Chicken Slice Is Our Little Brother Who Is Copying Us, Says Chicken Inn
3 February 2023
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By A Correspondent| Chicken Inn has responded to an attack from Chicken Slice saying they do not regard the company as their competitor but a little brother copying from them.

The two were embroiled in a legal dispute over the use of the word Luv on their products with Chicken Inn claiming that Chicken Slice copied them.

Following the conclusion of the case at the courts, Chicken Slice owner Tawanda Mutyebere described Chicken Inn as bullies while claiming that the Simbisa Brands owned brand was there to frustrate them out of business.

But Simbisa Brands has hit back accusing Chicken Slice of following them where-ever they go.

“We have got no qualms or animosity with Mr Mutyebere in any way. If anything, concerning Mr Mutyebere — and you are someone on the street, wherever we go, he follows. We went to Braeside, he followed, we went to Walk Tall West End, he followed, Kadoma he followed, we went to Gweru and he followed, and we were in Bulawayo he followed,” said Simbisa Brands managing director Warren Meares.

“When I see him, I stop and have a chat. I don’t have any qualms with him. If anything, I love the fact that he can become successful, and competition is good. I see KFC (American global chicken fast-food store, with outlets in Zimbabwe) more as competition than Chicken Slice. KFC is an international brand. It is a big name, it is a strong name, which is real competition.  Chicken Slice is our little brother who is copying us,” added Meares.