CCC Ready To Humiliate Scott Sakupwanya
9 November 2023
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CCC Namibia is ready to assist the by-election campaign in Mabvuku-Tafara!

08 November 2023

Citizens in Namibia are cobra-headed at the illegal recalls on the Citizens Coalition for Change legislators and councilors by an imposter, Sengezo Tshabangu. The successful unconstitutional recalls exhibited ZANUPF’s craving to have a 2\3 majority in parliament. Change champions in Namibia are cognizant of the fact that Tshabangu and his handlers were employed by the desperate Harare regime to decimate the alternative as engineered by the organic change champion-in-chief, Advocate Nelson Chamisa. Our support for the President of the pragmatic movement is unequivocal.

After the captured Zec confirmed that our recalled Mp for Mabvuku-Tafara, Phibion Munyaradzi Kufahakutizwe on Tuesday successfully filed papers at the Nomination Court in Harare, the organic district resolved to provide moral, material, and financial support to the official CCC party candidate ahead of the impending by-elections. Since he is contesting the losing gold mafia, Scott Pedzai Sakupwanya of ZANU-PF, there is a dire need for solidarity in cash or kind to ensure victory. It is on record that the gold mafia smuggles gold and other minerals out of the country with impunity. That is why the residents of Mabvuku-Tafara rejected him in the recently held shambolic elections that were condemned by all observer missions including SADC and the African Union.

Suffice it to say that the Namibia district stands solidly behind all illegally recalled CCC councilors and members of parliament by the imposter, “the tortoise”. Change Champions in Namibia are ready to prosecute the national democratic revolution led by the political generator, President Chamisa. These sideshows will never distract us from demanding a return to legitimacy through fresh free, fair, and credible elections in Zimbabwe. We demand new leaders who would respect the rule of law and constitutionalism. ZANU-PF is terrified by the revolutionary zeal for socio-economic transformation in the motherland.

We shall not surrender until victory! They thought the political behemoth was going to boycott the by-elections. Our message to the satanic regime is very clear even if they conduct by-elections every month, the people’s movement will not tire or give up. Let’s all support our recalled cadres. We should adopt all wards and constituencies so that we jealously guard our zones of autonomy. Change champions should brace for participatory democracy. All hands on deck, not only in Mabvuku-Tafara but everywhere else. The majority in parliament shall remain a pipe dream for ZANU-PF satanists and their surrogates.

Namibia district has begun working toward the mobilization of material and financial support for Mabvuku-Tafara. We urge others to adopt wards and constituencies in Bulawayo and Masvingo. Victory is certain! Let’s brace for dangerous freedom against the subversion of the will of the people. Tshabangu and his ZANU-PF enablers must respect the people’s vote. The only solution to this festival of illegalities is the removal of the dictatorship perpetrated by the unpopular ZANU-PF party.








CCC Namibia Rundu
Branch Change Champion
Robson Ruhanya