Open Letter To Sabhukus
29 September 2022
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Vadiwa Masabhuku emeNegari kuMwenezi

Don’t let Ezra Mashindi browbeat you. He is not a saint, he is not a genuine war veteran as he proclaims. Ezra Mashindi has no authority ,monopoly ,mauscle or whatsoever to frog march you and your people to Zanu pf meetings. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans and everyone has a right Join his or her desired party. If you may assist me to send this important message to him that LEAVE VILLAGERS ALONE OR GOD WILL PUNISH YOU. Moreover tell him that one day citizens would awaken especially Negari villagers and things would turn round for him. And by that time it would be too late to repent.

Am very much aware of his accomplice one Dube from the resettlement areas, those guys are demeaning and belittling you to nothing yet you are our traditional leaders and the custodians of our historical, ancestoral land, culture and development. Stay away from politics and deny to bullied.

I have wrote this letter to you village heads knowing very much the concequencies that I might face from Mashindi and team but Mwana asingachemi anofira mumbereko. Zvinondirwadza kuona vakuru vedu munzvimbo vachiitwa chamutavanhava kumanyiswa nekuunganidzwa misangano yeazvebato nemunhu anonzi Mashindi uye achitaura mashoko ekutyityidzira kuvabereki.

Mashindi haasi Mwari munomutyei.

Ngaasakuzvidzai nekukudzikisirai achimanyisa vabereki nekuvaita zvituta zvake iye achidya ega Mari dzaanopiwa nevakuru vake. Paakawana Ngoro yekushungurudza vanhu 2008 akaiwana ega saka imi masabhuku asakushandisai. Murivabereki vedu tese muzanu muCCC kana muNdonga tese tirivana venyu vevhu.

Mese mukarambira murume kukuzvidzai muchaona munzvimbo yenyu muchiita mbovha yemufaro, kubatana ,kuwirirana uye kunzwanana zviainei nezvemapato nevarinyikadzimu vachazvifarira.

Ndinoenderera mberi ndichiti ngatikurudzirei Runyararo mumabhuku edu huye vanhu ngavanyorese kuvhota vagosarudza mutubgamiri wavanoda zvisina kumbunyikidzwa.

Ndinovimba mashoko muchamatambirawo nemuono wandinawo tigoendesa nharaunda yedu yekwaNegari murunyararo.


Ndini Mwana wenyu

Timoth Muswere
Village Manhondo