The Journey to Discover Your Passion
11 March 2015
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Finding your passion is like adjusting a fire to the blue flame. Before one find his or her passion, it is like a smokey orange yellow flame burning around, battling to heat. This flame is okay for general heating. If you want burn effectively and efficiently, you have to adjust the flame into a blue flame, focusing on one point. That flame is so hot that it can cut through metal. This is the flame that rockets use to take off, thrusting them high beyond the atmosphere, into space. This is the kind of adjustment you need to create a force that unlocks your full potential and make you do things that nobody on this planet can do.
Work Becomes Your Gift To The World
In whatever you do put God first. He made you. He made you that way for a reason. Our aim is to find that ‘God purpose;’ the purpose you were wired this way for. Also in you there is a God given passion that powers the fulfilment of your purpose. Passion is a driving force. When you work within your passion, work ceases to be work. Works stops to be about money. Work becomes fun, just like a hobby! Work becomes your gift to the world. And you won’t like to stop operating; recreating, reflecting the glory of God and being a blessing.
Image what would happens if all people are pursuing their God give passions! That will be the end of the world’s misery and the beginning of a glamorous blessed world. Productivity will sky rocket. New discoveries and inventions will just explode. The world’s problems and incurable diseases will be solved in a zap, all this being done by people overflowing with joy.
Three Questions
Here are the three main questions;

  1. What are you good at? This can be your natural talents, personal gifting or abilities. You may not have had formal training in it, but you still excel in it, way above average. This can be in sport, entertainment, hobbies or other special abilities. Search for things you used to be good at during childhood level, before people discouraged you.
  2. What do you like doing most? This is your passion, you really enjoy it. This is what you enjoy so much that you do not mind doing it for nothing! It’s fun for you. You may not be so good in it, but you just like it. And this may not be in the cycle of your talents and gifting.
  3. What are you skilled at? This is the training and experience you have in certain areas. Mostly it is our career. Most people especially in developing countries get skilled in limited and pressing options. They train in certain fields mainly for monetary reasons, that is, they desperately need the financial benefit. At times it’s because the institutions do not have a wide variety of options or perhaps your dream course is expensive for you or maybe because you could not qualify to study in the desired field.

Take time to think again seriously about these three questions. If these three areas coincide, this is great! If not take note of where you want to go and find means and ways to drift, at times slowly, towards your dream and passion.
You can start as a hobby or extra activity. Allow the hobby to grow as you develop. Increase your knowledge in it by training, and with time formalise it. Don’t just wake up and quit your job! It can create unnecessary pressure.
Harness The Power Of Association
Find people involved in the things you are passionate about and start associating with them. Learn from them and get advice. The fact that you are passionate about it does not make you an expert. You have to start at the bottom and work your way up.
Many inventions and outstanding results were done outside formal work, as people follow their passions and dreams. Follow your uniqueness. Follow your dream!
When Choosing A Career
When you chose a career, consider your purpose and calling, not just money or family. For example if you become a nurse when you are supposed to be a soldier, well the patients will be in trouble. If you find yourself away from your call and passion try to gravitate towards your calling, purpose and passion. At times career change may be needed.
Who knows, maybe the scientist who is supposed to discover the HIV medicine is a lawyer somewhere! Perhaps it is you!
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