By Wilbert Mukori| It was USA Ambassador to Zimbabwe who said, in a Wikileak, Tsvangirai was “a flawed and indecisive character”. The Ambassador singled out Tsvangirai as the leader of the MDC but he could have said the same of all the other opposition leaders. Last week the American Senators had first-hand experience of just how incompetent and indecisive Zimbabwe’s opposition can be.
The US Senate on foreign relations committee invited Peter Godwin, a Zimbabwean author and journalist, and a posse of MDC Alliance members to ask them a simple question: Should the US lift the targeted sanctions against the Zanu PF regime or not? The sanctions were imposed on targeted Zanu PF leaders in 2002 to force the regime to stop serious human rights violence including failure to hold free and fair elections.
Without exception, each Zimbabwean gave a factual account to show that nothing on the ground had changed to justify lifting the sanctions. Peter Godwin then gave the Senators an earful of feeble excuses why the sanctions should be lifted. At least Peter was decisive. Tendai Biti and his fellow MDC Alliance members could not be more ambivalent, they would not give a straight yes or no answer. They insisted, they were there “to re-engage”.
So, the Americans had gone to great expense both in treasure and their valuable time to get these Zimbabweans to Washington only to learn just how indecisive Zimbabwe’s opposition members are and thus confirm something Ambassador Dell had said back in 2004.
I have said it 1 000 times and know will say it 100 000 times again that Zimbabwe’s opposition politicians are breathtakingly corrupt and incompetent. Just to prove this point the opposition members who were not invited to go to Washington would too have shown just how confused and lost they are on the same subject of sanctions.
The US can’t reform our electoral system. The fight has to be taken to Parliament to ensure the Electoral Act is aligned to the Constitution. We need to enforce ZEC's obligation to make public the voters’ roll.
We need to monitor the voter registration voting process for irregularity," tweeted Fadzai Mahere, a prospective Mt Pleasant independent candidate for next year’s elections.
Ever since Mahere set her eyes on the parliamentary seat, her brain (assuming she had any to start with) has turned into mash. She has been told a million times that without implementing the democratic reforms first, there is no hope of next elections being free, fair and credible. She is paying lip service to calls for verified voters’ roll, for example. Even with the best will in the world, there is no way ZEC can register 7 million voters from scratch in four months and then produce a verified voters’ roll in the remaining four or less months.
Mahere, like the rest in the opposition camp, will contest next year’s elections even without
something as basic as a verified voters’ roll. After all she and the rest in the opposition are fight over the few gravy train seats they know Zanu PF will be giving away to entice them to contest the flawed elections. When it is the scraps you want, you do not care how they are served.
Yes, madam Mahere, the Americans are not going to reform Zimbabwe’s electoral system but how is a Zanu PF controlled parliament ever going to it? Zanu PF is going to rig next year’s elections to retain its dominance and, by participating in the flaw and illegal process, the opposition are foolishly giving the process credibility.
Hon Misihairambwi has moved a motion in Parliament which l have seconded to debate the
merits of a transitional government. This is where MDC should be concentrating their efforts in order to put their points across, not globetrotting. We look forward to the debate, tweeted Mliswa.
The hon Misihairambwi was an MDC cabinet member is the last GNU in which the MDC had the majority in cabinet and in parliament and yet they failed to get even one democratic reform implemented in five years. If MDC failed to get any democratic reforms implemented during the GNU what hope is there of getting any now in a Zanu PF dominated arrangement!
Misihairambwi contested the 2013 elections with no reforms in place because, like everyone else in the opposition, she was confident of winning. This time the opposition camp has become very crowded and she knows that her hopes of winning any scraps this time are considerably reduced, especially someone like her with precious little to show for all her years in parliament. She is hoping another transition arrangement would postpone elections and extend she stay on the gravy train by another year or two!
President Mnangagwa was free to invite Misihairambwi or anyone else from the opposition he wished into his cabinet. What he could not do is use the coalition as an excuse for postponing next year’s elections.
Zanu PF must hold free and fair elections next year or set down. If the elections are not free and fair, all signs are that they will not, then the results will be judged null and void. The people of Zimbabwe; with the help of SADC, UN and the international community; will then decide what transition administration will be required to take the country forward. President Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF cronies cannot be dictate what happens next or expect to play a leading role, if any at all, given they wasted the same opportunity during the last GNU.
As for the MDC opposition leaders had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic
reforms during the GNU; the nation would not be in this mess if they had not wasted it. The nation would be spare the agony of yet another utterly pointless because, with not reforms, Zanu PF will just rig the vote as before.
