Mzembi Is My Running Mate, Says Kasukuwere
24 June 2023
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Presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere says he prefers a United States system of running mates to create certainty in leadership succession adding that former foreign affairs minister Walter Mzembi, also exiled, is his “running mate”

Speaking during a press briefing in South Africa early this week, Kasukuwere confirmed booking a flight to Harare on June 20, “Passenger 34”, to test response by authorities in Zimbabwe to his return from South Africa exile and got ‘very interesting results.’

“It’s important that each contestant is protected, is secure. What we have in Zimbabwe right is a caretaker president. We are all equal now. The only time we will have a difference is after August 23 when a winner is announced” – Kasukuwere says.

He says he will return home soon and visit every district to campaign, adding that it is impossible to run a campaign from a foreign country.

Kasukuwere says he is arranging “500 buses or so” to transport Zimbabweans from neighbouring countries to travel home and vote on August 23.

On term limits, Kasukuwere says: “We are now all students of history. We have seen the problems of overstaying your welcome which happened then (with Mugabe). We urged him on to complete the task of land reform. We wanted him to go in dignity. We don’t like how he was treated.”