First Capital Bank has awarded its Covid-19 vaccinated staff an early Christmas Bonus of two week of basic pay as part of the December basic payroll.
According to a memo signed by the bank’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jaco Viljoen which this publication has seen, the bonus is a show of gratitude toward those who have received the vaccine.
“The impact of Covid-19 in Malawi seems to have slightly subsided over the past months, but there is unfortunately no end in sight for the ongoing negative impact on the health of individuals and communities as can be seen by the new Omicron variant.
“The arrival of vaccinations provide everyone with the opportunity to take precautions against the potentially deadly symptoms of Covid-19. It is not only about you and me as an individual but the fact that we can transfer the virus to vulnerable people like our elderly parents, friends with illnesses among others. One of values is citizenship, for me this value talks to our responsibility to get vaccinated to protect ourselves. Families and communities.
“As Bank staff we risk exposure to Covid-19 because of the direct contact we have with people every day. It is, therefore, imperative that we get ourselves vaccinated,” reads part of the memo dated November 30, 2021 copied to all staff
Viljoen said more than half of the bank’s staff already made the responsible decision to get vaccinated that’s why management agreed to show appreciation towards them.
“Staff who had Covid-19 are not excluded from getting the vaccination and are being urged to get it. Ministry of Health is still administering Covid-19 vaccinations at various health facilities and sites across the country, and we encourage you to go and have yourself vaccinated,” reads the memo.
The Atlas