Zimbabwe has had the great misfortune to a corrupt and tyrannical ruling party like Zanu PF but having a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless opposition has compounded the nation’s problems. There is no way Zanu PF would have remained in power for all these last 37 years dragging the nation this deep into this hell-on- earth if it was not for the fact that we have one of the most corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless opposition politicians in human history.
Only a Zimbabwean opposition posse would fly half-way round the world to “re-engage” and still fail to answer the simple question everyone knew they would be asked. Of course, the sanctions must remain in place. Zanu PF has stubbornly refused to implement even one democratic reform necessary for free, fair and credible. It is naïve, to even suggest the removal of Mugabe transformed the party into a democratic party.
51 Replies to “US Senators Very Disappointed by Biti & Co Failure to Answer A Very Simple Question”
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I couldn’t finish reading the article because it needs extensive editing. There is need to consider buying editing software if you want to be taken seriously by readers.
Another one bites the dust …
ZANU PF is an old “machine” and as all other old machines are in there of new spare parts. However as these parts all have the same origin, it gets oiled and renewed every time. Surely, it needs a surmount task to remove them from power, but not difficult if they AGREE to all rules of the game. Nevertheless if they agree, as they have done in the past, the words MEAN nothing and we’ll have the same order over and over again. Suffice to say that change has come to Africa and Zimbabwe will have its turn in the not so distant future !!!
Peter is saying something totally different now!
“In conclusion, if we reward Mnangagwa’s ‘same as it ever was’ Zanu-PF for its internal coup, for example, by prematurely dropping individual sanctions, we would help cement the culture of impunity that already infects Zimbabwe, where the perpetrators never face the consequences of their actions, and where real freedom and reform remain elusive,” he said.
There is real no excuse for lifting the sanctions because President Mnangagwa has done nothing to make one belief the “vampire regime feeding on the nation”, as Peter rightly call Zanu PF has suddenly become a vegetarian!
Kkkkkk 2018 will prove you right then.
The problem you have is your limited understanding of real issues and your propensity to reply to every contribution with your limited understanding. It’s a waste of time and space replying to you for you are totally confused as to what others are saying but jumps into the discussions anyway. I will not pursue any further foolish arguments with your limited understanding of the issues being discussed by your foolish insults!
You kept making sh!t up! lol
Mhondoro Mugabe NEVER EVER ‘admitted to your so-called Gukurahundi massacre’! EVER!
Gukurahundi WAS INVITED upon Zimbabwe by Nkomo’s disrespectful and insubordinate & divisive and destructive DISSIDENTS!
If divisive and destructive CRIMINALS are intent on doing violence in ANY society, what do you think that lawmen THE WORLD OVER are going to do about such divisive and destructive criminals?
And if YOU stand with divisive and destructive dissidents as WILLING ‘human shield’, then you should expect to go down with your criminal heroes.
As for the election of 2008, do you know how long ago that the Serial Winner, Mhondoro Mugabe, put that other WIN behind him?
The 2008 election was so long ago, Zimbabwe has a new President in the mean time. lol
Are you saying there is no poverty in Zimbabwe, the 72.3% living on US$ 1.00 or less a day is all in my head? Are you denying that Zanu PF has been rigging elections and was forced to form a GNU in 2008 to 2013 because not even SADC and the AU would accept that year’s results? Even Mugabe has admitted of the Gukurahundi massacre but you do not!
Go on educate us! Why do you say “flawed reasoning”?
Thank you!
So you want to tell me what Zanu PF has been doing in Zimbabwe is fine? This is amazing!
We are fighting for free, fair and credible elections in Zimbabwe; are am sure you can handle that one!
How is putting pressure on Zanu PF to hold free and fair elections going “to cause anarchy in the country”? You real are a moron!
You are spot on there, the opposition are being coy because they are trying to appease Zanu PF. What you and these opposition politicians are forgetting is that ordinary Zimbabweans risked life and limb to elect them into office on the promise they will bring about democratic change. MDC leaders had the golden opportunity to make good on their promise by implementing the reforms during the GNU. They failed to get even one reform implemented because Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office, a $4 million mansion for Tsvangirai, etc.
Biti and company went to America for the sake of a paid holiday, they did not even answer a simple question for fear of upsetting Zanu PF, their puppet master.
The people of Zimbabwe must wake up to the reality that these MDC leaders have sold-out on democratic change and free and fair elections; they will never ever get any reforms implemented.
