Taramba Kutongwa Nebenzi: Truthful Tuesday
11 June 2024
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By Dr Raymond Chamba | When you have a joke of government leadership one can’t expect anything less than excoriating laser focused attention on the wheels that have fallen off. It’s quite unfair to unreasonable to expect any informed citizen to have any traditional modicum of respect towards high political office bearers who think nothing of everyone.

We are living in a political drug den and by all means necessary refuse to be willing adherents to shenanigans of this crack house and economic outhouse. Never in our post independence history have a more indifferent, distant and disdainful lot of hard core criminals ascended into the highest levels of administrative responsibility. Here is a group that makes no effort to hide their malfeasance, instead they gloat and glow in it daring all to do something about it.

Adults in the national leadership wheel house must quickly put a stop to the this freakish shitshow of the once great sovereign Republic before irrepressible cataclysm sets in. The degree of profligate and gluttonous gouging on the national cake shall inform on the vicious fight back to reclaim national pride and dignity. Don’t waste any legal resources on these. Pondai vanhu ava semauraire avaita nyika.

Star gazers and political game theorists can be forgiven for thinking that national tragedies are coming by alphabetical order. “Jah Jah how long… maybe for long but not forever…” the rhyming refrain of an old song goes. The time for resolute “concommitant action” is nigh…

Martin Luther King Jr famously wrote that “…the arc of the moral universe is long gut it bends towards justice”. We pray and trust in the just in time political karmatic comeuppance for the serial pillagers in our midst who for too long have been proverbially urinating on us and brazenly encouraging us to think that it’s raining.

The traditional fervent supporters of ZANU (PF) for which iam one, need to extricate the glorious revolution from the rapacious jaws of this mortley crew of rampaging crooks in our midst. Not I the name of the revolution, the sacrifice of our heroes and heroines should we have latter-day northern kingdom imposters sound garrulous and vacuous as they make mince meat of whatever is left of fire-sold national treasure.

The great Chimurenga musical maestro Thomas Mapfumo famously sang “…nyoka musango”, but this snake is in the house. We may need to raze the little grain house to the ground and prepare for the next rains and harvest.The need for national salvation and renewal should knead at the bleeding heart of every patriot. The time for fellating old political egos is gone. It’s time to bring out and sharpen the muskets for a battle royal in service of what’s left of our national treasure, pride and dignity.

Dzimbahwe ndiri mwana wenyu regai ndicheme nekupopota…Hama woye, tisakanganwa kuti ringaide sei nyama, asi gava haridyi rukuvhute rwembwanana yaro. Ko zvino zvotodyiwa nechikwambo chokuzvitsvagira nhai… Ko zvino zvoyosara rangove demhe nyika yacho, tichinzi tiri kunon’ona mafunzi munzeve iyo ichidyiwa uropi takangoti kanha.

Ndikozve kusvisvinwa zvigunwe nengwena zvonzi mushonga weman’a. Hepo nehurekure dzose dzongozviitawo hanga nekufambira pedyo nedzine mavara ane tsvina…

Zvokwadi tsambarafuta zvodzofamba dzichidonha mafuta nekukora… kusvodesa vabati vakaundundika havo kare…ko musoro uchabuda muchirongo here? Yangove shumba ine chidari pasikarudzi… hapachagwabvurike, Kwangove kuudyura meso sehovo iri pamusungo…

Haiwa kwete hatingarambe tichifunidzana kumuswe semhumhi. Taramba kutongwa nasabhuku ane shashiko inotakanya honye.
Taramba kutongwa nevane dzakatamba nepwere, Benzi ngarisungirirwe risati raita rumveyesano nambuyawasha…

Taramba Kutongwa Nebenzi.

DZIMBAHWE 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼

Dr Raymond Chamba