WARNING- DISTRESSING PIC: The Fowl Run Florence Chaurura Built.
23 February 2020
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Dear ladies,

This “complete fowl run” was built, managed and delivered by a high profile, award winning business person in Zimbabwe for hundreds of US$.

The fowl run Florence Chaurura built

I paid her in October last year and she told the project would take a week. I paid for building materials, labour, transport and lunches ($20/day). Additionally paid for 100 chicks, feed for 6 months including other materials.

I checked progress over the months and she gave me many excuses (sickness in the family, stress etc) I understood her situation and gave her more time. I even referred her family members to a family doctor and asked for discounted rates for them.

End of December the lady informed me that the project was complete. I privately assigned an independent project assessor (also) PI who sent me the pictures below.

I understand this person has done it to others. I won’t name and shame her. I have forgiven her for my own sanity. Life is too short to waste it hating her.

I am just warning you that some of our “trusted” business and service providers have completely lost their values, honesty and integrity.