Why would anyone be that crazy as to ‘criticize’ that which EXISTS ONLY in that overactive imagination of yours?
If there is to be criticism, credible criticism, then that which is to be criticized MUST FIRST EXIST IN THE REAL WORLD!
Why don’t you have the voices in your head criticize each other? lol
That would make a lot more sense; it would be as crazy as hell, but still make more sense.
Zanu PF thugs have murdered over 30 000 innocent Zimbabweans for political gain and you have never criticized the thugs. Why?
You really do not know what you are wittering about do you?
“Yes the opposition may be corrupt but at least they are doing something for the prosperity of the country than just criticizing without engaging the government to produce the desired results,” you say.
So was the opposition “doing something” to help Zimbabwe when they sold-out during the GNU and failed to get even one democratic reform in five years?
“For your own information there is no democracy in America unless if democracy means just voting peacefully without throwing stones at each other. One of the statements in the American constitution is the “pursuit of liberty, prosperity; and happiness” this statement does not include everyone in the United States as black people experience slavery up to this day,” you argue.
Do you seriously want to tell me Zimbabwe is better off than America? Are you suggesting that Zimbabweans should not aspire for elections within having to risk life and limb just because American has yet to achieve the utopian democracy it founding fathers envisaged?
Yours is the kind of stupidity born of the deep seated inferiority complex where any report of people out of work and sleeping rough in America, Europe, etc. fill you with gladness because it proves whites too have failed to govern themselves. Unemployment in the USA hardly ever rises beyond 10% and most of the poor are on welfare benefit. Unemployment is Zimbabwe has been 80% plus for the last 10 years and nearly ¾ of our people now live on US$ 1.00 or less a day! That is there to be proud of there???
No wonder the country is in a real mess, with morons like you it was a given!
MDC leaders are corrupt and incompetent but none of them are guilty of rigging elections and massacre of innocent Zimbabweans!
Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown was cause by mismanagement and corruption and not sanctions, stop talking nonsense!
You need to have this tunnel vision forcing you to believe MDC cannot be blamed for anything and anyone who does must be supporting Zanu PF. Yes is was Zanu PF that landed us into this political and economic hell-hole but we would be out of the hole by now if MDC had not sold-out and failed to implement the reforms during the GNU.
In this case MDC are not helping us force Zanu PF to hold free and fair elections by being vague when they were asked whether the Americans should impose sanctions. If we all supported sanction against Smith to force our demands for independence. Why should we fail to do the same to demand free and fair elections?
Why are the MDC leaders being coy about asking for sanctions? Why are you being coy too? Is it because you are afraid of Zanu PF thugs? So why go all the way to America if you are not going to answer a simple question?
@ Tsododo
Is that your excuse for failing to implement even one democratic reforms during the GNU that you stayed home and everyone else who did not “stay in the heat” must shut up! You were elected into public office and per se must be held to account for your performance whilst in that said public office.
We have heard this foolish argument from Mugabe and his thugs, “we fought in the liberation struggle”. We all know what that is supposed to mean “so we have the right to rule.” Now we are being forced to hear it from the opposition too! We cannot have that nonsense again.
All those who hold or aspire to hold public office must be elected by the people in a free, fair and credible elections and the people will hold them to democratic account. “The people” in this case includes those in the country and outside.
Zimbabwe’s opposition has proven to be just as corrupt and incompetent as Zanu PF members and hence the reason why they have failed to end the Zanu PF dictatorship all these last 37 years although they have had many golden opportunities to do so. You, as the opposition, do not want the truth to be told and hence the reason you want Wilbert and any one who dares to tell the truth silenced!
Yes, we need quality in the opposition but we also need quality in those who hold the politicians to account. We need quality voters, if we are ever going to get rid of the corrupt and incompetent politicians in both Zanu Pf and the opposition. People like Wilbert are doing an excellent job of holding politicians to account and informing the electorate.
The days of politicians getting away with murder are behind us, it is right that people like Tsvangirai must be asked to explain why they did during the GNU to earn the $4 million mansion. The very fact that you are getting hot round the collar is proof you are feeling the heat. If you do not like it, get out of the kitchen!
I agree with you but am not sure about “its easier said than done” considering most of what both the ruling party and the opposition have ever said and done makes any sense!
So you think it is ok for Zanu PF thugs to deny ordinary Zimbabweans their freedoms and basic human rights including the right to free and fair elections and we should say nothing about it because doing so will be “back biting” fellow blacks. Now that is really stupid!
