Mwonzora Castigates Zanu PF Over Assault Of CCC Elders In Murewa
9 January 2023
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The opposition MDC-T party led by Manicaland Senator Douglas Mwonzora has denounced the assault of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters in Murehwa, demanding that authorities investigate and bring the perpetrators to book.

Alleged Zanu-PF activists were on Saturday captured violently attacking some elderly CCC members in Murehwa on allegations of belonging to the opposition and convening a meeting a woman is heard interrogating the victims.

In a statement the MDC demanded that police urgently investigate and arrest the perpetrators.

“Our hearts are with the Murehwa victims of sadistic violence by a group of thugs purporting to be a law unto themselves. We condemn the brutality against opposition supporters as seen on videos circulating on social media.

“The MDC calls upon the Zimbabwe Republic Police to urgently investigate and arrest the alleged perpetrators and allow justice to prevail. The videos show one of the perpetrators arrogantly recording defenceless victims who include a young child.

“Our national Constitution provides for the right to freedom of association as well as full protection by the law. No person is above the law and justice must be served,” the statement reads.

The party said physical violence was a manifestation of verbal abuse towards political opponents.

“In the spirit of rational disputation, we urge all political leaders to foster positive competitiveness and encourage their supporters to exercise restraint. Zimbabwe is for us all.”

Meanwhile, police investigations are still underway.

Police usually confirm receiving political violence reports against Zanu-PF but hardly arrest the perpetrators.
