demeanor.

The incident unfolded during the President’s address to business leaders when he playfully mentioned the topic of rigged elections. The opposition swiftly seized upon this statement, elevating it to a confession of electoral manipulation. However, it’s essential to clarify that ZANU PF is primarily known for winning elections, not rigging them. Allegations of rigging often emerge from losing parties as they grapple with defeat.

President Mnangagwa is well-known for his humor, often peppering his speeches with jokes to engage his audience. Humor is a humanizing tool, and it allows the President to establish a rapport with those he addresses, breaking down barriers that often exist between leaders and their audiences.

In the United States, a “National Presidential Joke Day” is observed annually on August 11th. This unofficial holiday acknowledges and celebrates the humor occasionally displayed by American presidents, even in the highest office. These moments of wit, whether spontaneous or carefully crafted, can humanize political figures and make them more relatable to the public.

President Mnangagwa is no stranger to the power of humor. He frequently lightens the atmosphere during his speeches, turning what could be somber occasions into more relaxed and engaging interactions. His jokes and quips are well-received by many, endearing him to the public as a leader who can make people laugh and break the tension.

The recent incident where some American press and social media misinterpreted the President’s remarks highlights the importance of understanding the context and the intent behind such humor. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan’s famous “bombing” joke during a sound check sparked an international incident. However, it was later recognized as a humorous misstep, leading to the establishment of National Presidential Joke Day.

Jokes by presidents are not universal and are often unique to the individual. In President Mnangagwa’s case, his humor reflects his character and personal style, and it may not translate the same way if repeated by others.

Laughter and humor, well-delivered, can enhance a president’s likability and credibility. Humor fosters a sense of connection between leaders and their audiences, making political figures more relatable and fostering a shared understanding. When a president makes people laugh, it suggests that they can govern in a way the public appreciates.

In summary, President Mnangagwa’s recent jest about election rigging should be understood in the context of his humor and style. While some may misconstrue it, it is a reflection of his down-to-earth and approachable demeanor. The use of humor in political discourse is a valuable tool, one that can bridge the divide between leaders and the people they serve.

Mnangagwa Aide Slams CCC

Source :State media

GOVERNMENT has emphasised the need for foreign diplomats to understand the separation of powers when analysing the actions of the Executive, Parliament and Legislature.

The call was made by the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Professor Amon Murwira when he briefed African diplomats on the internal political situation in Zimbabwe.

As he addressed African Union Ambassadors accredited to Zimbabwe, Professor Murwira dismissed claims that other arms of state and political parties are interfering with operations of Parliament.

This comes after 15 CCC members of the National Assembly were recalled as the party battles internal fighting.

“Government takes note of statements from the political outfit, whose members were recalled from parliament. The unfounded aspersions and outright falsehoods seeking to embroil government and the ruling ZANU PF Party in the recall processes, are without merit.

“For the avoidance of doubt and for the benefit of those unfamiliar with Zimbabwean laws, in terms of Section 129(1)(k) of the Zimbabwe Constitution, recalls of Members of Parliament are done by the political party to which the affected member belongs by way of written notice to the Speaker of the National Assembly or President of Senate, and not by Government,” he said.

He added, “Against that background, it is incorrect and downright deceit for any political formation so affected by recalls to blame it on the other. Simply, no other party enjoys such a standing or mandate over the other on matters of recall. Zimbabwean law enjoins the Speaker of the National Assembly and the President of the Senate (as Presiding officers) to promptly act on any and all communication from political formations brought before them with a view to effecting a recall. Neither official can or may cause, amend, or block any such communication once placed before them.”

He further maintained that there is no political crisis in Zimbabwe.

“It is a matter of public record that one presidential candidate in the just ended harmonised elections declared, well ahead of the polls and, brazenly in the presence of election observers and the media, that the candidate would not abide by any other result except one which “pronounced the candidate as the sole winner. Indeed this was the second such instance in which the candidate made such a declaration.”

“Sadly, violence ensued after such a declaration in 2018. This type of conduct is an attack on our democracy constitutionalism and the rule of law. Regrettably, some countries have tended to support this undemocratic conduct. As in previous instances, Government will not tolerate any actions aimed at disturbing the peace under the guise of “democratic political processes.”

Professor Murwira added that the country’s political body provides platform for dialogue.

“Zimbabwe’s body-politic provides for dialogue at all levels; in parliament, before, during and after elections. This spirit of dialogue crystallized into the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD) at which all contesting parties and personalities meet regularly to engage in the national interest.

“This facility, which is meant to engender collaborative politics for national development, continues to be snubbed by one party and one player. In an attempt to dignify their falsehoods, the opposition claims that Zimbabwe has political prisoners. Government wishes to state categorically that there are no political prisoners in Zimbabwe,” he went on.

The Acting Foreign Minister reiterated the call for the removal of the illegal sanctions imposed on the country.

Find Strategic Partners, ZIFA Told

THE Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) has been urged to foster strong relationships with the business community to ensure the national teams have sufficient funding.

