Mnangagwa Revives Zanu PF Militia
22 May 2024
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By Political Reporter- Zanu PF President Emmerson Mnangagwa is set to officiate the launch of the National Youth Service at the Nhakiwa Vocational Training Centre in Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe District, Mashonaland East Province, this Friday.

Mnangagwa is reviving the youth training program that Zanu PF had abandoned for the last two decades after previously using recruits to intimidate MDC supporters.

The program was first launched in 1980 by the country’s first Youth Minister, Earnest Kadungure. 

Kadungure also deployed this militia group in the Matabeleland and Midlands provinces, where it worked with the military to kill more than 20,000 people of the Ndebele ethnic group during the Gukurahundi.

Information Minister Jenfan Muswere confirmed the relaunch of the Zanu PF militia, now rebranded as the Youth Service in Zimbabwe program.