Namibian First Lady Takes Zimbabwean Student To Police On Rape Allegations
3 May 2019
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Not amused, Namibian First Lady Monica Geingos

Own Correspondent|The Namibian First Lady Monica Geingos has angrily reported that she will personally help a young Namibian student open a rape case against a Zimbabwean Student from the University of Namibia.

Mrs Geingos made her plea on her Twitter on workers day following reports on social media that a Zimbabwean student Kudakwashe Gonzo has been caught on a spree sexually abusing up to nine female students at the university.

Mrs. Geingos, who is a lawyer by profession has pledged to help the victims get justice against the Zimbabwean student and heavily castigated men who abuse young women.

Reports from victims of Gonzo’s madness allege that he would force himself on the unsuspecting young girls whom he would force to have sexual encounters with him sometimes after drinking alcohol.

In some instances, it is reported that Gonzo would fondle the girls’ private parts without their consent and he would proceed to force himself on the girls.

The matter came to light after one of his victims shared her experiences with her friends, which led to the expose’.

The victims have been coming out narrating their harrowing experiences with Kuda Gonzo

Several girls have come forward claiming that they were sexually assaulted by Gonzo.