TSVANGIRAI LATEST: Chamisa Has Saved The MDC From Falling | OPINION
15 February 2018
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Setfree Mafukidze | I think people need to understand that politics is not some African cultural process where respect for the dead is considered very important ahead of the continued existence of institutions/ a country etc.
What is happening in the MDC T should have been smoothly done by Dr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai,he should have resolved this succession issue the days he realised he was being kept away from duty for too long. Nelson Chamisa is not wrong to assume responsibility of leading the party,i honestly think that’s what Tsvangirai would have wanted. I remember in one of his last speeches Dr Tsvangirai made it clear that a new generation should take over the leadership in the MDC and in this case Chamisa is the man of the current generation.
Leadership vacuums should never be allowed in political parties or government hence Chamisa moved in as a designated survivor.
A designated survivor is one that steps into the shoes of leadership upon the death of the leader or President,that person is immediately sworn in for the purposes of continuity before the burial of his or her predecessor.

In short I am saying Nelson Chamisa is not wrong to assume leadership,this is no ordinary setup elections are right around the corner they will not be postponed for the MDC to get organised first intact it will be a huge advantage for Zanu PF if the current confusion persists.
It’s only in our African culture where we close business when a relative dies,but this culture becomes unsustainable if one is running a business as big as Econet Wireless for example. You can’t close a network serving millions of people to attend a funeral business goes ahead while others attend to the funeral.

My Two Cents


Cde Setfree