Video Of Mnangagwa Revealing He Was A G40 Member | OPINION
30 December 2017
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By David Moyo| Editor please re-stream that video of Emmerson Mnangagwa revealing that he was a G40 member. In this video, Mnangagwa even reveals Grace Mugabe as his guiding light. “Ini ndanga ndigere apo. Ndakazipigwa naMadam Stop It, Comrade Stop It. Ndopatagavhurika tose kuti pane zvakawanda zvanga zvichiitika ..gure rose ndopakubuda pachena, na Stop It…” There is another one in which he says God was once found wearing the Gushungo label. What does this say of the President now?

6 Replies to “Video Of Mnangagwa Revealing He Was A G40 Member | OPINION”

  1. Vatengesi venhau ndozvavanoita. Vanoita kuti munzwe manyuku nyuku ekuda kuona nyaya yacho iripo.

  2. I can see that Mugabe had poisoned even the way people think and behave in Zimbabwe, he was like an evil satanic cult in one person…if it was me in zanu pf i dont think i was going to be able to sing such childish praises i could have long resigned..what a perverted people

  3. I would give him a lot more credit if he actually was a G40 memer before he opted out and formed his Lacost. It would show that he disagreed with G40 on merit rather than on personalities.

  4. The author does not seem to understand Chikaranga or he is just malicious. All ED is saying is, that he sat there enjoying how Fugunde (Grace) exposed the shenanigans of Joice Mujuru of trying to topple Mugabe. Nowhere does he say anything like admiting having been a G40 member.

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