The people of Zimbabwe are so desperate for change they will vote a monkey just to get rid of Zanu PF!
I too would be very disappointed to go through all this expense in money and time only to get a wishy-washy answer to a pretty straight forward question. After making the mistake of a premature demand for sanctions to be lifted during the GNU, one would have thought the MDC leaders will not be making the same stupid mistake. But Ambassador Dell and all the many reports on MDC’s performance during the GNU would have have warned the senators not to expect much from the Zimbabwean deligates! Still, they must all have a mental note, not to waste their time and money next time.
Unlike self-centered you, some of us DO NOT need to have ‘relatives and friends murdered’ to concern ourselves with the death and destruction of fellow citizens and of Africans the world over.
Do you ever really stop to consider what it means to the well-being of the country, for you to be “supporting MDC-Traitors”, which is the BOUGHT & PAID FOR TOOL of the historically racist enemies of ALL Africans?
Main reason for wanting to put sell-outs and traitors out of business is that they go to the capitals of Africans’ racist enemies, and PUBLICLY DEMAND/SUPPORTED the sinful sanctions, which have been harming and killing MANY OF ALL KINDS OF Africans — Patriots and traitors alike.
Aiding and abetting racist foreigners in the harming and killing of fellow citizens IS TRAITOROUS, TREASONOUS & CRIMINAL!
Now tell us this: Should traitorous & treasonous criminals of the MDC-Traitors be cuddled, so that they may continue with the harming and killing of citizens?
Or should criminals be persecuted out of existence, for the well-being of ANY society?
Upstanding citizens are not going to feel that your ‘fear’ is being instilled in their minds.
However, criminals SHOULD FEEL FEAR, if that is their way of being deterred from their traitorous, treasonous and traitorous and criminal ways!
Glad your do recognize for how long the sell-outs & MDC-Traitors, along with their racist foreign masters, have been committed to harming and killing Africans with their sinful sanctions.
As to the question of your IMAGINED “$15billion”, the answer is easy: Just look inside your overactive imagination for the made-up sum.
And next time, don’t be so small of mind; imagine a figure more suited to the overmuch activity of your imagination, say, ‘$15 Trillion’ of your monopoly money?
True, and Jukwa this Jukwa that.. Just a ZANU PF confusionist. That name is actually the most disgusting name in Zimbabwe!! It’s synonymous with the ZANU PF propaganda machine.
You obviously have no relatives and friends who were amoung the hundreds brutally murdered for supporting the MDC by ZANUPF thugs at the behest of ZANUPF’s leadership at election campaign times. And only for being known as supporters. It is unacceptable for a party to instill fear in the minds of anyone who dares challenge its system. Please think very very carefully about what you just said or about your argument.
Kkkkk ,this is not Sunday mail or ztv ,where u churn cheap propaganda like that? Did sanctions steal $ 15 billion ? If u answer that question ,then maybe we might have a meaningful debate not this sanctions song that we have been told since 2000.
Spot on,I have made the same observation too. He seem to have every solution for the ‘weak’ opposition as he always puts it across.with all that he should just form his n c how it fares,remember ,its easier said than done!!
Surely stupidity has no boundaries, u have also been embedded in this stupidity coz ,kkkkk surely u think n believe in ur heart of hearts that ZANU can call opposition brothers ,really? Which planet are you from?Didnt you hear just yesterday oppah waffling ‘pasi na joice mujuru’?& u want us to believe that kind of language is brotherly language? Definitely you need ur head examined!It is a very well known ZANU culture of verbal denigration of their political opponents, and u claim not to know all that,?Don’t try to present ZANU as a party that accepts criticism ,they actually take a gold medal with ‘ pasi nemhandu!!!’Go and teach ur zanoids to refrain from such language then u come and talk sense not this utter nonsense of urs!
You are ZANU PF occupied if you believe that anyone who is not a member of the opposition is a ZANU PF member. ZANU PF like you, will bash anyone who is waiting for them to explain logically why they deserve support. I will never be a ZANU PF supporter for reasons that would not fit in this space. If you would like to support them, you are free to do so but you will not find a political home there if your have a functional mind and you shun violence.
My disappointment with the opposition is from the fact that they are not coherent. They do not know how to campaign and their leaders have been on Mugabe’s payroll for the purpose of making sure the opposition does not thrive.
