Chamisa Harare Councilors Face Arrests
26 December 2022
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By James Gwati- Zanu PF is pushing for the arrest of CCC Harare councillors on allegations of land corruption.

Pushing the arrest of Chamisa aides is the Secretary for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Harare Metropolitan Province Tafadzwa Muguti.

Zanu PF appointed Muguti to oversee the affairs of the City, dominated by CCC councillors.

He announced on Christmas day that the arrest of CCC councillors was imminent.
He said:
We have been witnessing massive land sales even in wetlands. When I engaged the Mayor [Jacob Mafume] he also expressed concern.
We will get to the bottom of this and find out who did what and when. I can promise that we will deal decisively with all those who cut corners to enrich themselves.
We will not leave any stone unturned as we seek the truth. The level of corruption in the [Harare City Council] has reached exhaustion and disgusting levels.
The land is easily sold off, including wetlands with no change of use. Heads will roll that I can promise.

Last week the state media also hinted at the imminent arrests.

The Herald said that CCC and MDC Alliance councillors, working in cahoots with top council officials, were buying commercial and industrial stands for as little as US$60 and reselling them at more than US$120 000.