Sikhala Unveils New Political Chapter
8 February 2024
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By Political Reporter – Former Zengeza West MP, Job Sikhala, has decisively parted ways with the Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) and unveiled his ambitious new political initiative, showcasing unwavering bravery in the face of the brutal Zanu PF government.

Sikhala, characterising the CCC as a “carcass,” declared his departure during a press conference in Harare on Thursday, boldly asserting that relying on CCC as the catalyst for democratic change in Zimbabwe was futile.

Emphasising the importance of a people-driven movement, Sikhala stated:
“The mass democratic struggle is people-driven and owned. Every struggle waged throughout the world has succeeded when people own it. The masses must own the next decisive stage of our struggle. Whether I will be there with you or not, as my enemies have not shelved their plan to assassinate me for reasons known only to themselves, this process must proceed uninhibited to finality. With or without resources, the people shall carry out this most important task in the decisive phase of our history and our people’s struggle against tyranny for their freedom, dignity, and prosperity.”

In a courageous move, Sikhala extended his well wishes to those choosing to remain with the CCC carcass, recognising their democratic right while highlighting the urgency of the people taking charge of the forthcoming critical phase in Zimbabwe’s struggle against tyranny.

Sikhala’s announcement follows closely on the heels of CCC’s founding leader Nelson Chamisa’s departure, who cited ZANU PF infiltration as the reason for his exit just two weeks ago.

Sikhala, recently released after spending an astonishing 595 days in pre-trial detention on charges of inciting public violence, faces another legal battle.

On Wednesday, he was convicted by Harare Magistrate Feresi Chakanyuka for publishing falsehoods prejudicial to the state.

The court is set to deliver its sentence on 16 February, adding another layer of adversity to Sikhala’s ongoing commitment to Zimbabwe’s democratic evolution.