You must understand the concept of the floating voter who does not align with any party and votes for each party on merit. To me that is how democracy should be. Once you start being a card holder of any party you stop being rational about your party.
Truly speaking, there is nothing called democracy in politics. In politics; there is democracy when the party one supports wins, and lack of democracy when your favorite party loses. Whichever party wins means nothing to the ordinary person since nothing changes except the change of leadership.
Why should one not ‘be critical of the odious opposition’, when their leaders went to the foreign lands of racist to PUBLICLY DEMAND SANCTIONS on their own Africans back home?
You correctly observed the racist treatment of Africans in racist America, and wisely inquire as to why the white supremacists of America not ensure their so-called ‘human rights’ for the Black people of America.
Yet you want to side with and excuse the odious opposition who at every turn help to excuse and encourage the white racists in harming and killing Africans with sanctions?
In the words of the wicked whites, they aim to “MAKE THE ECONOMY OF ZIMBABWE SCREAM” … for regime-change!
How does so-called sanctions targeting a few individuals make the entire “economy of Zimbabwe scream”?
BOTH the ever-deceptive whites and the odious opposition ARE LYING about their ‘targeted sanctions’.
And you will be complicit if you aid and abet the harming and killing of Africans by the racist and wicked whites and by the sell-outs and traitors who aid and abet the racist devils who FOR CENTURIES harm and kill Africans in America, in Africa, and the world over.
So the lost leaders of the MDC-Traitors did not go to the anti-African foreign capitals & PUBLICLY DEMANDED that those racist pale devils impose their sinful sanctions to harm and kill fellow Africans back home?
The MDC-Traitors did not demand and went along with the racist & sinful sanctions that they said would “MAKE THE ECONOMY OF ZIMBABWE SCREAM” … for regime change?
Truth is; the lost leader of the MDC-Traitors are Serial Losers.
They continue to get their butts kicked on account of the fact that they are sell-outs and treasonous traitors.
To accuse Zim Patriots of deliberately inviting sanctions from the wicked whites, is like blaming Zim Patriots for conducting the Successful Chimurenga, which LIBERATED ALL AFRICANS (including sell-outs and traitors) from the racist and wicked white man, who HAS NO RESERVATION in harming and killing Africans with their wicked sanctions.
And the MDC-Traitors are not “autocratic”? lol
Why don’t you ask former vp, Kuphe, A FEMALE, who got the sh!t beaten out of her for merely having a contrary opinion.
And how many among the leadership of the sell-outs of MDC-Traitors got their heads bloodied by the thugs of the lost leader of the MDC-Traitors?
You don’t see Zim Patriots beating up their females in leadership position.
Mai Mujuru is even allowed to go a form her own pathetic Party of turn-coats.
Facts are that you are merely projecting the autocracy & brutishness of the sell-outs on the disciplined Zim Patriots. lol
Plenty of vitriolic missiles and a bone to chew with the opposition from the sidelines as usual Wilbert. I find it hard to follow your drift sometimes. Seeing you seem to know it all, how about entering the political ring and lets see how you will do.
Mai chi we do not say Zimbabweans say I am disappointed . U listen to lies and accept them . Zanu has been lying to people. They have done everything to attract sanctions. Using the national army to solve party politics is wrong, having the army with machine guns on our streets harassing people is another so stop blaming MDC. US have their own people in Zimbabwe that are paid to give them impartial information. So zanu and people like u should stop being narrow minded and stop telling normal Zimbabweans that MDC is causing US to impose sanctions
Leadership must be chosen through free, fair and credible elections.
The constitution must be upheld at all times.
The judiciary must be allowed to do it’s job independently and freely without any fear of reprisals.
The incumbent leadership must allow people to voice their concerns and protest withing the confines of the constitution.
No FEAR must be instilled in the populace, those unhappy about the way things are being done must be allowed to express themselves freely.
The defence forces and law enforcement agencies must be there to protect every citizen, regardless of political affiliation. They must be very professional organisations.
And so on, and so on…
Notwithstanding the fact that the above points spell out the ideal scenario, we are generally seeing them manifested in the developed world, like Europe, America,the far East etc. In Africa, we have seen South Africa make massive strides to the extent that Zimbabwe is a far cry. We are seeing countries like Zambia, Namibia, Angola, Botswana making massive strides towards this state of affairs.
In Zimbabwe, we are seeing BLATANT AND VERY DELIBERATE deviations from these ideals. Let us hope President Mnangagwa manages to change the ZANUPF Attitude towards democracy. At the root of national development and growth is democracy, or atleast concerted efforts towards democracy.
