Nelson Chamisa’s Crowd Captivating Mutoko Speech
18 August 2023
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By Dorrothy Moyo | In a powerful and impassioned address at the Mutoko Rally, opposition leader Nelson Chamisa outlined an ambitious vision for the future of Mutoko, captivating the crowd with his promises for economic transformation and equitable development. Speaking before an engaged audience, Chamisa laid out a comprehensive plan to uplift the region and address key concerns voiced by the local populace.

Chamisa began by highlighting the importance of Mutoko’s granite minerals, pledging that under his leadership, no granite minerals would leave the region without undergoing thorough value addition and beneficiation processes. This commitment, he argued, would not only ensure that the local resources contribute significantly to the region’s economy but also create more job opportunities for the community.

One of the key focal points of Chamisa’s speech was the revitalization of market gardening in Mutoko. He emphasized his dedication to promoting and supporting local market gardening endeavors, and his plan to establish industries that process the region’s agricultural products, including prized crops like tomatoes. This approach, Chamisa explained, would not only bolster the local economy but also provide a foundation for sustainable growth.

Touching on the contentious issue of mineral discovery and its potential impact on communities, Chamisa vowed to prevent any illegal displacement of people from their ancestral lands due to such discoveries. He expressed a strong commitment to consulting with landowners in areas where mineral deposits are found and ensuring fair compensation for those affected.

In a move to restore the dignity of traditional leaders, Chamisa promised to prohibit the political installation of Chiefs, asserting that such decisions should be made by the clan. He also underscored the importance of fair allocation of vending markets, free from political influence, and pledged to create additional vending markets to bolster local businesses.

The MATURA initiative, which Chamisa outlined, aims to uplift rural Mutoko through comprehensive economic and social strategies. The leader urged locals to vote for his party, the CCC, as the driving force behind the transformation he envisions. With a resounding call for economic change that benefits all, Chamisa concluded his speech by invoking a vision of Mutoko that is prosperous, inclusive, and stands as a testament to the power of unified action and collective progress.