Showdown Looms: Ramaphosa Defies Zuma’s Threats, Goes Ahead for Announcement
2 June 2024
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By Lesley K Dube | ZimEye | In a bold move, President Cyril Ramaphosa has chosen to ignore threats from Jacob Zuma, leader of the MK party, who vehemently opposes the declaration of final election results today. Zuma disputes the figures and has warned the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) against making any announcements.

Jacob Zuma – image credit DW

Despite these threats, Ramaphosa, through his spokesman, has confirmed his participation in the results declaration ceremony scheduled for today, Sunday. This decision by the President adds an element of uncertainty as tensions rise over the contested election outcomes.

In a statement dated late Saturday, the President’s office announced:

“01 Jun 2024
President Cyril Ramaphosa will participate in the Independent Electoral Commission’s Final Results Announcement Ceremony of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections.

Proceedings will begin at 17h20 at the National Results Operations Centre at Gallagher Estate, Midrand.

South Africans cast their votes on Wednesday, 29 May 2024, in the seventh democratic National and Provincial elections since the attainment of the right of all citizens to elect a government of their choice.

May 29 was preceded by special voting days on 27 and 28 May 2024.

The 2024 National and Provincial Elections implemented the Electoral Amendment Act, which became law in June 2023, expanding the pool of contest for the National and Provincial Elections to independent candidates.

President Ramaphosa will deliver an address as part of the results ceremony.”

This announcement comes amid a politically charged atmosphere, with the latest election results showing the ANC leading with 40.19% of the votes, followed by the DA with 21.80%, and the MK party securing 14.58% [[❞]]

The IEC has confirmed receiving numerous objections and has ordered recounts in several instances. They remain committed to finalizing and announcing the results, maintaining transparency and accuracy in the process [[❞]]

As the nation waits for the final results, the political landscape remains tense, with potential implications for stability depending on how today’s events unfold. Stay tuned for further updates.

Security Analysis Report: Potential for Chaos Following Jacob Zuma’s Threats on Election Results

The political atmosphere in South Africa has been significantly charged following the recent national and provincial elections. Former President Jacob Zuma, now the leader of the MK party, has issued subtle threats suggesting potential chaos if the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) announces the final election results on Sunday. This report aims to analyze the possibilities of such chaos, the implications, and the profile of Jacob Zuma, focusing on why his threats are a concern.

Jacob Zuma: A Brief ProfileJacob Zuma served as the President of South Africa from 2009 to 2018. His tenure was marked by numerous controversies, including allegations of corruption, which eventually led to his resignation. Zuma’s presidency was characterized by significant political turmoil, economic challenges, and social unrest.

Political Influence: Zuma remains a significant political figure in South Africa, especially among certain factions of the African National Congress (ANC) and his newly formed MK party. His influence stems from his strong grassroots connections and support within the Zulu ethnic group and various other loyalists.

Legal Troubles: Zuma has been involved in several high-profile legal battles, most notably related to corruption charges involving the Gupta family and the controversial arms deal. His legal issues have kept him in the public eye and have been a source of both sympathy and criticism among the populace.

Controversial Statements: Zuma has a history of making provocative statements that resonate with his base but often raise concerns among broader audiences. His recent threats regarding the election results declaration are consistent with his past behavior, where he has leveraged his influence to challenge the establishment.

1. Nature of Threats.

Zuma has warned the IEC against declaring the election results, citing alleged discrepancies and arrests related to electoral malpractices. He has suggested that any premature declaration could provoke unrest.

2. Historical Context of Unrest.

South Africa has experienced significant political unrest in the past, often sparked by controversial political decisions or actions by prominent figures. The country has a history of protests and violence, particularly when political tensions are high. Zuma’s call to delay the results could mobilize his supporters to engage in protests, potentially leading to clashes with security forces and rival political factions.

3. Support Base Mobilization.

Zuma’s loyal supporters, particularly from regions like KwaZulu-Natal, could respond to his call for action. His influence among the youth and marginalized communities, who feel disillusioned with the current political and economic conditions, could lead to widespread demonstrations.

4. Impact on Stability.

Political Instability: Protests and potential violence could destabilize the political environment, undermining the credibility of the IEC and the electoral process. This could lead to a prolonged period of uncertainty and governance challenges.

Economic Consequences: Political unrest typically disrupts economic activities, deterring investment and slowing economic growth. Given South Africa’s existing economic challenges, further instability could exacerbate issues like unemployment and poverty.Social Unrest: Ethnic and factional divisions could be inflamed, leading to broader social unrest. Zuma’s support among specific ethnic groups could lead to inter-community conflicts.


Enhanced Security Measures: The government and security agencies should enhance security around key areas, especially the National Results Operations Centre. Proactive measures to prevent violence and protect citizens are crucial.Dialogue and Mediation: Engaging with Zuma and other key political figures to address their concerns through dialogue rather than confrontation could help de-escalate tensions.

Public Communication: The IEC and government should maintain transparent and consistent communication with the public to reinforce the integrity of the electoral process and the steps taken to address any irregularities.Monitoring and Preparedness: Continuous monitoring of social media and other communication channels to detect early signs of mobilization and unrest, coupled with a rapid response strategy, is essential.

Jacob Zuma’s recent threats pose a significant risk to South Africa’s political stability. His ability to mobilize supporters and the historical context of political unrest in the country necessitate careful handling of the situation. By adopting a multi-faceted approach that includes enhanced security, dialogue, and transparent communication, the government can mitigate the risks and ensure a peaceful conclusion to the electoral process.- ZimEye