Wilbert, you too are opposition. You’re just a little bit worse because you ran away from the heat. You’re a coward, a loquacious one at that. Dzoka upinde muhutungamiri hwe opposition. You keep harping on the past GNU. You blame the opposition for not taking better chances then. It’s because you don’t know what Mugabe was like. Uri kure. Dzoka kuno tibate tese. Otherwise tinyararire.
Zimbabwe is disappointed with the opposition. Never mind anybody else.
Actually the American senators wanted to set the opposition against the ruling part and cause anarchy in the country. The response they got from Biti and friends was smarter than they expected.
However, the big problem here that makes us solving our problems internally as a family impossible is that ZANUPF has clearly shown over the decades how very autocratic it is. So, you are simply forced to denigrate them for there is no gentlemanly avenue open to anyone of a different opinion. Mind you, they are also denigrating the opposition out there by spreading falsehoods. Problem is, ZANUPF has shown us that within Zimbabwe, any protesting or simply disagreeing voice will be brutally silenced. The opposition is never free to confidently express its sentiments. So you are left with no choice.
So consider that it would be extremely illogical to expect the opposition to go out there and smile saying that they are sorting out issues internally in collaboration with their “brothers” ZANUPF.
What would make sense is to probably expect the opposition to study the “new” ZANUPF, give it a few weeks chance to see if it is serious about what it’s saying, if it’s really ready to listen, to engage with brothers of a different opinion without instilling any fear, and so on, if it’s really going to be bent on normalizing the economy, re-engaging with the international community, economic growth, job creation and so on, rather than politicking and games of thrones.
Very true, how do you expect any mature, competent and educated person to be forced to either say YES or NO or leave? If the Americans have seen it fit to lift the sanctions, they must simply do so. The opposition is also feeling the heat of these sanctions, however, there is no way they will decisively say “PLEASE LIFT THESE SANCTIONS” because they also need the pressure on ZANUPF to implement electoral reforms and human right issue to remain sustained. So if these Senators are competent enough, they should have read the answer.
Wiribheti, after narating how totally incompetent the opposition is, how can you conclude that ZPF has to rig in order to win the 2018 elections?
Well, from what you are saying in your article, the answer is there. It has to be the American senators that are stupid if they didn’t get it and probably yourself if you didn’t get. If their answer was that they wantd to re-engage therefore they said remove the sanctions. After all you are referring to these so called sanctions as targeted toward individuals why would sanctions targeted to individuals be an issue. Why are you making a big deal of it and choose to ignore the real issues Biti and company raised. Who is benefiting by having those sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe. When the army took control of the country and Mugabe resigned, wasn’t it the Americans who said they wanted to help Zimbabwe get back to normal and help the country’s economy for the betterment of the people of Zimbabwe. Yes the opposition may be corrupt but at least they are doing something for the prosperity of the country than just criticizing without engaging the government to produce the desired results. For your own information there is no democracy in America unless if democracy means just voting peacefully without throwing stones at each other. One of the statements in the American constitution is the “pursuit of liberty, prosperity; and happiness” this statement does not include everyone in the United States as black people experience slavery up to this day. Most black people have to work at least two jobs to make a decent living, there is little to no social life for most black people as they have to be working at one job or another. That democracy the Americans want to preach to others does not exist in their own country. If ZANU PF remains in power for the next decade people must have to suffer economic sanctions just because the opposition has to rule the country? While democracy has to be upheld, people should not have to suffer just because the Americans say so. The Americans have their own agenda for the sanctions other that human rights and democracy. The police in America is brutalizing and killing black people for no good reasons. I bet you have heard the movement of “Black Lives Matter” in democratic America. Why are the American senators not advocating for human rights in their own country if they mean good to the Zimbabwean situation. So don’t be too critical of the opposition in Zimbabwe they are doing what they have to do, you can not label all Zimbabweans in the opposition stupid just because you expected them to respond to a stupid question in a stupid way.
The crew which went there are all STUPID as you do not go and denigrate your brother in a foreign country and that is the reason why whites have managed to preside over us because of our STUPIDITY of back biting each other in front of them. We must not give these booers a chance to drive a wedge among us and we need to be clear if we want something from them lets not fight each other in front of them to get favors. The Bitis and gang could be barristers and so on but stupidity knows no bounds and that’s why you have stupid Presidents like Trump.
What does this guy smoke?
What is democracy and how does it work and where in the world is democracy practised……