At the Council of Southern African Football Associations (COSAFA) Women’s Championship, after an 18-month suspension from international football, the Zimbabwe Senior women’s football team, the Mighty Warriors, performed well and finished fourth. https://www.zbcnews.co.zw/?p=15653

Citizens’ Struggle Unstoppable

Statement below written by CCC leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa

HANDS OFF CCC!!! After all this investment and hard-work, they just pretend as if they don’t know who is who in CCC or that the citizens movement is not a force for change! #ForEveryone #CapacityPlus #Godisinit

1/The SADC Final Report on Zimbabwe’s harmonised Elections is a powerful affirmation of the consensus that exists among the majority of Zimbabweans (both rural and urban) that the conduct of the August 23 Elections flagrantly violated the Constitution of Zimbabwe, Electoral Laws and SADC Guidelines and Principles on Elections.@SADC_News

/2 As the Report itself notes in its Recommendations and other sections, there are still outstanding recommendations from 2018 on the lack of impartiality of the key institutions. In addition to this, the Report itself highlights a litany of very serious and brazen breaches which result in SEOM concluding that the Elections fell short of the standards highlighted above.

/3 Given the above developments, based on the Report’s own findings, domestic remedies cannot be a credible response and are therefore clearly inadequate and incapable of resolving this long standing national crisis.

/4 For those reasons, the citizens of Zimbabwe will not rest until a permanent solution and lasting political settlement has been found to address all their long standing political grievances, pursuant to achieving a just, stable, peaceful, prosperous and democratic Zimbabwe

/5 No amount of bare denials, deflections, use of proxies, diversionary tactics, subterfuge and political side shows will take our eyes off the ball. Citizens are entitled to be led by a government which truly reflects reflects the will of the people having been chosen in a free, fair and credible election

/6 Our resolve is not shaken. Our Will can not be broken. The citizens will not be silenced. Our struggle is just and legitimate. It is a citizens project, a people’s struggle for majority rule! #ForEveryone

Zim Prison Reform

Zimbabwe’s Prison Rehabilitation Efforts Acknowledged Amidst Ongoing Challenges

The Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services’ (ZPCS) commitment to rehabilitating prisoners has received recognition, even as the organization continues to grapple with challenges, including a shortage of accommodation for inmates. Deputy Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Nobert Mazungunye, undertook a tour of the Harare Central and Chikurubi Maximum Security Prisons to assess the progress made and identify areas that require attention.

ZPCS’s rehabilitation program has been instrumental in providing inmates with training that will be valuable upon their release from prison, fostering a path to reintegration into society.

Following his tour, Deputy Minister Mazungunye expressed his appreciation for the training provided to inmates. However, he also noted the challenges related to institutional accommodation for correctional services and the overcrowding of inmates. Additionally, financial constraints affect the implementation of various projects within the prison system.

The projects initiated within the prison system encompass a wide range of skills, including carpentry, mechanics, sewing, and welding. This approach reflects a shift in the ZPCS’s focus from mere custody to genuine rehabilitation. The primary objective is to equip inmates with the skills and knowledge needed for successful reintegration into society upon the completion of their sentences.

ZPCS Commissioner-General Moses Chihobvu emphasized the need for government support to address financial constraints related to running these projects, such as farming, which requires machinery and other resources.

Harare Central Prison’s Matron Chief Correctional Officer, Thembekile Thiili, provided insights into the healthcare services offered within the prison system. These services include a pharmacy section and a clinic for dependency and remand. The prison’s pharmacy is supported by NatPharm, primarily catering to individuals with gunshot wounds referred from Parirenyatwa Hospital. Furthermore, the clinic addresses tuberculosis infections, with a significant number of the inmates being HIV positive, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive healthcare within correctional facilities.

Chief Correctional Officer Chinofura Farai from the workshop department revealed that there are 35 vocational training centers designed to facilitate inmate rehabilitation through skill development.

The ongoing efforts to rehabilitate prisoners signify a shift towards a more holistic approach to criminal justice in Zimbabwe. While challenges persist, recognition of the positive impact of these programs on inmates’ futures highlights the importance of continued support and development within the correctional system.- state media

Man Successfully By-Passes ZESA Metre

Harare Man Escapes Electricity Meter Bypass Charges After Demonstrating Regular Payments.

A Harare man, Godfrey Munyamana, has been acquitted of charges related to bypassing an electricity meter at his former residence in Borrowdale. The court’s decision came after a thorough inspection of the wiring at the house revealed that Munyamana had been consistently making payments to the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC).

Munyamana had faced charges under the Electricity Act for allegedly stealing electricity over an extended period at his former residence. The allegations suggested that he had illicitly connected the house to the mains line of ZETDC without passing through a meter.

During the trial, the court accompanied Munyamana to his former residence in Bookview, Borrowdale, for an in loco inspection, where the state intended to demonstrate how ZESA cables were supposedly tampered with. The State even brought in a witness, ZETDC electrician Jawet Makuzha, to illustrate how electricity had been illegally consumed at Munyamana’s house.

However, the defense team presented evidence that challenged the accusations. Munyamana, through his lawyers, provided documentation showing payments made to ZETDC, which correlated with the energy he was alleged to have used illegally.

With this compelling proof, the defense filed an application for discharge at the close of the State’s case, contending that the State’s witnesses failed to produce concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

The court, after careful consideration, upheld Munyamana’s application for discharge at the close of the State’s case, leading to his acquittal of all charges.

This case originated two years ago when Munyamana sold the house. The buyer noticed discrepancies when attempting to purchase electricity for the property and sought clarification from ZETDC. This led to electricians being dispatched to inspect the property, eventually resulting in Munyamana’s arrest and subsequent charges. However, the evidence presented during the trial failed to substantiate the allegations against him.

Munyamana’s acquittal sheds light on the importance of thorough investigation and due process in legal proceedings, ensuring that individuals are treated fairly and evidence-based decisions are made.